
"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

author:V League Literature and History

One day in March 1942, many luxury cars were parked outside the gate of Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai, and all the black and white figures in Shanghai were present, including Li Shiqun, the head of Wang's puppet spies.

These bigwigs are so excited, just to welcome a person named Wu Sibao out of prison.

However, what they never dreamed of was that just one day later, Wu Sibao was assassinated in Suzhou and died.

Who is Wu Sibao? Can so many bigwigs come forward for him? Who dares to break ground on Tai Sui's head and kill him?

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

Wu Sibao, also known as Wu Shibao and Wu Yunfu, is a backbone member of the Shanghai Youth Gang and a capable officer under the big traitor Li Shiqun.

This person is murderous and ruthless, and he is known as "No. 76's No. 1 Killer".

Wu Sibao from Nantong, Jiangsu Province was born in poverty, and his father Wu Laohan sold tea on Chengdu Road in the Shanghai Public Concession for a living.

The public concession is a place where fish and dragons are mixed, and it is a paradise for local ruffians and hooligans, who often drink tea without giving money, and even fight Wu Laohan.

Wu Laohan not only often failed to make money, but was also beaten to a blue nose and swollen face. Every time the young Wu Sibao saw this scene, his eyes widened in anger and his fists clenched. He secretly swore that in the future, he would make a fool of himself and beat these villains.

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

Finally one day, Wu Sibao grew into a man who stood up to the sky, tall and strong, like a black iron tower. He also worshipped Jianghu artists as his teachers and learned a good martial arts.

On this day, someone bullied his father again, and he happened to be bumped into by Wu Sibao. He picked up a fan-like slap and struck the man's face left and right, knocking him to the ground.

At this time, a man in a robe and a top hat happened to pass by, and after seeing this scene, he exclaimed: "Young man, good kung fu!" ”

Wu Sibao asked, "Who are you?" ”

"He's our boss, Mr. Gao of the Lido Ballroom." The horse boy behind him replied.

Mr. Gao is Gao Xinbao, the apprentice of the Qinggang boss Du Yuesheng, who is also well-known in Shanghai, and opened a dance hall at No. 300 O 6 Maitherst Road, with a lot of money.

"You're Mr. Gao?" Wu Sibao asked in surprise.

The man nodded and said, "I admire your courage and courage, how about me?" ”

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

At that time, Wu Sibao was pulling a rickshaw on the street, and he was sweating all over his body, which made people look down on him, and he couldn't ask for such a big guy as a horse. So, Wu Sibao nodded seriously and got into Gao Xinbao's car.

Wu Sibao was full of kung fu and was covered by Gao Xinbao, and soon became famous in Shanghai. When it comes to his name, everyone in Shanghai knows it. This time, someone came to dig into the corner.

This person's name is Ji Yunqing, and in Shanghai, his name is also thunderous. He was born in 1868, the same age as the Green Gang boss Huang Jinrong, 39 years older than Du Yuesheng, and is also the leader of the Green Gang.

He debuted with Huang Jinrong, and Du Yuesheng had to shout Master when he saw him. At this time, Ji Yunqing set up his own sect and fought against Huang Jinrong.

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

Despite this, they are still in a group, and the well water does not interfere with the river water.

Ji Yunqing is more ruthless than Huang Jinrong, and he has many enemies, so he is afraid that the enemy will come to ask for his life, and he wants to find a bodyguard with strong martial arts.

At this time, someone recommended Wu Sibao to him.

Gao Xinbao didn't want to let go, so he said with a smile on his face: "Senior, I finally found a helper, and I got acquainted." If you look at it like this, except for him, I can always pick any bodyguard here, and I can give it away. ”

Ji Yunqing's face sank, and he said neither softly nor hardly: "I fell in love with Wu Sibao and gave you 100,000 oceans, which can be regarded as giving you face, okay?" ”

As mentioned earlier, Gao Xinbao is Du Yuesheng's disciple, and he is a junior in front of Ji Yunqing, he didn't dare to offend, so he had to endure the pain of cutting his love.

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

I have to say that Ji Yunqing really found the right person. A few months later, the Hong Gang hired more than 30 killers to infiltrate the Ji Mansion to assassinate them. Wu Sibao led 6 bodyguards and started a shootout with each other. As a result, in less than ten minutes, the courtyard was full of corpses, and more than 30 killers were splashed with blood on the spot, but Wu Sibao and his subordinates were unscathed.

This time, Wu Sibao became famous, and Ji Yunqing used him even more, and married his adopted daughter She Aizhen to him as a concubine.

It can be said that Ji Yunqing is Wu Sibao's Bole and a noble person in his life. However, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, Ji Yunqing fulfilled Wu Sibao and harmed him.

What do you mean by that?

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

Although Huang Jinrong and Du Yuesheng are the bosses of the Green Gang, they also have a certain bottom line, that is, they can do bad things and stab each other lightly, but they can stand up to the national righteousness and never be traitors.

In November 1936, after the Japanese occupied Shanghai, Du Yuesheng refused the temptation of the Japanese and resolutely went to Hong Kong. Huang Jinrong did not go out of the house behind closed doors, allowing the other party to do both soft and hard, that is, he did not cooperate with the Japanese.

