
【June 30】Dressing and Zodiac Horoscope Analysis

author:Michiyama Furo

Sunday, June 30th

-May 25 Jiachen Year Geng Wu Yue Yi Chou Day-

【Appropriate】Travel, breaking ground, making beds, opening toilets, sacrificing, building, making livestock thick, releasing water, forming nets, digging wells, opening ponds, opening light, breaking ground, plastic painting, and Zhaijiao

【Don't】Move to a new house and get out of the fire

【June 30】Dressing and Zodiac Horoscope Analysis

Rank of the Divine Rank

God of Wealth: Northeast God of Joy: Northwest God of Fortune: Southwest

auspicious time

03:00-04:59 in Wuyin, 05:00-06:59 in Jimao, 09:00-10:59 in Xinsi, 15:00-16:59 in Jiashen, 19:00-20:59 in Bingxu, 21:00-22:59 in Dinghai.

【June 30】Dressing and Zodiac Horoscope Analysis


Fire and Thunder (Swallowing Hexagram)

Rigidity and softness

On the hexagram

【 Elephant Day 】Luck is like being hungry, fortunately to send food and food, palatable and heart-filling, sorrow gradually disappears. This hexagram is a superposition of different hexagrams. Separation is a yin hexagram; Zhen is a yang hexagram. Yin and yang intersect, bite and crush hard objects, Yu Enwei is used together, leniency and strictness are combined, and rigidity and softness are combined. Shihe is the bite of the upper and lower jaws, chewing.

【 Career 】The difficulties and resistance are very great, and we should overcome all kinds of misfortunes with a strong will, resolute behavior, and a fair and selfless attitude, and strive for the situation to improve. In order to turn the danger into a disaster at an early date, it is necessary to take strong measures and even resort to law.

When you are in a disadvantageous situation, you should be cool-headed, observe the situation, seek opportunities, and not be tempted by the small profits in front of you, and do not make undivided profits. Listen carefully to advice, abide by the law and discipline, act impartially, do not show favoritism, and be more vigilant against violating the criminal law.

【 Seeking fame 】Your own efforts are not yet known, you should not rush to achieve success, and setbacks should be regarded as a test of yourself, and perseverance will lead to success.

【 Going out 】It is better to choose another day. If you have to go out, be prepared and careful.

【 Marriage and love 】If the beginning is not smooth, you must have a tenacious spirit to achieve satisfactory results, and you can't let your emotions affect family affairs.

【 Decision-making 】Life is uneven, there will be setbacks and tribulations, but it should be regarded as a test of the individual, should seriously sum up the lessons and lessons, with a stronger will, indomitable, continue to move forward. After training, there will be great progress in all aspects, and we will eventually enter a bright situation and make great achievements.

【June 30】Dressing and Zodiac Horoscope Analysis

Wear it every day

June 30th

[1] [Daji] White, silver, gray, beige, born by the five elements of the day. The implication is that it is easy to get the help of nobles, and everything goes well.

[2] [Second auspicious color] yellow, coffee, brown, brown, orange yellow, the same as the five elements of the day. It means that luck is favored, things go smoothly, and it is conducive to cooperation and negotiation to achieve a win-win situation.

[3] [Plain color] green, cyan, turquoise, emerald green, gram of the five elements of the day. It means that hard work will be rewarded, as long as we work diligently, we will get a rich harvest, which is conducive to seeking wealth.

[4] [Use color with caution] red, purple, pink, orange red, the five elements of the day of birth. The implication is that excessive consumption can easily lead to lack of energy.

[5] [Avoid color] black, blue, by the five elements of the day. The implication is that many difficulties and obstacles are faced, resulting in slow progress and half the effort.

July 1

[1] [Daji color] red, purple, pink, orange red, born by the five elements of the day. The implication is that it is easy to get the help of nobles, and everything goes well.

