
Is it any wonder that there is such a shortage of talents in the late Shu Kingdom? Look at how many talents Shu has lost because of infighting

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Is it any wonder that there is such a shortage of talents in the late Shu Kingdom? Look at how many talents Shu has lost because of infighting

The brain drain during the Three Kingdoms period and the decline of the Shu Kingdom

The Three Kingdoms period was a very turbulent and chaotic period in Chinese history, and the Three Kingdoms lasted for decades. In such an environment, the role of talents is particularly important. It not only determines the rise and fall of a country, but also directly affects the direction of war. Among the Three Kingdoms, Shu Han can be said to be the one with the most lack of talents, and its frequent internal power struggles also caused the loss of a large number of talents, which eventually led to the fall of Shu Han.

Although Shu Han was formed by Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and others in the early stage, and the talent resources were quite abundant, with the passage of time, the frequent power struggles and brain drains within Shu Han led to an extreme shortage of talents in the later period, which also became one of the main reasons for the fall of Shu Han. It is not difficult for us to find that most of the key figures in the later period of the Shu Han Dynasty were killed or demoted because of internal disputes, which also directly led to the talent gap of the Shu Han Dynasty, making it difficult for this already weak regime to continue.

First of all, the frequent power struggles within Shu Han have caused the loss of a large number of talents. For example, Liu Feng, Wei Yan, Yang Yi and others were all important figures in Shu Han at that time, but they were eventually killed due to internal strife. Liu Feng, as Liu Bei's adopted son, was supposed to be Liu Chan's heir, but he was killed because of the suspicion of the courtiers; Although Wei Yan was a famous general of Shu Han, he had a bad relationship with Zhuge Liang and was eventually killed; Yang Yi used his power to get rid of his political rival Wei Yan, but he was framed and exiled, and finally committed suicide. These outstanding talents all lost their lives due to internal strife, which undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Shu Han.

In addition, although there are some talents who have not lost their lives, they have also been degraded because of internal disputes, such as Yang Xi, Liao Li, etc. Although these people had a good performance on the battlefield, they were often in conflict with others within the imperial court, and in the end they were not able to contribute much to Shu Han. Especially Yang Xi, he was Zhuge Liang's protégé, but after Jiang Wei gradually replaced his position in Zhuge Liang's mind, he was dissatisfied, which eventually led to his dismissal. The loss of these talents also further aggravated the problem of talent shortage in the late Shu Han Dynasty.

In addition to the brain drain caused by internal strife, Shu Han itself also has some structural problems. For example, in terms of talent selection and appointment, Shu Han tends to use familiar Jingzhou talents, while paying less attention to local Yizhou talents. Although this practice can enhance Liu Bei's power and control to a certain extent, it also causes an imbalance in the internal talent structure of Shu Han, making it difficult for Shu Han to cultivate more local talents.

Is it any wonder that there is such a shortage of talents in the late Shu Kingdom? Look at how many talents Shu has lost because of infighting

In terms of talent training, Shu Han also has some problems. Although Zhuge Liang and others have tried to cultivate some young talents, such as Fei Yi and Jiang Wan, on the whole, Shu Han is still more inclined to rely on veterans and does not pay attention to the cultivation of new forces. This also made it difficult for Shu Han to find enough successors after Zhuge Liang's death, which led to a fault line in talents.

Therefore, the lack of talents in the late Shu Han Dynasty is not only due to the loss of talents caused by internal disputes, but also related to some structural problems in the selection and training of talents. The accumulation of these problems eventually became an obstacle that Shu Han was difficult to overcome, and it also became one of the important reasons for its downfall.

In general, the brain drain during the Three Kingdoms period was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Shu Han. In this context, if Shu Han can better manage internal contradictions and strengthen the selection and training of talents, it may be able to delay or even avoid its own demise. But unfortunately, Shu Han was still unable to get rid of the dilemma of talent fault in the end, and finally went into decline. This also shows that the cultivation and management of talents are of great importance to the rise and fall of a political regime.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to find that the importance of talents is not limited to a certain era, but runs through the entire historical process. Whether it is the Three Kingdoms period or the current society, the rational use and play of the role of talents is an important issue that any country or organization must face and solve. Only by continuously optimizing the cultivation and management system of talents can we better promote the progress and development of society and avoid tragic endings like those of Shu Han.

Talent is the foundation of the rise and fall of a country or regime, and in this regard, the lesson of Shu Han is enough to cause us to think deeply. The brain drain during the Three Kingdoms period and its impact on Shu Han may not be limited to that specific historical period, but a universal law that deserves our attention and reference in modern society. Only by truly recognizing the value of talents and taking practical measures to protect and develop them can we avoid repeating the mistakes of Shu Han and achieve long-term sustainable development of the country and society.

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Is it any wonder that there is such a shortage of talents in the late Shu Kingdom? Look at how many talents Shu has lost because of infighting

The root cause of brain drain in the late Shu Han period

The main causes of brain drain in the late Shu Han period are as follows:

The first is that there are problems with Shuhan's own talent selection mechanism. When Liu Bei established the Shu Han regime, he mainly relied on talents transferred from Jingzhou, and relatively ignored the local Yizhou talents. This strengthened Liu Bei's power control to a certain extent, but it also led to an imbalance in the talent structure of Shu Han, making it difficult to cultivate a sufficient number of local elites.