When Du Yuesheng left, he also said to Ji Yunqing, a senior of the Green Gang, and his brother Zhang Xiaolin: "You can stay, but remember one thing, that is, don't use the Japanese as a gunman, so as not to damage the 'first heroic name'." ”

The two agreed in unison: "Don't worry, how can we be traitors." ”

Du Yuesheng said: "Once this is the case, then don't blame me for being ruthless." ”

However, as soon as Du Yuesheng left, the two became traitors later.

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

In fact, at the beginning, the two did not plan to cooperate with the Japanese, which was not free and more restrictive. Later, why did they defect to the enemy, because the chips given by the Japanese were too big.

The bargaining chip given by the Japanese to Ji Yunqing was to serve as the anti-smoking chief official of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces; The condition given to Zhang Xiaolin was that he would serve as the puppet governor of Zhejiang Province.

This is all a fat and oily beauty, which can control opium and other strategic materials, and make money every day. Therefore, both of them quickly fell, putting Du Yuesheng's advice behind them.

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

As a result, Ji Yunqing and Zhang Xiaolin were assassinated by the military commander in 1939 and 1940 respectively, and it was Du Yuesheng who provided support.

Wu Sibao is not Ji Yunqing's thug, after the master defected to the enemy, Wu Sibao also became a lackey of the Japanese. If he had followed Du Yuesheng back then, maybe he wouldn't have been a traitor.

Someone said, Wu Sibao's kung fu is so good, why can't he protect Ji Yunqing?

First of all, Du Yuesheng is full of minions in Shanghai and has a lot of energy, he bought Ji Yunqing's subordinates, and also mastered the rules of his life. In order to succeed in the assassination, Dai Li also sent the military commander ace killer Jensen.

In contrast, Jensen's kung fu is more powerful, which is called the strong in the strong and the strong in the strong. Therefore, Wu Sibao was unable to defend himself and was succeeded by the other party.

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

After Ji Yunqing was killed, Wu Sibao switched to Li Shiqun, the spy leader of the pseudo-agent headquarters at No. 76 Jisfeier Road, and served as the deputy chief of the guard corps of the secret service headquarters.

It is said that Ji Yunqing and Zhang Xiaolin were assassinated, and Wu Sibao should have reined in the precipice, but this guy has developed limbs and a simple mind, and he has come in the wrong direction.

Relying on the support of the Japanese, Wu Sibao relied on his identity as an official and a bandit to collect protection money in Shanghai, murder and kidnapping, robbery and rape, and did all kinds of evil and bad things.

According to records, the murder and robbery cases from 1939 to 1942 were inseparable from Wu Sibao's involvement, either planned by him himself or by his subordinates.

The most typical of them is the two major robberies that occurred in 1940 in the Farmers' Bank of Jiangsu and the Bank of China, killing and injuring more than a dozen employees and robbing millions of cash. The mastermind behind the scenes is Wu Sibao.

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

After finding out the truth, public opinion from all walks of life in Shanghai boiled and unanimously demanded that Wu Sibao be severely punished.

The Japanese occupation forces were also very angry about what Wu Sibao had done, because Shanghai was ruled by them, and who didn't want their area to be safe and sound?

Wu Sibao's behavior is undoubtedly a smashing of the Japanese field. Therefore, the master turned his face and suddenly shot out when Wu Sibao was at work and arrested him.

Wu Sibao's wife, Ji Yunqing's adopted daughter Yu Aizhen is not a fuel-efficient lamp, in order to save her husband, she went directly to Li Shiqun's house and said to him: "If you don't save my man, I will kill you." ”

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

Stunned and afraid of dying, Li Shiqun panicked and said, "I'll save, I'll save!" In fact, as his right-hand man, Li Shiqun really wanted to rescue Wu Sibao. The Japanese had to release Wu Sibao for the sake of face.

However, Li Shiqun did not know how to lift up, and held a grand welcome ceremony for Wu Sibao, which annoyed the Japanese master.

The day after he was released from prison, Wu Sibao died mysteriously in Suzhou, and it is said that the Japanese poisoned the noodles he ate. After eating a bowl of noodles, he leaked and couldn't stop, like a shrimp, and he died.

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

The Japanese immediately issued a statement saying that we did not do it. Anyway, the Japanese lied a lot before, and no one believed it.

However, some people also said that it was Li Shiqun himself who felt that Wu Sibao always caused trouble for him, and sooner or later he was a scourge, so he sent someone to assassinate him. Who poisoned Wu Sibao has become a historical mystery.

But one thing is for sure, being a traitor will not end well. In addition to the above-mentioned Zhang Xiaolin, Ji Yunqing and Wu Sibao, Li Shiqun himself was poisoned by the Japanese in 1943, and his death was unbearable.

"No. 76 No. 1 Killer" Wu Sibao: He did all kinds of evil in his life, and lost his life because of a bowl of noodles

Therefore, no matter what your beliefs are, you must not be a traitor, that will not end well.

Reference: TV series "No. 76 Demon Cave" directed by Wang Yi "The Biography of Du Yuesheng" author Ren Zhongyuan Shanghai People's Publishing House

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