
Listening to the Echoes of History and Passing on the Voice of Archives - Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Lantai File Reading Activity (Phase 20)

author:Ji Xiaolan

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy. On the occasion of the 17th International Archives Day, the Beijing Municipal Archives, the Tianjin Municipal Archives and the Hebei Provincial Archives jointly launched the "Listening to the Echoes of History and Transmitting the Voice of the Archives - Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Lantai Archives Reading Activity", in which archivists from the three places will tell the treasured archives of the museum and the stories behind them, so that the archives can enter the "hearts of the people" from the "old paper pile", and contribute to the promotion of cultural inheritance and development, and the strengthening of cultural self-improvement and self-confidence. We sincerely invite you to trace the historical footprints in the archives and feel the brilliant traditional Chinese culture.

Today, please listen to the twentieth issue: Beijing Municipal Archives "Heroes Are Immortal and Monuments Forever - Historical Materials on the Construction of the People's Heroes Monument", Tianjin Heping District Archives "War Diary", and Hebei Provincial Archives "Anti-Japanese Model Base - Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Area".


Beijing Municipal Archives

Beijing: Heroes are immortal and monuments are eternal-historical materials for the construction of the Monument to the People's Heroes

The Monument to the People's Heroes standing in Tiananmen Square is a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation in striving for national independence and liberation, the people's freedom and happiness, and the country's prosperity and strength in modern times. The historical materials of the construction of the Monument to the People's Heroes in the collection of the Beijing Municipal Archives record in detail the beginning and end of the construction of the monument.

In order to "commemorate the people's heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country on the basis of the victory of the People's Liberation War", the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on September 30, 1949, adopted a resolution to establish a monument to the people's heroes in the capital. At 6 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, Chairman Mao led all the CPPCC delegates to hold a groundbreaking ceremony for the monument in Tiananmen Square. To this end, "the Capital People's Heroes Monument Construction Committee was specially set up", "Comrade Peng Zhen was elected as the director, Zheng Zhenduo and Liang Si became the deputy directors", and the "Architectural Design Group", "Art Working Group" and "Stone Supply Group" were set up to be responsible for the construction of the project. On August 1, 1952, the monument officially broke ground, and on April 23, 1958, the project was fully completed.

Part of the theme of the monument relief "is an important political content", for which "a special committee for the examination of historical materials is organized". "The selection of relief themes is to represent the important and most well-known historical deeds of the people's heroes in each historical stage", "with the themes that the people are familiar with and love, and the pattern decoration has a great national style", which is recorded in detail in the historical materials in the collection

"Fight the Yangtze River, Liberate the Whole of China", "Guerrilla Warfare Behind Enemy Lines", "Nanchang Uprising" and other reliefs, the creation description and design and construction process, one by one, vivid reliefs, condense the earth-shattering and magnificent course of the century-old people's revolution, inspiring people to forge ahead.

Comrade Mao Zedong personally revised the draft inscription of the foundation stone of the monument, that is, "The people's heroes who died in the Chinese People's Liberation War and the Chinese People's Revolution are immortal!" The First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was established, September 30, 1949." The content is profound, incisive, and emotional, which deeply shows the deep original intention and mission of the Communist Party of China to lead the people of all ethnic groups across the country to inherit the legacy of the revolutionary martyrs and complete the unfinished cause of the martyrs.

Listening to the Echoes of History and Passing on the Voice of Archives - Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Lantai File Reading Activity (Phase 20)

On May 1, 1958, the majestic national anthem and the international anthem resounded in Tiananmen Square, the red veils on the monument slowly fell, and the eight strong and powerful gilded characters of "The People's Heroes Are Immortal" written by Comrade Mao Zedong himself shone brightly. The Monument to the People's Heroes, which embodies the blood and soul of the revolutionary martyrs, was officially unveiled, forever inspiring the people of the whole country to make unremitting efforts for the prosperity and strength of the motherland!

(Reader: Nie Yidan, Information Technology Department of Beijing Municipal Archives)


Tianjin Heping District Archives

Tianjin: War Diary

In the Heping District Archives of Tianjin, there is a valuable "War Diary", which records the battlefield life in 1952 and 1953 from the perspective of a female hygienist, and the diary is owned by a female soldier named Wu Jiong.

Listening to the Echoes of History and Passing on the Voice of Archives - Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Lantai File Reading Activity (Phase 20)

Wu Jiong, born in 1933, once served as a hygienist of the first company of the supervisor of the 45th Division of the 15th Army of the Chinese People's Volunteers, participated in the Battle of Shangganling and won the second-class merit, and is one of the prototypes of the female hygienist Wang Lan in the movie "Shangganling".

