
Yizhang Huangsha Town: Brave and brave to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

author:Red Network Chenzhou Station

Red Network Moment News, June 28 (Correspondent Huang Zhanlai, Huang Peng, Li Houqiao) In mid-June, Huangsha Town, Yizhang County, affected by heavy rainfall, the water level of various mountain ponds, reservoirs and rivers in the jurisdiction has skyrocketed, and some sections of roads have been blocked, and the flood control work situation is very grim.

Yizhang Huangsha Town: Brave and brave to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

"Auntie, there is a risk of landslides in the mountain behind your house, please cooperate with us to transfer as soon as possible." On June 17, the cadres of Shaping Village, Huangsha Town, found that the soil in the mountain behind Yang Jianchun and five other houses was somewhat loose, and Jiang Yunhua, member of the town's party committee and head of the armed forces, and Li Ke, secretary of the Shaping Village Party Committee, immediately went to their homes to persuade them to move. In addition to houses and mountains, town and village cadres also pay close attention to the situation of rivers, reservoirs, and mountain ponds. They inspect along rivers, reservoirs, and ponds to check whether the water level is abnormal, whether there are trees and debris blocking the rivers and channels, and once they find problems, the town and village cadres immediately report them and take measures to deal with them. In order to prevent accidents, Huang Wenyu, the head of the town's water conservancy station, inspected the Huangshaxi Reservoir for a whole day on June 17 to ensure the safety of the reservoir. "Thanks to the town and village cadres, they come to inspect every day and tell us how to prevent it, which makes us feel much more at ease." Chen Zhizhong, a villager of Pingping Village, said gratefully.

In the continuous rain, town and village cadres wore raincoats and held tools in their hands, shuttling to all corners of the dangerous situation. They carefully inspect the structure of the house, keep an eye on the risk points of the landslide, and make sure that everything is safe. Give full play to the advantages of being familiar with the topography of the village group and the housing conditions of the rural households, and earnestly carry out the "dragnet" risk and hidden danger investigation, so as to achieve "early detection, early reporting, and early disposal" of potential safety hazards, so as to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Yizhang Huangsha Town: Brave and brave to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

As the water level continues to rise, villagers in some low-lying areas are under serious threat. Town and village cadres quickly took action to quickly relocate and resettle the villagers whose houses were soaked in water. "Don't panic, follow us, and we'll send everyone safely to the resettlement site." On June 17, Li Jinsong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Huangsha Town, and cadres stationed in Baocheng Village calmed the villagers' emotions and guided them to evacuate in an orderly manner. During the transfer process, town and village cadres also helped the villagers carry valuables and ensure the safety of their property. The town and village cadres worked tirelessly until all the villagers whose houses were in danger were safely evacuated before stopping to rest. "Thank you so much to the town leaders, you are like our relatives who helped us through this difficult time." The villagers who have been properly resettled have expressed their gratitude.

At around 9 a.m. on June 18, the town's Huangshaxi village reported that the bridge into the village had been flooded by rainwater, blocking the villagers' access to Huangshaxi Village, and more than 100 students at the Huangshaxi Village Primary School needed to go home for lunch after school at noon. After learning of the situation, the government of Huangsha Town, Yizhang County, immediately organized more than 20 people, including town and village cadres, village good person workstation personnel, and party members and team leaders, to set up a flood prevention and rescue volunteer team to rush to the scene. After arriving at the scene, they found that the water level was too deep for vehicles to pass, so the volunteers immediately took off their shoes, rolled up their trouser legs, and helped the elderly and women to cross the bridge. When it was close to 12 o'clock, the volunteers carried the students home from school to the safe section of the road opposite, and through the volunteers' back and forth, they set up a "safe passage" for the trapped students to go home. After nearly an hour of hard work, the students were successfully escorted home safely.

Yizhang Huangsha Town: Brave and brave to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

At the critical juncture of flood prevention and flood control, all the town and village cadres of Huangsha Town, Yizhang County, rushed to the front, went to the front line, carried out flood control and rescue work, rushed to repair river embankments, repaired water-damaged road sections, dredged ditches, cleaned up roadblocks, cleaned up landslides, and practiced responsibility and responsibility with practical actions.

In the next step, Huangsha Town, Yizhang County, will continue to tighten the "safety string" of flood prevention and disaster relief, maintain the actual combat state, continue to strengthen the inspection of key areas, improve emergency measures, effectively build a solid flood prevention safety barrier, and go all out to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

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