
Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

Author: Sasha

This article was originally written by Sasha and is not allowed to be reproduced by any media

Sasha is serious nonsense No. 538

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

This is determined by Qiao Feng's character.

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

After Qiao Feng became the queen of the Southern Courtyard of Liao, the emperor rewarded him with many beauties.

According to the tradition of the Khitan people, since Qiao Feng is a top high-ranking official, even if he has dozens of beautiful wives, it is a common thing, but he simply ignores it.

It is written in the book: Xiao Feng gently stroked Ah Zi's hair, and said in a low voice, "Ah Zi, I am twice as old as you, and I can only take care of you like an uncle and brother." I've only ever liked one woman in my life, and that's your sister. There will never be a second woman who can replace Azhu, and I will never like any other woman again. The emperor has given me more than 100 beauties, and today he has given me many more, and I don't even bother to look at them. I care about you, it's all for Azhu. ”

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

Why is Qiao Feng so fond of Azhu?

Is it because of Aju's beauty?

Of course not.

Qiao Feng has been walking the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he doesn't know how many beauties he has seen, and he directly ignores Mrs. Ma, whose beauty is definitely no less than Azhu.

And Ah Zhu looks good, but he is not a great beauty who captivates the country and the city: Duan Yu walked up from the pine steps to the door of "Jinseju", and saw Ah Bi standing waiting for guests, dressed in light green clothes. Next to her stood a girl in a light silk shirt, who was also sixteen or seventeen years old, smiling at Duan Yu, with a naughty look on her face. Abi is a melon seed face, elegant and beautiful, this girl is a goose egg face, her eyes are smart, and there is a moving charm.

Look, Azhu is at best a pretty girl about the same as Abi, that's all.

The reason why Qiao Feng likes Azhu is mainly because of two points:

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

First, when Qiao Fengzhong betrayed his relatives and left, only Azhu followed him and trusted him unconditionally.

Although Qiao Feng saved Azhu's life, he was forced to see Azhu's chest because he saved people.

The matter of saving people and seeing their breasts is a secret between the two of them, no third person knows, Qiao Feng can't talk nonsense, Azhu doesn't exist and is forced to marry him because he doesn't exist.

And Qiao Feng saved Ah Zhu's life, and later his reputation was discredited and he became the public enemy of the Central Plains martial arts.

Obviously, Azhu will definitely not end well with such a person.

Even if he wants to repay the favor, Azhu doesn't need to put himself in it.

It can be seen that Azhu really likes Qiao Feng and voluntarily follows him to the soup. When he was at his most depressed, even his master Xuan Ku, who had raised him for many years, mistakenly thought that Qiao Feng was the murderer, and he took revenge and killed himself.

Ah Zhu trusted Qiao Feng very much, and did not hesitate to take great risks to follow him to find out the truth.

People say that adversity sees true love, and it is natural for Qiao Feng to fall in love with Azhu, after all, there are few women in the world who can be like Azhu.

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

Second, Azhu died for Qiao Feng.

Ah Zhu disguised himself as Duan Zhengchun and was beaten to death by Qiao Feng with a palm, although he had the intention of protecting his biological father, he was more protective of Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng had seen Duan Yu's extremely high internal strength and amazing six-vein divine sword, and he was ashamed of himself.

Ah Zhu had also witnessed it with his own eyes, and knew that Duan Yu's martial arts were no less than those of Gu Mozhi and Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng and Ah Zhu didn't know that Duan Yu was the number one master of the Duan family, and mistakenly thought that there were many masters of the Duan family.

Once the masters of the Duan family tracked down to avenge Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan, Qiao Feng would definitely not be able to resist and would be killed.

As Duan Zhengchun's daughter, Ah Zhu volunteered to apologize for her father, more to save Qiao Feng's life.

Qiao Feng was extremely moved by this, how many women in the world would die for their boyfriends?

Therefore, Qiao Feng has true love for Azhu, and true love is exclusive!

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

While researching divorce cases, Sasha noticed an interesting phenomenon.

If the husband cheats on the husband in the couple, he can often maintain a sexual relationship with the mistress and the original partner at the same time.

And if the wife cheats on another man, as long as it is cheating out of feelings, the woman will generally quickly cut off sex with her husband.

Why? Once a wife falls in love with another man, there is the exclusivity of love. She can't accept that both body and emotion belong to two men at the same time, so most of today's divorces are filed by women.

It's the same thing.

Since Qiao Feng loves Ah Zhu deeply, he can't accept any woman, including Ah Zi.

For Qiao Feng, accepting other women is a betrayal of Azhu.

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

Qiao Feng and his father Xiao Yuanshan are both infatuated men.

Everyone noticed that Xiao Yuanshan thought that his wife and son were killed, lost his mind, and defeated 21 good players in the Northern Song Dynasty in one fell swoop, killing 17 of them.

According to common sense, one wife was killed, and Xiao Yuanshan killed 17 people on the other side, which can be regarded as revenge.

However, Xiao Yuanshan committed suicide by jumping off a cliff with the corpses of his wife and children.

This shows that Xiao Yuanshan is very infatuated with his wife and would rather die together.

Soon, Xiao Yuanshan found out that his son Qiao Feng was not dead.

As mentioned above, Xiao Yuanshan killed 17 people on the other side, which can be regarded as revenge.

Even if he felt that the retribution was not enjoyable, he could continue to kill Xuan Ci, Wang Jiantong, Master Zhiguang, and Zhao Qiansun.

In this way, Xiao Yuanshan's hatred of killing his wife will be over, and he can start his own life with his son.

As the head of the pro-army of Empress Xiao's Shan Tent, Xiao Yuanshan is the number one person in the Khitan, even if he marries ten or eight wives, it is a common thing.

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

At this time, Xiao Yuanshan was only in his 20s, and he did not remarry for more than 30 years, and he was always alone.

Why? Xiao Yuanshan believes that there are black hands behind these 21 people.

In order to find out the real behind-the-scenes manipulator Murong Bo who killed his wife, Xiao Yuanshan actually tried his courage in Shaolin Temple for more than 30 years and stole the seventy-two Shaolin stunts.

In the final decisive battle with Murong Bo, Xiao Yuanshan risked his life to take revenge.

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

This is all a manifestation of infatuation.

As far as Qiao Feng is concerned, he has been with his sister-in-law A Zi for several years. Especially during Ah Zi's serious injury, the two lived and died together and experienced a lot of things. And Ah Zi was seriously injured and couldn't move, and he was always lying in Qiao Feng's arms, and even his brother-in-law had to take care of his clothes and urinate.

According to common sense, in addition to not having a relationship, Qiao Feng and Ah Zi have surpassed ordinary couples in intimacy.

In terms of appearance, Ah Zi is no less than Ah Zhu, and he has a true affection for Qiao Feng.

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

It's a pity that Qiao Feng is not Wei Xiaobao. Wei Xiaobao may not really like those seven women, but more out of male instinct, hoping to possess a large number of beautiful women.

For women, Wei Xiaobao takes everything as ordered, as long as it is a beautiful woman, and even with Princess Sophia, a foreign girl.

Qiao Feng's true love for Ah Zhu is true.

Why does Xiao Feng only have one girlfriend in "Tianlong"? Both father and son are very infatuated men

Even if he married Ah Zi under the persecution of the Liao Emperor, he always thought about Ah Zhu after marriage, and he couldn't be very good to Ah Zi.

With Ah Zi's personality, he can't bear it at all, and the marriage between the two will collapse sooner or later.

Speaking of which, Qiao Feng is an infatuated man.


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