
When the times abandoned the German BBA, the rich Chinese found that they had been kneeling for too long?

author:Cat view car
When the times abandoned the German BBA, the rich Chinese found that they had been kneeling for too long?

Forty years ago, we took a salary of 100 yuan a month, but spent 180,000 yuan to buy a Volkswagen Santana, and felt that we were at the peak of life, thirty years ago, we took a salary of 4,000 yuan a month, but spent 600,000 yuan to buy a BMW 3 series imported car, which became the dream of many bosses who went to the sea, and twenty years ago, we took a salary of 16,000 yuan a month, but spent 1.5 million yuan to buy a Porsche 911 imported car, which became a car for many rich second generations to show off their wealth.

However, these German car brands have fallen off the altar one by one, from the very beginning of Volkswagen, to the luxury car BMW, and then to the super luxury car Porsche, first of all, Volkswagen's market share in China has dropped from the highest 19%, down to only 11%, especially the new energy vehicle is in the tail position of the crane, and even have to seek cooperation with the rookie Xiaopeng Motors in order to make up for the shortcomings of future intelligent driving technology.

When the times abandoned the German BBA, the rich Chinese found that they had been kneeling for too long?

Then there is the German BBA, under the impact of Li Weihua, a new force in China's car-making, the main models sold 10,000 units per month that year, the prices of Audi A4L and BMW 3 series have fallen below 200,000, of which Audi A4L sells 190,000, BMW 3 series sells 199,900, and Mercedes-Benz C-class is expected to fall below 200,000 soon, and the first model of Xiaomi Auto SU7 will be 220,000 for three years, and Xiaopeng P7 and BYD Han will be more than 200,000, which is enough to make German BBA embarrassed.

However, the most frightening thing for the Germans is the super luxury car Porsche, the main model Taycan clearance discount of 30%, only sold more than 400,000, sold a car dealer lost 150,000, so that the collective ran to the German headquarters to protest, asking for subsidies to stop entering the car, and the domestic car-making rookie M9 won the sales championship of more than 500,000 level models, which directly made people exclaim that the times not only abandoned the German BBA, but even abandoned the entire German car.

In fact, the Chinese rich people's belief in German luxury cars is at a glance in Feng Xiaogang's 2001 film "Big Names", there was a classic line at that time, the surrounding neighbors are either driving BMWs or Mercedes-Benzes, you want to drive a Japanese car, you are embarrassed to say hello to people, but now Japanese cars have been taught by BYD to lose temper, and the German BBA was embattled by Li Weihua, and some people even ridiculed that only domestic cars can be driven if they have money in the future, and they can only drive German BBA if they have no money.

When the times abandoned the German BBA, the rich Chinese found that they had been kneeling for too long?

Maybe there are no luxury cars in this world, some are just Western countries imposed on us the concept of consumption, used to harvest our vanity and face leeks, just like the singule in the Internationale, there has never been a savior, nor does it depend on the gods and emperors, to create human happiness, it is all up to us, we want to regain the ideal fruit, let the mind break through the cage, we blindly worship German luxury cars, it may just be that the rich Chinese have been kneeling for too long, and they are still unwilling to get up, but this is not what the future of Chinese young people will look like.

We are a 5,000-year-old civilization history, we were silk, porcelain, tea and spices, once also swept the royal family of Western countries with luxury goods, why only Western luxury goods are left in modern times, we can only do low-end products, which requires a change of concept, but also needs the struggle of cultural discourse, the current domestic luxury car struggle is just the beginning.

When we use the new three kinds of power batteries, photovoltaic products and new energy vehicle exports, we have hit the dual exploitation system of the United States to control the petrodollar and European carbon credits, and to treat the other side in its own way, we have in fact established technical self-confidence, and then as the AI chip catches up, it will usher in the transfer of the high-premium industrial chain, that is, the Western countries led by the United States will be transferred to our side, then we will be able to reproduce the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and become the center of the world again, and the products shaped by our culture will also become the world's luxury best-selling products.

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