
The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources and is summarized at the end of the article




In recent years, the rapid development of China's new energy vehicles, so that the United States "pink eye" began to commit again, in order to limit the number of mainland new energy vehicles exported, the United States actually adopted a policy of raising tariffs to suppress China.

Unexpectedly, this move was strongly supported by the European Union von der Leyen, and in the face of such a result, China is not a vegetarian, and the EU is about to face the danger of disintegration with pork sanctions alone.

So what's really going on between the U.S. and the EU? Why is pork sanctions alone enough for the mainland to disintegrate the EU?

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

The development of new energy vehicles in China

While the global economy is developing rapidly, it has also brought serious environmental pollution problems, so countries around the world are actively exploring the path of sustainable development, and in this process, China has finally made some achievements in the automotive industry with years of efforts.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

In particular, our invention of new energy vehicles, compared with traditional cars, new energy vehicles mainly generate power through electricity, and the electricity stored in the battery can be used to generate electricity, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also much cheaper than those fuel-consuming cars.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

Except for the difference in the way power is generated, new energy vehicles are basically no different from traditional gas-guzzling vehicles, and they are also more environmentally friendly, do not produce pollutants during operation, and do not have any noise, which is very much in line with the sustainable development strategy we advocate today.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

Usually commuting or going out to play, etc., new energy is enough to meet our usual needs, so more and more young people are more willing to buy new energy vehicles, after all, the cost of living is still very high today, new energy vehicles can help us save some transportation expenses while meeting our daily travel.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

In addition, the state is also very supportive of the development of the new energy vehicle industry, so it has launched a lot of preferential policies and various subsidies, so that everyone can afford it, and as long as they charge it on time after buying it, they no longer have to feel distressed because oil prices have been rising.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

All kinds of phenomena show that new energy vehicles have a very broad development prospects, affordable is the goal pursued by many consumers, and new energy vehicles basically meet all people's travel needs, so they are favored by consumers, and even his market has been expanded to foreign countries.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

Many foreign friends in the understanding of the various advantages of new energy vehicles, also very like, it is because of the support of these consumers, so the market of new energy vehicles has been expanded to foreign countries, and its sales are also very good, even in the United States such a developed country, everyone also likes this energy-saving and environmentally friendly car.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

If this form continues to develop, China's new energy vehicles are expected to be promoted to the entire European region, but I did not expect China's sales performance to soon cause dissatisfaction in the United States, although the Americans like this car very much, but their country is not willing, and even put forward a series of suppressive policies.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

The EU strongly supports the United States

China has shown rapid development in all aspects in recent years, especially new energy vehicles have been exported to various countries in the world, such a record soon caused dissatisfaction in the United States, they immediately proposed a policy of boycotting China's new energy vehicles.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

In the course of an interview, one of the American leaders vowed that they would never allow so many Chinese cars to flow into the United States, and not long after the interview, the United States raised tariffs on China by a large margin, and not only did he encourage European Union member states to follow his example.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

I have to say that in this matter, the United States is really undignified, in fact, the field of new energy is an area that all countries in the world are actively exploring, but in this process, China has taken the lead with its own strength, and many other countries in the world have expressed support for it, only the United States is unwilling to recognize China's strength.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

In fact, it is not that the United States does not need new energy vehicles, but that they are unwilling to admit that China is better than them in this regard, so they deliberately raise tariffs to reduce our exports to the United States.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

In fact, this is completely unnecessary, because the sales volume of the Chinese market alone is already very large, and we don't care about the American market, and there are so many countries in the world, even if we don't sell to the United States, we still have a lot of consumers who support new energy vehicles.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

For any product, as long as the quality is good and the price is excellent, there is no need to worry about sales at all, we are very confident in our products.

Forming cliques has always been a common tactic in the United States, and not long after the United States raised tariffs, the European Union followed suit.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

Needless to say, this is the result of the United States fanning the flames behind the scenes, and we are not surprised that the EU has been firmly following the United States since the end of World War II until now, so we are not surprised that this move to raise tariffs is not surprising.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

In fact, for so many years, the EU has been trying to get rid of the control of the United States, after all, it is not easy to work under others, and the reason why European countries established this organization is also because everyone was seriously disabled in World War II, so they decided to join together to make fire, and in this context they formed the European Union.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

This also includes the United States, although the United States' losses in World War II were not so serious, but with its own strength, it was still a bit of a gap to fight against the Soviet Union, a military power at the time, so the United States also joined this group.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

However, the United States has always had the upper hand in the whole group, and other countries have to look down on him, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States is even more ambitious to dominate the world, while European countries can only endure the oppression of the United States because of their limited capabilities.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

Therefore, when the United States proposed to raise tariffs on China's new energy vehicles, the European Union also immediately took action, after all, they were restricted by the United States in oil and energy, and if they directly contradicted the United States, then they were not far from disintegration.

But in fact, the member states of the European Union are reluctant to do this, after all, China on the other side is not something they can mess with.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

China has taken pork countermeasures

After the United States raised tariffs on China, the European Commission also followed closely and immediately began to implement restrictions on China's new energy vehicles, especially the European Union committee member von der Leyen, who actively responded to the United States' tariff policy, but did not know that they were facing a greater crisis.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

Because many EU member states have cooperation with China, once they sanction China in the field of new energy vehicles, then China will immediately take counter-sanctions against them.

China is a country with a large population, so the demand for many products is very large, and we have foreign trade with many countries in the world, so many countries have become dependent on us, including the member states of the European Union.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

France was the first country to raise objections to von der Leyen, because most of its pork is exported to the mainland, and because of the high demand for pork in the continental market, France is particularly afraid to offend the mainland, because they know the severity of the consequences.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

China is a country rich in food, and the population is large, so the market demand is also very large, the most indispensable ingredients for making food, although there are also in the country, but these are far from meeting China's demand, so we have to import from various foreign countries every year.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

In fact, the pork loved by Chinese comes from France, and the two have always maintained a good cooperative relationship, once France follows the steps of the United States in this incident to suppress China, then China will naturally take counter-sanctions measures on pork imports.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

In this way, so much pork in France will fall into a situation where there is no way to sell, so the economy will inevitably be affected, and the economic foundation is the foundation of a country's development, so von der Leyen's proposal this time has caused France to suffer a lot.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

In addition to France, Germany also does not agree to raise tariffs on China, because as the world's largest car production base, Germany has close cooperation with the mainland in the automotive industry, and we are also their largest customer, and if there is a stalemate between the two countries because of the tariffs, then it will not benefit both sides, and Germany knows this very well.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

Not only France and Germany, but also many members of the European Union have close trade ties with the mainland, so everyone does not want to be led by the nose by the United States, because once they provoke China, it will not benefit them, but will lead to disintegration, just like the Soviet Union in the past, which is an outcome that everyone does not want to see.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

If von der Leyen insists on doing this, she will surely be condemned by the rest of the European Union, after all, the common interests of many countries are involved.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

Write at the end

In foreign trade, the mainland has always maintained good relations with other countries, hoping to achieve a win-win situation in the process of trade, but the United States has come to us from all sides.

If they are willing to cooperate with us, China will be very willing, but if they insist on contradicting the tune, then China will also take corresponding counter-sanctions.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

Today's China is no longer the country that was bullied by other countries in the past, and we have enough strength and ability to deal with everything from outside.

The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot


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The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot
The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot
The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot
The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot
The EU has been pitted by the United States again, and the pork sanctions have made the EU face disintegration, and von der Leyen has contributed a lot

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