
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Transferred from: School of Architecture and Planning, Tongji University

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

The Department of Architecture has been completed with excellence

In 2024, there will be a total of 204 students in the three majors of undergraduate design of the Department of Architecture, including 154 students majoring in architecture (including 8 in the international class), 28 students majoring in historical building protection engineering, and 22 graduates majoring in the first urban design major in China. The graduation project is the last link of the undergraduate teaching stage, and it is a centralized test of the teaching quality of the major. Based on the research direction of the instructor, this project covers the large-scale urban environment to the small-scale daily life space, with most of the types being updated, and some are related to digital design, reflecting the development trend of the industry. Focusing on these topics, students deeply think about the issues of city and society, architecture and environment, space and people, structure and construction, etc., which reflects the continuous attention of our department to the comprehensive, practical and innovative teaching of graduation design.

After the comprehensive evaluation of the judging panel (composed of non-classroom teachers) and the defense jury (composed of well-known experts inside and outside the school), 5 representative works of the school were selected from 23 topics under the guidance of 40 teachers.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Group photo of the group before the defense

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Scoring of exhibition evaluations

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University


Majored in Architecture

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Project Title: Materials, Construction and Perception

Instructor: Yan Jun

Team Member: Li Chuanwei

Introduction to the topic

The design is part of the 3rd "Craftsmanship Award" National College Student Interior Design Competition, which requires participants to explore the relationship between materials, perception and construction. The designer chose aluminum, copper, rust plate and other metal materials, starting from the material characteristics and construction, to explore the interaction possibility of metal with various natural elements such as wind and rain, creating a complete and dreamy water experience space with the integration of sight, sound and touch.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Teacher comments

The design combines multidisciplinary related achievements such as architectural design, interaction design, programming, and visual design, and is optimized through simulation experiments, modeling, quantitative evaluation, etc. What is especially valuable is that Peng Yufei and her teammates have continuously revised and improved in the design process, carried out experiments, calculations, and adjustments, and the corresponding design has been refined to the construction node. As an instructor, I was very moved by their efforts to watch their overall conceptual model, to the detailed model, and even the 1:1 structural model, wind and rain metal auditory experiment, and buoyancy experiment, one by one. The result is a space that is unique in material and structure, multi-dimensional, forward-looking and futuristic in space and perception.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Student Testimonials

In this design, we started from the research of metal materials to create a meditative space that amplifies the audio-visual perception. Never before had we studied the material in such depth, and the process gave us a lot of new insights. Through material experimentation, we explored the uniqueness of metal materials and gained a deeper understanding of human audio-visual perception, and applied them to spatial design to enhance the overall sensory experience. In addition, we tried to incorporate interactive design to further enhance the audiovisual effect. At the same time, we also have a deeper understanding of the importance of concept and narrative to design creativity. In the end, we were thrilled that the design was recognized by the judges. We would like to thank our teachers for their support and inspiration in making this innovative space design a success.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Project Title: Natural Habitat - Design of Xijin River Health Tourism Community

Instructors: Chen Qiang, Chen Yong

Team members: Huang Siran, Yang Zhenxiao, Tang Zihan, Yao Jiaxin, Lu Xinyao, Lu Yidan, Yang Xiaokun, Xue Yuankui

Introduction to the topic

The base is located at the east entrance of the "Sichuan-Tibet Line in Southern Anhui", with a unique natural landscape environment, and plans to take advantage of the potential of leisure and vacation passenger flow in the Yangtze River Delta brought by the Ningguo Station of the high-speed railway, to conceive the future development of the area, and to examine the relationship between man and nature and man from the perspective of architecture through the integrated design of cultural tourism, health care and other functions: 1) How to combine the surrounding landscape resources such as mountains and forests, waterfront and local cultural factors, explore the organic relationship between human life, spatial texture and natural environment, and form a harmonious dialogue between man and nature; 2) How to reconstruct the connection between people in contemporary society through functional configuration, form shaping and atmosphere creation in this utopian scenario.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Teacher comments

In the overall design stage, Zhan Hongwen and his team members combined the unique landscape environment and rich local cultural resources, and brilliantly dealt with the issues of landscape landscape corridor, local cultural inheritance and functional layout of health and tourism, creating a fresh and healthy natural habitat atmosphere and forming a differentiated experience with urban life. In the architectural design stage, he built a contemporary cultural and creative workshop based on the local traditional pottery craft and tea culture, taking the architectural space and natural landscape as the spatial narrative carrier, starting from the section, using the light guidance of the architectural shape and the extension of the landscape, so that the daily production space and the ritual performance space are intertwined and intertwined, providing new possibilities for the development of folk handicrafts and the inheritance of regional culture.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Student Testimonials

