
A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

author:Red IP

Author: Chen Jiuchang Source: "Diplomats Say Things"

About the Author

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

Chen Jiuchang was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1964 and successively served as Deputy Director of the Department of Americas and Oceania, Second Secretary, Director of the Cadre Division, Counselor and Deputy Director of the Embassy in the United States, and Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Cuba and Peru.

In August 1993, at the end of my term in Cuba, in accordance with the decision of the Organization, I immediately went south to Peru on a new diplomatic mission. One morning, my wife and I took the time to take a car tour of Lima, an ancient city in South America. On the side of the main streets, I could see the signs "E· WONG" is a giant billboard with large red letters. Thought, isn't this like a Chinese name?

When I asked the comrades who accompanied the "tour guide," I learned that the owner of the shop was surnamed "Huang," a native of Guangdong, and that he owned a number of chain stores in the city. Knowing that there is a big boss in Lima from China can be said to be one of the gains of my trip.

"Ichieda Dokshu"

February 10, 1994 is the Chinese New Year festival in the mainland. Overseas Chinese living in Peru have the customs of setting off firecrackers, lion and dragon dances, and celebrating the Spring Festival. A large number of Cantonese people went to Peru to work as "coolies" in the 40s of the 19th century, and at the peak reached more than 100,000 people.

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

Peruvian Chinese laborers

At present, there are not many real overseas Chinese, but their "native" descendants are more than 1 million. The vast majority of these ethnic Chinese do not understand Chinese, but they have passed down the custom of celebrating the Chinese New Year from their parents from generation to generation.

On the evening of 7 February, the Chinese Embassy in the Embassy held a reception for overseas Chinese to welcome the Spring Festival and celebrate the festive season. The guests were very enthusiastic, including nearly 300 overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese. On the same day, overseas Chinese sent dozens of flower baskets to our embassy, and Huang Binghui was one of them.

At the reception, the comrade of the consular department brought an old gentleman to me. The old gentleman was tall and strong, with gray hair, a rectangular face, a smile, and politeness. He said in Mandarin with a strong Cantonese accent: "Happy New Year, Ambassador Chen!" Nice to meet you. ”

I was hesitating when a comrade from the Consular Department hurriedly introduced that this was "E· Mr. Wong Binghui, the big owner of the WONG" chain.

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

In Lima, WONG Supermarket is recognized as the largest and best supermarket chain, and WONG Supermarket takes its name from the owner's Chinese surname "Huang".

I exchanged pleasantries with Wong Binghui, who gave a brief account of his experience. Huang Binghui was born in Guangdong, to Chinese parents. Before liberation, he moved to Lima with his father. In 1942, a small grocery store was opened on the corner of "Avenue 2nd of May" in the San Isidro district. Wong Binghui has five sons and one daughter, and he led his children to run daily necessities, from a small shop to a number of supermarkets, after decades of painstaking management and difficult and tortuous entrepreneurial path.

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

E· 1942 WONG Store

It is said that in previous years, the Peruvian economy continued to decline, hyperinflation, and the whole society was in turmoil. In the case of Lima, it is not uncommon to see news of shops closing, and even some famous supermarkets have been forced to close their doors. However, the Huang father and son are different, the business is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more branches are opened.

Over the years, Wong has been hailed as an "Outstanding Entrepreneur" and has been awarded the Commendation by the Peruvian Business Management Council. Peruvian "Mask" magazine once carried an article praising the Huang chain as "one of a kind" and "a star in the Peruvian business world".

When Wong Ping-fai said goodbye, he warmly extended an invitation to me to visit his main store at any time. I happily accepted the invitation and said that I would definitely visit him in due course.

have a Midas touch

A year has passed, and due to various reasons, I have not been able to visit Mr. Wong Ping Fai. Another Spring Festival is coming, on January 28, 1995, our embassy held a reception for overseas Chinese during the Spring Festival as usual, and Huang Binghui appeared in front of me again.

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

Chinese entrepreneur Wong Ping Fai (middle) attends the Chinese New Year reception hosted by Ambassador Chen in January 1995.

Seeing his smiling face, I spoke first: "I'm really sorry, a year has passed, and I can't afford to visit you." Is your last invitation still valid? ”

"Valid, valid, and your invitation is valid forever!"

Mr. Huang held my hand tightly and said, "You are too busy with work, I understand very much. ”

Not long after, one afternoon, my wife and I, accompanied by comrades from the Consular Section of the Embassy, drove to Wong Binghui's main store. We were warmly received by Mr. Huang and his second son. Wong Ping-fai told me that he doesn't care about the specifics now, and that his eldest son is the "boss" of everything.

