
Lixin Town: It is time for the management of medicinal fields to promote income and industrial revitalization

author:Gangu County Rong Media Center
Lixin Town: It is time for the management of medicinal fields to promote income and industrial revitalization

At present, it is a critical period for the management of medicinal fields, and in Lixin Town in the middle of summer, farming is busy and orderly. The medicine farmers worked hard in the fields, laying a solid foundation for the harvest of Chinese medicinal materials after autumn.

Recently, the reporter came to the Xishan Pian medicinal materials planting base in Lixin Town, and saw that the green mountains were stacked and green, the four fields were verdant, and thousands of acres of Chinese medicinal materials were lush and gratifying. In the medicine field, the busy figures of the workers shuttle among them, they are busy weeding, fertilizing, and management work, and the vibrant "rich pastoral" presents a beautiful scene of industrial prosperity and a bumper harvest in sight.

Lixin Town: It is time for the management of medicinal fields to promote income and industrial revitalization

Jia Wantong, head of the Shuoshuo Planting Farmers' Cooperative in Gangu County, said: "In the process of developing the planting of Chinese medicinal materials, our cooperative has driven more farmers to participate in the planting and harvesting of Chinese medicinal materials, and the planting area has reached 2,800 mu. Since the beginning of summer, for the prevention and control of pests and diseases, we have achieved early prevention and early treatment, and now the weeding work of medicinal seedlings is being carried out, and we organize villagers to carry out field management to ensure that this year's Chinese medicinal materials can be harvested. ”

Lixin Town: It is time for the management of medicinal fields to promote income and industrial revitalization

In recent years, Lixin Town has vigorously promoted the standardization, mechanization and standardized planting management of medicinal materials through the demonstration of professional cooperatives, and promoted the high-yield, high-quality and efficient development of the Chinese herbal medicine industry. At present, 13,000 acres of Chinese medicinal materials are planted in the high-altitude areas of the town, and 4 thousand acres of Chinese herbal medicine planting bases have been built, driving the masses to plant more than 4,000 acres, and the planting of Chinese medicinal materials has benefited more than 1,800 households in 12 villages, with an estimated average income of 14,000 yuan, and more than 500 people from the surrounding masses are absorbed annually, which plays an important role in promoting rural revitalization, especially industrial revitalization.

Lixin Town: It is time for the management of medicinal fields to promote income and industrial revitalization

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