Different from the previous course design, this graduation allowed us to have a full communication with the "owner" for the first time, and understand the views of a third party other than teachers and students on architectural design. Although the graduation project work is complicated and arduous, I am fortunate to be able to present my ideas in their entirety. Whether it is the communication and cooperation between the team members or the teachers' correction and improvement, I have benefited a lot, and I understand that design is not an individual's willfulness, but a multi-party interaction and communication, and I also realize that the design work has a long way to go. I will continue to keep my feet on the ground and strive for excellence.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Project Title: Urban Renewal and Architectural Complex Design around Nanjing Zhonghuamen Rail Transit Station

Instructors: Dong Yi, Wang Zhendong

Team members: Chen Shuning, Jiang Huiti, Nie Yuxin, Cai Wenqin, Zhang Fazhuo, Zhu Yanrong, Yu Yifei, Zhao Ruoxuan, Cui Xinyue, Lv Jiatong, Zhang Jingwen

Introduction to the topic

Under the background of the construction of the future four-line interchange rail transit station of Zhonghua Gate and the actual needs of the surrounding urban renewal, this design is positioned as a future-oriented one-stop urban service portal from the dimensions of urban location, transportation transfer, mixed use, and service population, and carries out functional planning, urban design and architectural design for the TOD building complex in the area. The overall design adopts strategies such as hierarchical TOD, sub-district station services and urban landscape-dominated public space system, forming a comprehensive block integrating function and space while subdividing the theme, respecting individuality and enriching the design, attracting transfer crowds to stay and use, forming a hub-type TOD with strong passenger storage capacity and low transfer pressure, creating a three-dimensional urban complex with high energy level, high density and high efficiency, and creating a landscape city experimental area with rich space and viewing experience. On the basis of the overall design of the large group, he personally carried out the architectural deepening design of one of the twelve theme complexes, with the theme positioning of media and culture, and at the same time creating real, virtual, present and future overlapping experiences and scenes through space and interface.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Teacher comments

This topic is about the challenges of three-dimensional urban and composite building design, and the existing conditions such as the large and narrow land scale, the highly complex function, the rich historical heritage of the surrounding area, and the elevated rail transit have put forward extremely high requirements for the students' comprehensive design ability. A large group of 12 students put forward a unique project planning vision from "one-stop" service to "station-style" service, effectively compressing the traffic transfer distance through the connection of the monorail, brainstorming to determine the function and positioning of each block, and then completing the architectural design of each block through division of labor and cooperation. As an instructor, I am very happy to witness the growth and progress of the 12 students in one semester, and I hope that the students will remember this time of struggle together without distractions, and write a new chapter in their lives with a pure love for design.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Student Testimonials

I am very fortunate to have worked together with Mr. Dong, Mr. Wang and 11 outstanding students in the past six months to complete this huge, complex and challenging design project. This project allowed me to experience and learn design tasks, working methods, and thinking horizons that I had never encountered before, and aroused my enthusiasm for learning and research, design exploration, and challenging experiments. In the process, we have experienced many difficulties from the design project itself and collaborative work, and faced great pressure several times, but with the guidance of teachers, the efforts of our classmates and the joint persistence of everyone, we were able to overcome the difficulties, and we cherish and be proud of this hard-won achievement. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our teachers, classmates, and all the teachers, relatives and friends who have helped us. This completion will be a valuable memory and experience for us, and it will leave a deep mark on your life.

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2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University


Majored in Historic Building Conservation Engineering

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Project Title: Research on the restoration and virtual reproduction design of the Bao clan ancestral hall next to the pavilion in Sanmen County, Zhejiang

Instructor: Zhou Yizhi

Team members: Zhang Guojing, Li Miaohan, Zhang Yunming, Zhong Yuan, Shen Xian

Introduction to the topic

The ancestral hall of the Bao family is located in Tingbian Town, Sanmen County, which is famous for the Tingbian Uprising, and is listed as an important historical site and representative building in modern times of the provincial cultural protection unit. The main body of the ancestral hall retains the main structure and spatial pattern of the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, and the front eaves of the first floor of the gate retains the dougong, caisson and local structure before the middle of the Ming Dynasty. In order to explore and display its historical value more deeply and comprehensively. With the theme of restoration and reproduction, it is hoped that through the careful investigation of the existing buildings of the Bao clan ancestral hall next to the pavilion and the careful restoration of its past state, the rise and fall of its history can be reproduced in the form of virtual design, so as to expand the cultural and historical value of cultural heritage and the significance of practical science popularization.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Teacher comments