"What about the other children?" I asked.

"They assist the boss and take care of the purchase, finance, logistics, public relations, cultural activities, etc. At present, we have a chain of 11 stores in Lima, and we plan to build 3 more this year, with the final goal of having branches in every district of Lima. ”

Huang Binghui walked as he spoke, leading us to see the finance room first. There, there are a lot of computers, and the salesmen are working nervously one by one. Then he led us upstairs, and after entering the design room, he asked the designer to show us the drawings of the proposed branches.

COMING OUT OF THE MAIN STORE, WE'RE INVITED TO GET IN THE CAR AND VISIT ONE OF HIS BRANCHES, THE METRO HYPERMARKET IN THE CHORILLOS DISTRICT. The parking lot outside the supermarket is large, which can accommodate more than 1,500 cars at the same time, and customers can park for free.

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

WONG supermarket in 2006

The supermarket hall is wide and long, all kinds of goods are placed in different areas, and rows of shelves are displayed in an orderly manner. Under the leadership of Huang Binghui, we visited various departments such as meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits, tobacco and alcohol, canned food, kitchen utensils, household appliances, clothing, shoes and hats, medicine, books and periodicals. Most of these goods come from the United States, Europe, Japan and neighboring countries, but there are also some Chinese food seasonings, osmanthus aged wine and handicrafts imported from China. Customers say that whatever you need, you don't have to go out of the door, you can buy it here.

This is true. For the convenience of customers, Huang Binghui not only has a complete range of goods and a wide variety, but more importantly, the service is very thoughtful and impeccable. The clerk always answers customers' questions, enthusiastically recommends and selects products to customers, and helps them solve difficulties.

In the hardware department, I saw a variety of locks on display. Not only can customers buy the locks they want, but they can also instantly process the number of keys they need on the counter. In the delicatessen department, there are senior chefs on site to make a variety of Chinese dim sum for you, such as steamed dumplings, fried wontons, steamed buns, etc., for you to taste for free. The air conditioning, lighting and various equipment in the hall are superior. In the children's room, there are a variety of toys and a dedicated person to take care of the children. There are more than 80 collection offices in the market, which can save customers from waiting in line for a long time. People have reported that Mr. Huang's supermarket can make customers enjoy shopping from equipment to service.

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

In order to attract customers and expand sales, Huang Binghui implemented the policy of "small profits but quick turnover". The price of the same product is always lower than others, and shopping cards are widely sold, and customers can discount their purchases with cards. Our museum often goes to chain stores to buy items, and has long enjoyed discounts.

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

Fulinmen Restaurant

After visiting Wong Ping-fai's head office and supermarket with great interest, we were invited to attend his dinner that evening at Fu Lam Mun Restaurant, a high-end Chinese restaurant in Lima. In addition to Wong Ping-fai, the hosts of the banquet included his eldest son, his second son, and his daughter.

During the dinner, I asked Wong a question: "Why are you able to stand out, grow your business, and open more and more branches in the harsh environment of Peru's economic recession and market depression?" ”

Huang Binghui said earnestly and word by word: "Everything is for the sake of customers, which is the fundamental principle of our business and the key to our achievements." ”

"This question has also been raised to us by a number of people." Wong's eldest son added, "The question is not whether we can reduce expenses, but whether we can provide services that satisfy our customers." Do you make money by serving, or do you serve to make money? We chose the former. As long as we provide sincere, meticulous and thoughtful service to customers, and do a good job in the service of this important thing, the rest will naturally come. ”

Although there is nothing surprising about the words of the Huang father and son, they are full of wisdom and admirable.

I took them and said, "Great. Everything is for the customer, this is the secret of your wealth and success. You are so smart! ”

Make use of corporate culture

Mr. and Mrs. Huang attach great importance to corporate culture and are good at using it to expand themselves. Mr. Wong Binghui's five sons and one daughter are all highly educated. For a long time, after their careful cultivation, the enterprise has formed a unique cultural tradition. This tradition not only absorbs the essence of Guangdong folk culture and promotes Chinese culture, but also combines with local conditions, which is quite popular with people from all walks of life, and is also a useful contribution to enriching Peruvian culture.

It is with their active promotion and strong support that the employees of the chain store have long established an amateur lion dance team and a dragon dance team. On major festivals or ceremonies, their lion and dragon dance teams are either active in the capital city of Lima or running between other cities. It is said that this team has also performed in some neighboring countries and is quite famous in South America.

