
The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit

author:Mianzhou Pioneer

"I remember that Jiangdong poems are good, and the light smoke arbor is Mianzhou." From June 28th to 30th, the fifth stop of the 2024 Mianyang "Cultural Three Pushes" kicked off at Jinma Biji Fang, Xishan District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province.

As an important science and technology enterprise in the region, Changhong is carried out with the theme of "the longest rainbow", showing the "innovation gene" of Changhong to the citizens of Kunming, as well as the strongest advantages of Changhong in technology, industry, manufacturing, etc., attracting many citizens and tourists to "watch and check in".

The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit

What is the "longest rainbow"? "Changhong has given birth to the world's best and China's best in terms of scientific and technological innovation." According to the relevant person in charge of Changhong, Changhong is the world's largest refrigerator compressor supplier and is known as the "heart" of the world's refrigerators. At the same time, Changhong has more "most" has been applied in domestic large aircraft, maglev trains, manned space engineering, nuclear medicine and many other "big country heavy weapons" and people's livelihood projects, these "first", "largest" and "first", etc., are the results of Changhong's continuous innovation under the concept of "industry serving the country".

The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit

"The first TV in my house is Changhong!" Chen Chuyue, a travel blogger who just checked in at the "Longest Rainbow" Innovation Hall, said that his understanding of Mianyang originated from Changhong, and walking into the exhibition hall was like "crossing over" to Mianyang.

Like Chen Chuyue, many Kunming citizens and tourists have the same feelings.

The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit
The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit
The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit
The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit

A refrigerator that can keep it fresh for a long time, and the world's first smart home appliance Yunfan AI platform that has changed from a home appliance to a "family...... Walking into the "longest rainbow" innovation hall, as if stepping into a department store, the museum exhibited Changhong's most in the world and China's most in the level of scientific and technological innovation, introducing Changhong's development process from the "stumbling start" of science and technology to the "vigorous rise" of innovation, and then to countless cutting-edge technologies that shocked the world, so that citizens and tourists can have a more comprehensive understanding of the light of domestic products - Changhong.

The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit
The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit
The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit
The "longest rainbow" spring city blooms, and scientific and technological innovation bears fruit

Changhong, which has achieved a large number of "the world's best" and "China's best" in a low-key manner, has not stopped the pace of innovation and change because of its achievements. At present, Changhong is standing at the forefront of the global wave of digital intelligence upgrading, and continues to promote the upgrading of intelligent manufacturing by actively promoting "intelligent transformation and digital transformation" and modern solutions supported by "industrial Internet"; With full-link digital intelligence solutions and full-process industrial operation elements, we will strive to build an intelligent manufacturing ecosystem.

"Through the 'cultural three pushes' activity, we actively demonstrate the hard power of Changhong's comprehensive development and create a new image of high-quality development." According to the relevant person in charge of Changhong, Changhong is making every effort to build a "national digital pilot enterprise", accelerate the formation of a number of replicable and promotable "intelligent transformation and digital transformation" solutions, play a demonstration and leading role, and empower thousands of industries across the country.

Source: Fujiang Observation

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