
Real case story sharing: 31-year-old girl growth factor plumps forehead, forehead towering into a steamed bun, stiff expression to remove foreign body tissue (Figure 1) The formation of a steamed face, in addition to compliance Note

author:Orthopedic Surgeon Student Ding Xiaobang

A real-life case story: A 31-year-old girl with a growth factor enlarged forehead, a tall forehead that grew into a steamed bun with a stiff expression to remove foreign body tissue (Figure 1)

In addition to the overfilling of compliant injections, there is also a very important factor in the formation of steamed faces: the stimulation of hyperplasia and growth by illegal injections, of which one is relatively difficult to deal with - growth factors.

Received a 31-year-old girl, she had a beauty injection in the beauty studio to augment her forehead, and the other party said that she saw that her forehead was missing more, so she would give more injections, and the result was indeed plump after the injection.

In the later stage, the forehead bulged as if it had been inflated (Fig. 2) and the height submerged the height of the eyebrow arch, forming a very strange facial state. Not only does it look ugly, but it also feels very laborious to make facial expressions, which are particularly stiff and fake.

The girl said that at first, she didn't know what the harm of growth factor cosmetic needles was, until the forehead began to grow slowly, and after it grew to this form that she couldn't control and couldn't accept, she wanted to take out the injection completely as soon as possible. She said she didn't want this "full forehead" anymore, even if it would be nice to return to her previous or relatively harmonious facial condition.

The aesthetics of the forehead do not have to be full and abnormal to look good, but to coordinate with their facial state to be more natural and durable.

There are many little beauties in the process of plastic surgery, many people only consider fullness, but ignore the beauty of the human body. When many people are injected and filled, the dividing line between the forehead and temporal part is filled to the full, and they can't see it, which visually looks like a big forehead like a "birthday star", which will cause local symptoms of steamed face.

It should be noted that the filling of the forehead and temporal part should pay more attention to the shaping of the smooth shape of the forehead, and pay attention to avoid excessive filling drowning out the natural line beauty formed by the frontal nodule and eyebrow arch, which is the key to the stiffness and lack of dynamic beauty of the expression after filling.

Plastic and prosthetic doctor Ding Xiaobang: There are many patients who come to me every year for injections and removals, and their problems are very similar, but they are slightly different. So, you need to know in detail to be able to judge what you are injecting? Furthermore, a more accurate surgical plan was given...... I am Ding Xiaobang, thank you for your attention, if you want to know more questions about illegal injection removal surgery, please leave me a message, I will answer them for you one by one.

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Real case story sharing: 31-year-old girl growth factor plumps forehead, forehead towering into a steamed bun, stiff expression to remove foreign body tissue (Figure 1) The formation of a steamed face, in addition to compliance Note
Real case story sharing: 31-year-old girl growth factor plumps forehead, forehead towering into a steamed bun, stiff expression to remove foreign body tissue (Figure 1) The formation of a steamed face, in addition to compliance Note
Real case story sharing: 31-year-old girl growth factor plumps forehead, forehead towering into a steamed bun, stiff expression to remove foreign body tissue (Figure 1) The formation of a steamed face, in addition to compliance Note

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