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

Wong's Group Dragon and Lion Dance Team

During my time in Lima, I watched the team perform several times. I remember that on March 12, 1996, the Peruvian Youth Organization, the Bolivarian Volunteer Corps, and the Cultural Affairs Department of the Peruvian Embassy, with the support of Huang Binghui, jointly organized the "Peruvian Youth Friendship Week" and the "Chinese Art Exhibition" at the Peruvian Insurance Association Building.

At the opening ceremony, the lion and dragon dance team of the Wong chain participated in the performance. Several colorful dragons and a number of southern lions and northern lions went into battle, dragons flew and lions jumped, firecrackers, gongs and drums sounded in unison, and the applause of the dense crowd watched, and suddenly the square burst into jubilation. The strong atmosphere of Chinese culture made me feel very close and excited. At this moment, I feel as if I am in the land of China, not in a foreign land.

There is also a tradition of the Huang chain to hold a large-scale cultural and entertainment event for employees on May Day, which is unique in the Peruvian business community. This move, like the organization of the lion and dragon dance team, aims to enhance the cohesion and vitality of the enterprise and expand its influence in society.

On 1 May 1995, my wife and I, together with Zhang Chongguang of the Consular Section, attended an entertainment event at the Metro supermarket at the invitation of Wong Ping-fai. About 6,000 people participated in the event, including all employees of each chain store and their families. The program was rich and colorful, and it lasted all day from morning to night.

At about 11 a.m., we arrived at the entrance of the market and were greeted by Wong Ping-fai and his second son. Mr. Huang led us through the crowd. In front of me, there are long queues, and the crowd, mainly teenagers, are happily playing various prize games such as fishing, rings, and shooting. The dolphin show and the square equestrian competition at the small aquarium attract a large audience. Everywhere we went, Mr. Huang asked us if we were playing and introduced us to his friends from time to time.

At about 12 noon, we entered a restaurant and Wong Binghui arranged for lunch. Chain store owners, managers, legal advisors, etc., gather here. Each of them receives a boxed lunch and a bottle of drink, and enjoys the same treatment as all employees and their families.

In the evening, theatrical performances were held on a makeshift stage. The square is crowded with people and lively. The host told me that they have been holding such events for 7 years. As early as three months ago, the employees of various chain stores began to prepare, write their own programs, and rehearse and practice themselves. The evaluation conditions include the number of participants, program content, performance skills, music, costumes, stage art and other items. Invite well-known artists to rate the program and give out awards on the spot.

"What is the purpose of spending a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources on such cultural activities?" I asked Wong Binghui's eldest son.

"The main purpose is to cultivate and promote the spirit of solidarity, friendship and sincere cooperation within the store." Mr. Huang's eldest son replied. He went on to say: "When we ask our employees to do a good job in serving our customers, we must genuinely care about them. Every employee is not so much my employee as my partner. My partner can always come to me with questions or difficulties. The staff are the backbone of the store, and I am in constant contact with them. Basically, I dedicate half of my working time to caring for them and give them different rewards according to the effectiveness of their work to encourage them to be more motivated and creative. ”

A Chinese star in the Peruvian business community

In November 1996, the author and his wife attended a luncheon hosted by Chinese businessman Wong Ping Fai (1st from left), his son (3rd from left) and daughter-in-law (5th from left) at Fu Lin Men Restaurant in Lima.

I have been working in Peru for three years, and I have had a lot of contacts with Mr. Wong Ping Fai, and we have established a friendship with each other. Every year when the embassy holds the Spring Festival, National Day or other important events, he is invited to actively participate, and also sends flower baskets or sends lion and dragon dance teams to perform live. Wong Binghui loves his hometown and has returned to China many times to travel and visit relatives and friends.

In November 1996, when Wong Bing-fai learned that I was leaving office and returning to China, he brought his children to hold a banquet for me. WONG" sign.

I remember the first time I was invited to Mr. Wong Binghui's head office, I gave him a box of Tang Sancai's "Six Horses", which was intended to wish his six children a prosperous career. Happily, that wish has come true today. The chain grew from 11 in 1993 to 14 stores, and its turnover increased from $300 million in 1995 to more than $400 million, and its share in the Lima market increased significantly.

At the end of the dinner, I raised my glass and sincerely wished them new glory and new heights!

[Source: "Approaching the Mysterious Country: Notes of the Chinese Ambassador to Peru" (published in May 2009)

Author: Chen Jiuchang

Editor: "Diplomats Say Things" Fengfeng]

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