
Qingye Village, Erfangping Town, Cili County: Smell the "flood" and move to show the true feelings, a bowl of noodles warms people's hearts

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment News, June 28 (Correspondent Li Li) In order to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster reduction and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, on June 28, the two committees of Qingye Village, Erfangping Town, Cili County, actively carried out home inspections of vulnerable groups such as the left-behind elderly.

Qingye Village, Erfangping Town, Cili County: Smell the "flood" and move to show the true feelings, a bowl of noodles warms people's hearts

During the visit, it was found that the left-behind elderly man was leaking rain in a certain house, and there was a lot of water in the bedroom, which was no longer suitable for living, and there was a risk of landslide behind his house. Considering that his children were all in other places, the cadres of the two village committees immediately transferred the old man to his youngest son's home. However, because the house was uninhabited all year round, the environmental sanitation was very poor, the beds were damaged, and the kitchen could not be used normally. The village cadres immediately started to repair the beds and clean up. Through a morning's hard work, everyone worked together to clean the living room, kitchen, and bedroom, and sent new quilts and blankets to the old man.

Qingye Village, Erfangping Town, Cili County: Smell the "flood" and move to show the true feelings, a bowl of noodles warms people's hearts

In order to let the elderly survive the flood season with peace of mind, the village cadres bought basic daily necessities such as rice cookers, soy sauce, noodles, and edible salt at their own expense, and cooked a bowl of steaming noodles for the elderly. "Thank you so much! You are more caring than my children! The old man said movingly with the noodles.

Qingye Village, Erfangping Town, Cili County: Smell the "flood" and move to show the true feelings, a bowl of noodles warms people's hearts

Erfangping Town has always adhered to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, and has always put the safety and interests of the people in the first place in the flood control work.

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