
16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

author:Tsing shirt scholar
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the details may be polished, please read it sensibly, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

Why did this woman become Zhang Yimou's love?

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

Back then, when Liu Yan was rehearsing for the Olympic Games, he suddenly fell from a height of three meters in the air, and was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment and learned that his legs were paralyzed.

Originally, dance was life for her, but she didn't expect this accident to almost take Liu Yan's life......

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

It all started in 2006....

With talent and hard work, Liu Yan finally stepped onto the stage of his own Spring Festival Gala.

On the stage, she is beautiful under the illumination of the lights, wearing a red dress and dancing lightly, blooming like a red rose.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

And the mentor behind her turned out to be Zhang Yimou, a big director in the entertainment industry!

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

At that time, Zhang Yimou, as a planner, needed to find dancers by himself, because the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was very important, and he did not dare to slack off.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

And Zhang Yimou is not interested in the appearance of the dancer, but her temperament and professional quality on the stage.

Under the recommendation of a friend in the circle, Zhang Yimou met Liu Yan, who was not famous at this time, and his appearance was not very tall.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

But when Liu Yan showed off his dance, Zhang Yimou was intrigued.

"Good! Good! It's going to be her."

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

Zhang Yimou thinks that she has dug a "gold", Liu Yan has Zhang Yimou's help, and her career has indeed made rapid progress.

Subsequently, Liu Yan got the female A of the opening ceremony with her talent, probably because of the blessing of resources, which gave her self-confidence.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

The day before going to bed at night, Liu Yan thought that she would go to the Bird's Nest for rehearsal the next day, because she knew that the Bird's Nest had the capital to hold a concert except for stars with status.

And I was able to appear at the beginning, this opportunity is too rare...

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

So when Liu Yan saw the real scene, she still had an unconcealable excitement, and the photos were taken again and again, and it was hard to imagine how happy she was.

Because it is the opening stage, Liu Yan also pays special attention to it, whether at home or in the dance studio, she treats this performance with the most enthusiastic attitude.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

What I didn't expect was that Liu Yan was paralyzed for life because of this accident, and I couldn't believe how she suffered from the gap between people like her, who regarded dance as life....

On July 27, Liu Yan fell from a height of three meters in the air due to an error of a few seconds in a very ordinary rehearsal, and fell in a straight line.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

In an instant, the originally noisy scene was silent, and even the sound of a needle could be heard, and the sound of Liu Yan falling from the stage was "pong"!

When she woke up again, Liu Yan was already lying on the hospital bed, she thought that nothing happened, because she didn't feel any pain...

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?
16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

It wasn't that she couldn't feel it, but because her legs were paralyzed and she couldn't feel anything....

When she asked about her legs, no one in the audience dared to speak, and Liu Yan broke out, knowing that legs are fatal for a dancer.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

In fact, this time was an accident, because of a few seconds of error, Liu Yan jumped off before the lifting platform was raised.

And Zhang Yimou, who was her mentor, also quickly rushed to the scene, because no one wanted this ending, Zhang Yimou wanted to help her fulfill this dream.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

The two of them complement each other, and on the day of the Olympic Games, Zhang Yimou also said that he was sorry for Liu Yan.

Although he is not the main responsibility, as a teacher, such a situation is not a shirk, but the best effort of the mechanism to comfort Liu Yan.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

And when Zhang Yimou asked Liu Yan's boyfriend why he didn't come, her face changed again....

Do you remember the "friends in the circle" mentioned above?

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

In fact, this person is Liu Yan's boyfriend Lang Kun.

Lang Kun was also attracted by Liu Yan's dancing and quickly pursued her, because he was also a well-known director, so he did not treat girls with a rude side.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

He touched Liu Yan with love and care, I think no one can resist this...

However, soon a paparazzi revealed that Lang Kun was actually a married man, and his wife was also an insider.

How else to say that a man's pursuit is a routine?

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

When Lang Kun pursued Ma Yanli, he also touched her with care, no matter now or in the past, in their hearts, Lang Kun is a talented man with artistic connotation.

Slowly, Ma Yanli and Lang Kun fell into the whirlpool of love, and it didn't take long for them to enter the palace of marriage.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

Because of Langkun's special status, the two did not hold a wedding at that time and took a marriage certificate and hastily took it.

However, at the beginning, the two were very affectionate, and they put the wedding on the agenda every time but changed the time due to work reasons, until now Lang Kun has not given Ma Yanli a wedding.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

It is estimated that even Ma Yanli herself did not expect that her husband, who has always been affectionate, would betray her...

So when the paparazzi photographed Lang Kun and Liu Yan, it turned out to be "dangsan"!

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

The sensible Ma Yanli directly chose to leave this scumbag with her daughter!

After so many years, Ma Yanli has become a strong woman.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

And Liu Yan's fate is a bit tragic....

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

During Liu Yan's hospitalization, her boyfriend Lang Kun did not rush to the scene to visit, and even disclosed in an interview that his relationship with Liu Yan was just a friend.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

It turned out that Liu Yan was the biggest victim of the whole thing, not only was he infamous as "Little Three", but he was also paralyzed in his lower limbs, and he was backstabbed by his boyfriend again.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

However, under the care of his parents, three years have passed, Liu Yan still has not gotten good results through his own efforts, and he can only live in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

Recalling the three managers and encounters, only Ma Yanli is the most rational person, one is because she is rational, and the other is that she has a woman's generosity.

Just these two points have already won at the starting line...

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

On June 26, 2024, Liu Yan's performance was revealed in advance on Weibo......

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?


Beyond Himself, a Chinese dancer in a wheelchair was awarded the "Tara" Award. People's Daily Online [Citation date: 2016-10-17]

Lang Kun was transferred to CCTV variety show as the general supervisor of the Spring Festival Gala and directed the 5th Spring Festival Gala. Xinhuanet.2015-09-22 [Cited 2015-09-30]

Ma Yanli and Lang Kun divorce and still yearn for love (picture).Sohu Entertainment [Citation date: 2017-12-12]

Lang Kunjiao's wife Liu Yan talks about family with tears: husband's love makes me happy (picture) [Citation date:2017-12-12]

16 years have passed, is the woman who fell into a lifelong disability and made Zhang Yimou feel guilty all his life?

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