
In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~

author:CQTV is healthy at home

When the green plums are ripe again, this seemingly inconspicuous small fruit is one of the oldest fruits of our Chinese nation!

In addition to salt, plum is the earliest condiment used by the Chinese, and the "sourness" that many people like now was originally prepared by green plum.

In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~

Modern studies have found that the organic acid content in ripe green plum fruits can reach 3%~6%, and the citric acid content is even higher than that of lemons. The intake of these organic acids helps to quench thirst, increase appetite, relieve fatigue, etc., and are very suitable for summer consumption, so green plum is also known as the "king of preserved fruits".

In addition, the catechic acid in the green plum fruit can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and at the same time promote the contraction of the intestinal wall, and the dietary fiber content is not low, which can protect gastrointestinal health and prevent constipation.

There are also many records of the delicacies of green plums, and there is a dietary prescription in the Song Dynasty's "Shanjia Qing Offering" - cherry fried, which matches green plums with cherries and white fungus, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing and dispelling dampness.

In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~

It helps to alleviate symptoms such as drowsiness, fatigue, and loss of appetite in early summer due to the weakness of the spleen and stomach and the influence of damp heat.

The following flower buds will teach you to make this ancient recipe for seasonal health products, what are the tips, let's take a look~

In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~

The main ingredients are cherries, green plums, and white fungus

In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~

Cooking Step (1) Prepare the ingredients

Remove the stems of the cherries and remove the core with a chopstick.

In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~

(2) Stew the green plums in water and simmer, then add the pitted cherries, and then add the white fungus after boiling.

In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~
In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~

(3) Season out of the pan

After boiling to bring out the sweet and sour taste, add rock sugar and honey to taste, and remove from the pot after boiling.

In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~

The final product

In summer, you must eat this "king of preserved fruits"! Promote appetite, moisten the intestines, relieve fatigue, ancient production, seasonal health~

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