[2] [Second auspicious color] green, cyan, turquoise, emerald green, the same as the five elements of the day. It means that luck is favored, things go smoothly, and it is conducive to cooperation and negotiation to achieve a win-win situation.

[3] [Flat color] white, silver, gray, beige, gram of the five elements of the day. It means that hard work will be rewarded, as long as we work diligently, we will get a rich harvest, which is conducive to seeking wealth.

[4] [Careful use of color] black, blue, the five elements on the day of birth. The implication is that excessive consumption can easily lead to lack of energy.

[5] [Avoid color] yellow, coffee, brown, brown, orange yellow, by the five elements of the day. The implication is that many difficulties and obstacles are faced, resulting in slow progress and half the effort.

July 2nd

[1] [Daji color] red, purple, pink, orange red, born by the five elements of the day. The implication is that it is easy to get the help of nobles, and everything goes well.

[2] [Second auspicious color] green, cyan, turquoise, emerald green, the same as the five elements of the day. It means that luck is favored, things go smoothly, and it is conducive to cooperation and negotiation to achieve a win-win situation.

[3] [Flat color] white, silver, gray, beige, gram of the five elements of the day. It means that hard work will be rewarded, as long as we work diligently, we will get a rich harvest, which is conducive to seeking wealth.

[4] [Careful use of color] black, blue, the five elements on the day of birth. The implication is that excessive consumption can easily lead to lack of energy. You need to remind yourself to avoid making mistakes due to lack of energy.

[5] [Avoid color] yellow, coffee, brown, brown, orange yellow, by the five elements of the day. The implication is that many difficulties and obstacles are faced, resulting in slow progress and half the effort.

Zodiac Horoscope 2024/06/30

【June 30】Dressing and Zodiac Horoscope Analysis

Teji Zodiac: Rat

Sub-auspicious zodiac: snake, rooster

Zodiac signs with decay: sheep, horse, dog

Zodiac nobles: people who belong to the ox

Zodiac Rat

The relationship with the partner has further developed, and the single person also has a great chance of getting out of the single. But there may be some impatience with work today, you can calm down, adjust your rhythm, and work slowly. On the health side, you need to be careful of stomach upset or irritation.

Zodiac ox

Some difficult and stressful things have come to an end in the near future, you can also take a break for a while, give yourself a period of time to adjust, for some friends, this week there may be a noble person around you who is willing to carry you, the other party will bring you a new career opportunity, as long as the opportunity is grasped properly, the career prospects will be better and better. Today is also suitable for parties, suitable for meeting new friends, and for those who have company, today can go out to have a meal with each other to give life some sense of ritual. But be careful not to eat too many irritating foods and pay attention to digestive problems.

Zodiac Tiger

Today's horoscope is okay overall, at a medium level. There are gains in all aspects, but there are also places to pay attention to, as far as financial luck is concerned, there will be considerable income in the near future, but you must pay attention to your large investment, you must be cautious; Maybe because of habit problems, there will still be some problems at work that make you busy, don't be irritable about this, remember to go back to check and review after the thing is done.

Zodiac Rabbit

Today's horoscope is okay overall, at a medium level. There are gains in all aspects, but there are also places to pay attention to, as far as financial luck is concerned, there will be considerable income in the near future, but you must pay attention to your large investment, you must be cautious; Maybe because of habit problems, there will still be some problems at work that make you busy, don't be irritable about this, remember to go back to check and review after the thing is done.

Zodiac Dragon

Recently, your attitude towards work is more perfunctory, it seems that you are always busy, but in fact, the efficiency is very low, and the work tasks assigned to you by your boss cannot be completed in time, or you will wait until the deadline to complete in a hurry, this kind of work attitude needs to be paid special attention today. Other than that. You are also in a state of suspicion when dealing with feelings, so you should give more trust and understanding to the other party, and avoid more fierce quarrels today.

