
Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

author:Yi Legend Entertainment

Hey, all the people who eat melons, are you ready?

If we want to talk about the legend of the Guangdong TV circle, we can't fail to mention Ou Zhihang and Chen Xuran, the former "fairy couple". Their story is simply a realistic version of an idol drama, but the ending... Tsk, no spoilers, let's take our time!

[Counterattack of Poor Students]

In other words, Ou Zhihang, this guy is really a legend. Born in an ordinary family in Guangzhou, he is the eldest of five children. Do you think he's going to be a spoiled little bully? No, no, no, this person has been sensible and obedient since he was a child, and his academic performance is called a great!

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

But how can life be smooth sailing? The hurdle of the college entrance examination can stump our district brother. After losing twice in a row, you may give up if you change someone else, but Brother Ou is not so easy to admit defeat. He was first admitted to the Guangzhou Supply and Marketing Commercial Secondary School, and then admitted to South China Normal University with excellent results. This wave of operations is simply a textbook-level inspirational story!

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

【A Turning Point of Fate】

In 1987, the 30-year-old Ou Zhihang made a bold decision - to sign up for the selection of the second art training class of Guangdong TV Station. Although he is over the age standard, he is the only one among the thousands of applicants who has a bachelor's degree! This wave of operations directly made Guangdong TV make an exception to admit him.

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

In this way, Ou Zhihang started his career as a host. Who would have thought that this move not only completely changed the trajectory of his life, but also allowed him to meet his true daughter - Chen Xuran.

[Sweet Love VS Cruel Reality]

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

In 1988, Ou Zhihang was assigned to the "Morning" column and co-hosted with Chen Xuran, who was only 20 years old. The two hit it off at first sight and had a tacit understanding. Chen Xuran was deeply attracted by Ou Zhihang's talent and temperament, and even took the initiative to become his mannequin. Wow, that's too bold!

After four years of sweet love, the two got married in a low-key manner in 1992. thought that they would be able to live a happy life from now on, but who knew that fate played a big joke on them.

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

In 1993, Chen Xuran was transferred to host the popular variety show "Thousands of Purples and Thousands of Reds", and became the first sister of Pearl River Station. However, the price of fame comes at the expense of personal time. Chen Xuran found that his marriage began to become an obstacle to his career development.

[Painful Choice]

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

Career and love, the problem of the century is in front of Chen Xuran. After some painful struggles, she finally chose her career and filed for divorce from Ou Zhihang.

This decision undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Ou Zhihang. In February 1994, the two officially divorced.

[Fate's Trick Again]

However, the story doesn't end there. Shortly after they broke up, Au suffered a serious car accident. Chen Xuran rushed to the hospital when he heard the news, and when he saw Ou Zhihang, who was safe and sound, he suddenly proposed to get back together.

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

This sudden proposal made Ou Zhihang fall into a deep entanglement. They used to love each other so much, is it really possible to start over?

After careful consideration, Ou Zhihang still rejected Chen Xuran's proposal. He understands that if they get back together, they may once again find themselves in a career and relationship dilemma. Sometimes, it's a kind of courage to let go!

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

【A new chapter in life】

Time is like a good medicine, slowly healing the pain in Ou Zhihang's heart. Two years later, he met his current wife, an ordinary and kind woman. They knew each other and fell in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

In 1998, they ushered in the crystallization of love - a lovely daughter. Today, this little princess is 26 years old! Time flies so fast~

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

[Netizens are all frying]

As soon as this story came out, netizens were fried:

@娱乐圈吃瓜群众: "This plot is too bloody!" really responded to that sentence, reality is more exciting than fiction! "

@理性思考者: "Actually, I think their choices are right, but the timing is wrong. "

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

@情感专家: "Choosing between love and career is indeed a difficult problem for many people. "

So the question is, do we really have to make a choice between love and career? Or is it possible to do both? While pursuing a career, you must also learn to cherish the people around you. After all, life is not only about career, but also about love, family and friendship.

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

The story of Ou Zhihang and Chen Xuran enlightens us: whether in career or relationship, we must learn to weigh the pros and cons and make the most suitable choice for ourselves. At the same time, learn to let go at the right time and give each other a chance to start over.

Finally, I wish Ou Zhihang and Chen Xuran to get better and better on their respective life paths. I also hope that while pursuing your career, you will not forget to cherish the people around you~

Gold medal host 26 years of marriage change: 3 choices, who wins love VS career?

Okay, that's all for today's gossip! If you think this story is interesting, don't forget to like and follow~ See you next time!