In 1950, when the Korean War broke out, 17-year-old Wu Jiong took the initiative to apply to go to North Korea to participate in the war after graduating from the nurse training team. Because she is a female soldier and she is short, she has not been approved several times. She pricked her finger and wrote a bloody letter: "Although I cannot directly fight US imperialism, I can help my wounded comrades with laundry and treatment, please allow me to go to the front line." In September 1951, Wu Jiong came to the front line of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea as a hygienist.

In October 1952, the Battle of Shangganling broke out, and Wu Jiong's company entered the Shangganling position. "When my troops first entered the position, it was the time when the enemy launched a bacteriological warfare in a brutal and inhumane manner, and at that time I thought that this was an opportunity for me to learn from the model soldier Li Zhengyi, so I went deep into the squad platoon to conduct inspections, and worked with the comrades of the squad and platoon, and in just one month, the whole company caught a total of 250 rats, exterminated more than 200,000 flies, and killed 280 long worms, ensuring the health of the troops, and not being attacked by bacteria, so that there was no attrition. This enabled our company to complete all kinds of combat readiness and construction work in a timely manner. ”

As a female hygienist on the battlefield, the health of the soldiers is her constant concern. On November 15, 1952, she wrote in her diary: "In the evening, the comrades in the platoon went to repair the road, and they were drenched in heavy rain for a day and a night, and when I came back the next day, I went to each class to check whether there were any sick numbers, and when I saw that some comrades had no clothes and shoes to wear because of the rain, I gave them my cotton coat, hat, and shoes, for fear that they would catch a cold, and the strength to achieve victory would be reduced." ”

During the period when the volunteers entered the Korean War, all fronts and the broad masses of the people across the country actively responded to the call of the party and the government, collected a large number of condolences and sent them to the front line, the condolences from the motherland made Wu Jiong, who was far away in the Shangganling area, feel warm, she wrote in her diary, "The people of the motherland love and care for us so much, call us the loveliest person, engraved on the cup, I feel very ashamed, I have not made remarkable achievements in my work, I am sorry for the care and encouragement of the people of the motherland for me, I should repay the people of the motherland in my work in the future." ”

In April 1953, as a representative of the 15th Army, Wu Jiong returned to the motherland with the Chinese People's Volunteers "May Day" delegation to watch the ceremony, and was cordially received by Chairman Mao Zedong and Commander-in-Chief Zhu De. On the way home, she saw the devastation left behind after the war, and was deeply touched: "On the way, the peaceful countryside and lush forests were burned out by gasoline barrels, and when I saw these things, I thought of our lovely motherland, if the war burned in my motherland, how cruel it was, and strengthened my fighting spirit, I must carry out the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea to the end, so that the fruits of victory can be consolidated forever, and a peaceful and happy life can be better." ”

This 71-year-old "War Diary", following its owner, crossed the surging Yalu River, passed through the battlefield filled with gunpowder, and used vivid and vivid little things to show a simple and humble volunteer soldier, an ordinary and great chapter of life, and also showed thousands of "loveliest people" like Wu Jiong, waiting outside the country, guarding a peaceful life with sincerity and love, and writing a hymn to the times with blood and life.

(Reader: Lei Yao, Guo Jiachang, Editorial and Research Section, Heping District Archives, Tianjin)


Hebei Provincial Archives

Hebei: Anti-Japanese model base - Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Area

The Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region was the first anti-Japanese base area behind enemy lines established by the Communist Party of China and the Eighth Route Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. At the beginning of the period, it covered an area of about 100,000 square kilometers, had a population of more than 10 million, and governed 39 counties.

From January 10 to 15, 1938, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military-Political and People's Congress was held in Fuping County, Hebei Province, announcing the establishment of the Provisional Administrative Committee of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region. After the meeting, Yan Xishan, commander of the Kuomintang Second Theater, forwarded it to the Executive Yuan and the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, and approved the establishment of the Jin-Cha-Ji Administrative Committee on January 31. The government of the border region conscientiously implemented the policy of the Communist Party of China on the anti-Japanese national united front, established the "three-three system" regime, implemented the policy of reducing rents and interest rates, carried out production campaigns and cultural construction, and persisted in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

"Anti-Japanese Model Base Area Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region" is a booklet written in 1939 by Nie Rongzhen, member of the Administrative Committee of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region and commander of the Military Region, which truly and comprehensively records the history of the establishment and development of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region for one year.

Listening to the Echoes of History and Passing on the Voice of Archives - Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Lantai File Reading Activity (Phase 20)

Mao Zedong of the Central Military Commission wrote: "The Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region was the fortress of the War of Resistance in North China, where nationalism was practiced to persist in the War of Resistance, where democracy and freedom were practiced, where the people's livelihood was improved was also implemented, in a word, the three people's doctrines that are inseparable from each other were practiced." The booklet recorded the growth of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area, the harvest and lessons of the Anti-Japanese War, and laid a solid foundation for the victory of the entire Anti-Japanese War.

(Reader: Du Yanyan, Department of Preservation and Utilization of Hebei Provincial Archives)

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