Zodiac snake

Recently, this period of time has been very smooth for some friends, the mood is good, things are very smooth, everything is within the expected range, today's fortune is also suitable for emotional development, and your relationship is becoming more and more harmonious after some minor problems. However, it should be noted that for some friends, you need to pay attention to your health problems, you can't stay up late, adjust your work and rest, and pay more attention to hair loss, acne, and wisdom teeth.

Zodiac horse

Today's emotional instability, poor mood, not only impatient in doing things, but also easy to affect your mood because of other people's words, will also produce emotional impulsive consumption. So today you can give yourself more alone time to relax and at the same time, avoid arguing with others.

Zodiac sheep

Today's fortune is roughly OK, many things at work need to have results today, so that you are a little lacking, at the same time, there will be some bad situations today for friends who have investment, and there may be losses. But don't worry too much, you must learn to use reasonable ways to vent your emotions and adjust your mood, emotionally, you may have conflicts and disputes with your partner, there will be some small friction between two people, you must remember to solve the conflict in time, otherwise it will be difficult to mediate after the conflict deepens.

Zodiac monkey

Good financial luck and career luck, if you have investment plans, you might as well give it a try, the probability of success is still relatively large, but for large investments you still need to be cautious, assess the risk before proceeding. However, because you spend too much time on your career, the emotional aspect will be neglected, although the two people get along on the surface and seem to be harmonious, but in fact, the two people have different ideas about each other's relationship in their hearts, and it is recommended that the two people go out for a walk on weekends or holidays.

Zodiac chicken

Good financial luck and career luck, if you have investment plans, you might as well give it a try, the probability of success is still relatively large, but for large investments you still need to be cautious, assess the risk before proceeding. However, because you spend too much time on your career, the emotional aspect will be neglected, although the two people get along on the surface and seem to be harmonious, but in fact, the two people have different ideas about each other's relationship in their hearts, and it is recommended that the two people go out for a walk on weekends or holidays.

Zodiac dog

Some difficult and stressful things have come to an end in the near future, you can also take a break for a while, give yourself a period of time to adjust, for some friends, this week there may be a noble person around you who is willing to carry you, the other party will bring you a new career opportunity, as long as the opportunity is grasped properly, the career prospects will be better and better. Today is also suitable for parties, suitable for meeting new friends, and for those who have company, today can go out to have a meal with each other to give life some sense of ritual. But be careful not to eat too many irritating foods and pay attention to digestive problems.

Zodiac pig

What you need to do is to be patient and not feel pessimistic or give up on your current situation because of some external factors. Recently, it is a period of learning and enriching yourself, you can learn more about the industry, consolidate your business capabilities, although there will be some unplanned expenses due to personal development, but these expenditures will have substantial returns in the later stage.

【June 30】Dressing and Zodiac Horoscope Analysis

Birth Eight Characters - Today's Birth Horoscope


Baobao Personality Analysis

He is kind, kind, cheerful, and happy, so he is quite popular. He has talents in language, culture and art. A gentle, kind, compassionate disposition, a very good mind and a compassionate heart, will be loved. An attractive personality, with the ability to attract loyal friends, can lead to an attitude of dependence. Know that independence and personal achievement are necessary for success and happiness.


Life horoscope

People born on June 30, 2024 are enterprising, confident in their abilities, and always want to show their ambitions when they get the opportunity. Moreover, he has the ability to reason, and his imagination is full of creative inspiration, and he often presents his unique and revolutionary ideas to friends and colleagues. If he does something wrong, he has the courage to admit it, but at the same time he is very demanding of others.


Chong Sha: Niu Ri Chong (Ji Wei) Yang Sha Dong

Because June 30, 2024 is the day of the ox, according to the principle of the genus phase opposition, so June 30, 2024 is the zodiac sheep, and the sheep is rushed. Rush with the Zodiac sheep, punish with the Zodiac dog, harm with the Zodiac horse, break with the Zodiac dragon, and the zodiac snake and chicken, and the zodiac rat six.