
It is rumored that the multi-win stocks: the China Securities Regulatory Commission studies deepening reform measures, and seven departments guide hard technology

author:It is rumored that multi-win stocks

The main points of this article:

1. After breaking 3,000 points, the market has the characteristics of protecting the bottom of the disk, the market rises and falls repeatedly, and the bottoming process pays attention to the rhythm of operation.

2. The gray area of the average stock price, pay attention to the changes in the bull and bear box, and pay attention to the type of over-falling rebound.

3. The regulator is stepping up research on a package of measures to further deepen the reform of the capital market in an all-round way, and nine departments mentioned the development of hard technology. It's off to a good start, and Red July is worth looking forward to.

1. This week's market review

1. Technical Review:

It is rumored that the multi-win stocks: the China Securities Regulatory Commission studies deepening reform measures, and seven departments guide hard technology

(Image source: Jingchuan Multi-Win Stocks)

It is rumored that the multi-win stocks: the China Securities Regulatory Commission studies deepening reform measures, and seven departments guide hard technology

(Image source: Jingchuan Multi-Win Stocks)

Market Analysis:

(1) Last week, there was an obvious electric fan market in the market, and the bottom grinding market at the end of the fall was repeated. Up one day and down one day, there were two yin and one yang trends this week. After the bull and bear lines are flat, the average stock price needs to bottom, but the liquidity has not turned red, and the volume of energy continues to be insufficient. It is the key factor that causes the market to be repeated.

(2) The bank has strong market protection, with CSI 300 ETFs appearing twice a week, and SSE 50 ETFs increasing in volume, obviously the national team entering the market to provide market liquidity. This week is the first full week to fall below 3,000 points, and the intention is obvious. On Friday, the market was close to 3000, but it was still insufficient, but fortunately, it closed above the 5-day line of 2960 and closed at 2967 points.

(3) On the whole, banks, electric power, electronic manufacturing, petrochemical industry, stronger than the overall market, out of control are relatively stable.

The bottom oversold tech stocks caught the wind, but it didn't last. Large-cap stocks alternate with over-the-top stocks.

In late June, it fell below 3,000 points, the trading volume maintained a downward trend, and the favorable policy index of the whole market expecting supervision also showed a trend of grinding the bottom repeatedly. Approaching July, the performance of hard technology directions such as consumer electronics and electronic manufacturing is eye-catching. At the same time, entering July is also ushering in the time window for the disclosure of the interim report, and the performance of consumer electronics exceeding expectations may be more worthy of our attention.

2. Message Surface:

 1. The China Securities Regulatory Commission announced on the 28th that the China Securities Regulatory Commission is stepping up research and planning a package of measures to further deepen the reform of the capital market in an all-round way.

Recently, Wu Qing, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and other team members have successively conducted research in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and other places to further deepen the reform of the capital market, and exchanged views and suggestions with listed companies, industry institutions, investors, experts and scholars and representatives of system units.

Wu Qing stressed that the China Securities Regulatory Commission will adhere to the principle of "opening the door to evaluate and carry out reform", strengthen market communication, listen extensively and carefully study the opinions and suggestions of all parties, reform and improve the relevant systems and rules in a timely manner, and pay close attention to the introduction of a number of typical cases with exemplary significance, so as to promote the formation of a strong joint force of all parties to jointly promote and further deepen the reform of the capital market in an all-round way. (Source: China News Network)

2. Seven departments, including the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of Financial Regulation, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, recently jointly issued the "Work Plan on Doing a Solid Job in Science and Technology Finance" (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Plan").

The Work Plan points out that in the next step, the People's Bank of China will establish a work linkage mechanism with relevant departments, strengthen information sharing and policy coordination, carry out in-depth special actions to improve the capacity of science and technology financial services, build a platform for experience exchange and discussion, promote the implementation of various measures in the Work Plan, make every effort to do a good job in science and technology finance, guide financial capital to invest early, small, long-term, and hard technology, and help achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement with high-quality scientific and technological financial services. (Source: Securities Times)

3. Sector capital flow:

It is rumored that the multi-win stocks: the China Securities Regulatory Commission studies deepening reform measures, and seven departments guide hard technology

(Image source: Jingchuan Multi-Win Stocks)

It is rumored that the multi-win stocks: the China Securities Regulatory Commission studies deepening reform measures, and seven departments guide hard technology

(Image source: Jingchuan Multi-Win Stocks)

(1) The top plate of control is dominated by banks, electricity, and banks This week's performance is centered on disk protection, and this kind of industry is characterized by high and high-dividend stocks + large-cap blue chips.

The new electronic manufacturing that appears in the control sequence deserves our attention. The third quarter is often the peak season for the recovery of consumer electronics, and July is also the disclosure period for the interim report, and the performance of hard technology types is worth noting.

(2) Short-term hot spots rotate quickly, and hot topics such as Apple concept, smart grid, consumer electronics, and smart manufacturing appear this week. It mainly belongs to consumer electronics and hard technology. Among them, the topic of intelligent manufacturing is the most connected.

2. What to watch for next week

1. The direction of the middle line control panel continues to be strong (banking, electric power, electronic manufacturing, petrochemical)

It is rumored that the multi-win stocks: the China Securities Regulatory Commission studies deepening reform measures, and seven departments guide hard technology

(Image source: Jingchuan Multi-Win Stocks)

Technical: Banks, electric power, electronic manufacturing, petrochemical industry, etc., out of the control trend type, banks mainly defend the disk type. Electricity is a high dividend, the trend can increase in control, and it will still show resistance in a volatile market.

The electronic manufacturing of the new control panel, whether it is the short-term or medium-term, is particularly worthy of our attention.

Fundamentals: After the new China 9, from the perspective of strict supervision, high-performing large-cap stocks will have a large moat from the perspective of risk. The biggest upward momentum in the stock market is the performance of listed companies. During the disclosure of the interim report in July, we paid attention to consumer electronics with good performance. For example, high-quality electronics manufacturing, smart manufacturing, smart grid, Apple concept.

Stock Picking:

(1) Stock selection under short-term hot themes: follow the trend (all red in four sections) + liquidity turns red + bears move up

(2) Swing trend stock selection reference: trend + control (magic color scale fourth-order all-red + main control increase)

2. Short-term change sector (Apple concept, smart grid, consumer electronics, etc.)

It is rumored that the multi-win stocks: the China Securities Regulatory Commission studies deepening reform measures, and seven departments guide hard technology

(Image source: Jingchuan Multi-Win Stocks)

Technical: Pay attention to the market trend in the short term, and focus on the positive direction and capital speculation. Pay attention to the liquidity turned red, and after the bottom of the limit, copy the limit as the hype logic and make a pullback.

Individual stock selection: different types operate according to different tactics to adapt to the long-term survival of the market.

1. In the short term, we should pay attention to the over-falling rebound, the logic of capital operation, pay attention to liquidity and main trends, and operate fast in and out. (News sentiment + liquidity + main trend)

2. The type of control is mainly based on upward retracement, and the trend is a golden fork opportunity for retracement. (Magical Levels + Auxiliary Lines + Fishing Golden Cross)


【Risk Warning】The views in this article are compiled and edited by Ge Zhili (A1120619040001), the above content is for reference and learning only, not as a basis for buying and selling, investors should make decisions independently according to their own circumstances and bear their own investment risks. The market is risky, and investment needs to be cautious!

【Disclaimer】The above content (including but not limited to pictures, articles, audio and video, etc.) and operations are for reference only, our company is a formal investment consulting and operating institution, does not guide the purchase and sale, does not guarantee returns, investors should make independent decisions and bear their own risks.

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