Xue Yaojia started from the main gate of the Bao clan ancestral hall, peeled off the cocoon, meticulously measured, modeled and analyzed each component of the bucket, and found that the main gate of the Bao clan ancestral hall has the typical characteristics of the Song style dou through case comparison research. She took the Mei Elder Ancestral Hall of the Southern Song Dynasty, the possible predecessor of the Bao Ancestral Hall, as the object of restoration, and imagined the intention of restoring the gate during the Chunyou period of the Southern Song Dynasty based on the existing traces and clues. The design meticulously and skillfully restores the elements of the Southern Song Dynasty hanging mountain roof, distraction groove structure and other elements, although some decorative details still have room for further research, but completely show the beauty of the Song Dynasty in eastern Zhejiang, which is a rare masterpiece.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Student Testimonials

I was fascinated by this graduation project from beginning to end, it was completely different from the topics I had been exposed to in the past four years, and it provided me with a rare opportunity to learn and explore the large wooden structure of ancient Chinese architecture. Special thanks to Mr. Zhou's patient guidance and meticulous help, which allowed me to invest time and enthusiasm, from the specific structure to the chronological analysis, to the restoration technology, which greatly enriched my knowledge base. I am also very grateful to the team members and friends for giving me great strength and help. At the same time, I would like to thank my alma mater for nurturing me and all those who have supported me. This experience has had a profound impact on me, and I hope that in the future, I can continue to follow my heart, do what I really love, and contribute to the preservation of architectural heritage and cultural heritage!

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University


Specialization in Urban Design

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Project Title: Urban Renewal in Shapowei: Texture Repair and Life Revival

Instructors: Yang Chunxia, Sun Tongyu, Wang Zhijun, Xu Kai, Wang Yiyi

Team members: Chen Yao, Zheng Ruyin, Liu Jinyi, Wang Xiaoyang, Sun Jiayu

Introduction to the topic

The base is located in Shapowei, a typical old city area of Xiamen, covering an area of 67ha. The area is a mix of buildings from various historical periods, including unique Qilou Street, numerous historical sites, a small-scale street network with southern Fujian characteristics and industrial heritage left by the fishing industry, some factories have been updated into Internet celebrity gathering places and tourist destinations, as well as unique natural environment elements such as typhoon shelters and honeycomb mountains. However, the ultra-high density and narrow housing property rights have led to the low environmental quality of the area, and as the residents gradually move out, the problem of development momentum has become increasingly prominent, and it is an urgent problem to find ways to improve the housing and environment of these communities, and attract residents to return and new residents to move in. At the same time, the activation and utilization of industrial heritage, the sorting of transportation, the systematization of public space and the rational use of natural elements need to be systematically studied and structural spatial schemes should be proposed. The design and study of these concepts and strategies are of great practical significance for the current critical phase of the renewal of the base.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Teacher comments

Shapowei is a very distinctive place, integrating a series of core urban design elements such as waterfront, mountain, factory renovation, historic district, subway, etc., which is a comprehensive design challenge. With the theme of "The Twelve Hours of Man Travel", the plan combs out the current problems through site research, puts forward the urban design strategy led by Liuman, and carries out hierarchical design and guidance from the overall, shards and nodes, so as to build a year-round full-time activity planning for different scenarios. The group cooperated tacitly and the degree of completion was very high, and Wu Yuting played a good leadership role. It is hoped that students will be able to gain something in their graduation project and be helpful to their future design practice and theoretical research.

2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Student Testimonials

The graduation project journey was unforgettable and profound, from building the urban design framework of "12 Hours of Man Tour" with the same group of partners, to gradually implementing the concept of "12 Hours" and "12 Hours" into the design, refining the full-time festival planning, and then printing the system planning into souvenirs. Always proud of the teamwork that works in unison, and remember the chic casualness of our group flowing notes and cocktails. During the whole process, Mr. Yang carefully guided our group to present a more complete planning urban design and "Man" system design strategy, which helped me better realize the design concept of "living and traveling". I would also like to thank the teachers of the urban design team, three years of teaching and countless field teachings out of the classroom, which have laid the foundation for my love for urban design, my passion for the completion of the design, and the infinite vision for the future.

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2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University
2024 Graduation Exhibition of Outstanding Works of the Department of Architecture of Tongji University

Contribution | Department of Architecture

Typography | Chen Qiuxing

Edit | Shen Siyun

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