Secondly, there are also flaws in Shuhan's talent training mechanism. Zhuge Liang and others have worked hard to cultivate some young talents, but on the whole, Shu Han is more inclined to rely on veterans and does not pay attention to the cultivation of new forces. This made it difficult for Shu Han to find enough successors after Zhuge Liang's death, resulting in a talent gap and seriously restricting the development of Shu Han.

Thirdly, the frequent power struggles within Shu Han are also an important reason for the brain drain. Liu Feng, Wei Yan, Yang Yi and other important figures were eventually killed or degraded because of internal strife. This not only brought a heavy blow to Shu Han, but also made other talents lose confidence in Shu Han's prospects, further exacerbating the brain drain.

Finally, in the military operations of Shu Han, there were also some cases of not making good use of talents. For example, when Liu Bei sent troops to Eastern Wu, he couldn't find a suitable general, and finally could only appoint Liao Hua, who was too old, to be the vanguard. This also made it difficult for Shu Han to exert his due strength at a critical moment, further aggravating its predicament.

Is it any wonder that there is such a shortage of talents in the late Shu Kingdom? Look at how many talents Shu has lost because of infighting

It can be said that the root cause of brain drain in the late Shu Han period is multifaceted. Whether it is in the selection, training or use of talents, there are some structural problems in Shu Han, and the accumulation of these problems eventually leads to the talent fault in Shu Han, which has become a fatal obstacle that is difficult to overcome.

The impact of the brain drain of the Shu Han Dynasty on its national fortunes

The brain drain in the late Shu Han period had a profound impact on its national fortunes. First of all, the lack of talent directly limited the military strength of Shu Han. Shu Han has been in a disadvantaged position since its establishment, relying on nothing more than excellent generals and military talents. However, with the fall or demotion of a number of important figures, it was difficult for Shu Han to dispatch suitable candidates at critical moments, which made its military strength drop significantly. We see that when Liu Bei sent troops to Eastern Wu, Shu Han could hardly find a suitable general, and could only appoint the already aged Liao Hua. This also led to Liu Bei's defeat in this dispatch.

Secondly, the talent fault also made Shu Han lose its due vitality and decisiveness in politics. After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang shouldered the heavy responsibility of Shu Han, but only a few people he could really trust and rely on were Yang Yi, Wei Yan, Fei Yi and so on. And after Zhuge Liang's death, the queen Liu Chan was even weaker and incompetent, and was completely unable to lead Shu Han out of the predicament. This lack of talent led to weak decision-making, which also accelerated the decline of Shu Han.

Moreover, the brain drain also brought instability to Shu Han's rule. The frequent power struggles within Shu Han were not only the main reason for the brain drain, but also further exacerbated the internal contradictions of Shu Han, leaving the entire regime in a state of turmoil. This unstable situation also made it difficult for Shu Han to concentrate on dealing with external pressure, and eventually went to ruin.

In general, the brain drain in the late Shu Han period had a serious impact on its national fortunes from many levels, such as military, political and domination. Whether it is the weakness of strength, the weakness of decision-making, or the internal turmoil, it is directly related to the lack of talent. This fundamentally explains why talent plays such a pivotal role in the rise and fall of a country or regime.

Is it any wonder that there is such a shortage of talents in the late Shu Kingdom? Look at how many talents Shu has lost because of infighting

The relationship between talent training and national development

From the historical lessons of Shu Han, we can see that there is a close connection between talent training and national development. The key to the long-term and stable development of a country or regime lies in establishing a scientific and rational personnel training system, continuously sending outstanding talents, and injecting new impetus into the country's future development.

First of all, talent determines the overall strength of a country. Whether in the military, politics or economics, excellent people are the key factor. They can not only enhance the overall strength of the country, but also promote scientific and technological innovation and social progress, and inject new impetus into the country's development. On the other hand, looking at the talent fault in the late Shu Han Dynasty, it is not difficult for us to find that it led to a sharp decline in the strength of the entire country.

Second, talent training is related to the sustainable development of the country in the future. The long-term development of a country requires a steady stream of new forces, and this is inseparable from a good talent training system. It was because of the great shortcomings in this aspect that it was difficult to find a suitable successor at the critical moment, and eventually went to ruin. This once again illustrates the importance of talent training for national development.

Thirdly, the convergence of outstanding talents can also enhance the cohesion of the country. A united group with common ideals is often better able to cope with various challenges and advance the development of the country's cause. A good environment for personnel training is an important foundation for enhancing national cohesion. We can see from the case of Shu Han that the internal power struggle and brain drain eventually led to the turmoil of the entire regime. This also illustrates the link between the issue of talent and the stability of the country.

In short, personnel training is the fundamental guarantee for a country's development. Only by establishing a sound talent training system and continuously sending outstanding talents to the country can the country have strong development stamina and remain invincible in the fierce competition. This is not only a painful lesson in the history of Shu Han, but also a practical issue that the current society must attach great importance to.

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