
After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

author:Fans of history

At the end of February 1799, He Shen, a corrupt official of the Qing Dynasty, committed suicide in prison.

In ancient times, what were the punishments of criminals, and what happened to his nine wives and concubines after He Shen's death? Is it implicated? Were they given to death by Emperor Jiaqing, or did they choose another ending?

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

and Shen's "White Moonlight".

There is a saying in our modern era that says it very well: "Men are easy to become bad when they have money." ”

This statement is all too true both in ancient times and in our present day. When you don't have money, it's a fantasy, and when you have money, you can achieve your goals, and it's such a group of people who ruin a man's reputation.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

As we all know, He Shen was the biggest corrupt official in the Qing Dynasty, and the family property he owned was the total income of the Qing Dynasty for several years. It is no exaggeration to say that He Shen was the richest man in the world at that time.

Maybe many people think that He Shen is so rich, there should be a lot of wives and concubines. In fact, there are only 9 of them, which is not too much compared to his strong family property.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

Although there are not too many wives and concubines with Shen, there is one thing to say, the relationship between them is still very good.

We all know that when He Shen was corrupt and bribed, many ministers curry favor with him in order to seek more benefits.

But when He Shen fell, the ministers who had flattered him rushed to stand up and accuse him.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

Many ministers who took the initiative to climb Heshen actually said that Heshen forced himself to do this, this is people's hearts and human nature, it is really terrible. For their own interests, they can do any dirty and ugly thing, what a bunch of brazen people!

If you want to say that she has real feelings for He Shen, it is her wives and concubines.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

Regarding the ending of Heshen's 9 wives and concubines, let's first talk about the suicide of the self-committed suicide, first of all, Heshen's second wife, that is, the famous eldest second aunt.

This is He Shen's second wife, in fact, before this, He Shen did not dare to marry another wife and take a concubine, he was afraid that his first wife Feng Jiwen would be unhappy.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

After all, the reason why He Shen was able to have a later was that the Feng family helped a lot at that time. In addition, He Shen and Feng Jiwen have a good relationship, so He Shen has never married a second room and a concubine.

Having a wife is really normal in our modern times, but at that time, the rich families were basically groups of wives and concubines, and the children were almost able to form a company.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

He Shen is a man in need, and he naturally wants to do the same, but because Feng Jiwen is there, he can only envy others dryly.

However, later Feng Jiwen gradually saw He Shen's thoughts, so she persuaded He Shen to quickly marry a few more wives, or take a few concubines.

At first, He Shen was a little embarrassed, but with the arrival of the second lady, he finally made an exception.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

It is precisely because of reading this story that many netizens said: "It would be great if I could have an empathetic wife like Feng Jiwen!" ”

Everything has a degree, things must be reversed, and if there are fewer people, it will be pure, so you don't have to quarrel with a group of wives and concubines every day.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

This second lady's identity is a bit special, an official sent the beautiful slave maid in his family in order to curry favor with Heshen.

He Shen saw that the second lady was as beautiful as a flower, and it happened that his wife had been persuading him to marry a wife and take a concubine recently. In this way, the second lady successfully entered the door of Heshen's house.

This second lady is not only beautiful, but also her ability is very strong.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

When the second lady was a slave in the previous official's house, she gradually learned to manage money, and occasionally recited poems and lyrics.

As the relationship between the two got better and better, and they trusted each other very much, He Shen later asked the second lady to help him manage his finances.

He Shen's money at that time was hundreds of millions of taels of silver, no matter how much, the second lady was still handy in management.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

Willing to die for the king

Those who knew thought that He Shen was marrying a wife, and those who didn't know thought that He Shen simply recruited a person who was in charge of the account book.

Although the second lady failed to give birth to a son to He Shen, she still has two daughters and He Shen is still very happy, so what will happen to the second lady in the end?

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

After learning that He Shen committed suicide, the second lady was grief-stricken, and finally she chose to commit suicide and went to Huangquan Road to continue to accompany He Shen and Qianlong.

This is what the real human heart and human nature should look like, I loved deeply when you were brilliant, and I still didn't change my original intention when you were down, this is also what true love should look like, and there is no word "material" mixed in it.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

Next is He Shen's concubine Cardamom, which was given to He Shen by a wealthy businessman in Jiangnan in order to get an official position.

In fact, most of Heshen's concubines were given to him by others.

Although it sounds weird, there is one thing to say, the concubines sent by these officials are quite good, at least they will not betray He Shen.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

After learning that He Shen committed suicide, Cardamom, who had a good relationship with He Shen, was also heartbroken, so she chose to commit suicide after writing a poem.

Such sincere feelings are so touching.

Then another concubine of He Shen is also from the rich Jiangnan region, and her name is Wu Qinglian.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

Sure enough, generally wealthier places are more likely to give birth to beauties that countless men are obsessed with.

This Wu Qinglian used to work in the Qinglou, and after being ransomed, she was given to He Shen after the hands of one person, and she was a person who curry favor with the powerful for benefits, which is really a bit shameless.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

Wu Qinglian is actually very similar to the second lady above, she also has some talents, such as reciting poetry and writing everything, and she can also manage finances.

After Wu Qinglian entered the Heshen family, she mainly managed the property outside the Heshen family.

Ren Heshen was still doing business outside at that time, and he had a lot of income every year, so he also needed a capable and trustworthy person to manage.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

After He Shen committed suicide, Wu Qinglian knew that she was cornered, and in the end she also chose to commit suicide.

Although the ending is a little not good, there are a lot of partners on Huangquan Road.

The next concubine of Heshen may know very little, her name is Black Rose.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

Why is it called Black Rose? The reason is that this is a black man.

This black rose was actually offered by local officials in order to curry favor with Emperor Qianlong, and it is said that it was obtained from abroad, not our own country.

Although she is black, it still does not resist the beauty of this woman, simply put, there is a unique temperament in black.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

When He Shen saw this black beauty at that time, he was instantly moved.

At that time, Qianlong was very old, and he was powerless about beautiful women, and in the end, somehow, He Shen abducted this black beauty to his own home, and it is said that he bought off the eunuch who was in charge.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

These two people are so bold that even the emperor's woman dares to rob them.

Don't say it, later He Shen had a very good relationship with this black beauty, and the two have always respected each other.

In fact, He Shen is really handsome, even if he is over 40 years old, he still has a face like a crown of jade, his eyes are like stars, and He Shen's eloquence is very good, so black women also like He Shen.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?


The black beauty, like the above, chose to commit suicide in the end, because she didn't know where she should go after He Shen left, so she could only commit suicide and continue to follow in the footsteps of He Shen.

Among the wives and concubines of He Shen, some committed suicide for He Shen, and some died early, this is He Shen's first wife Feng Jiwen.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

In fact, Feng Jiwen was lucky, because she didn't see He Shen being arrested and committing suicide in the end, and she didn't experience that feeling of despair, so this is actually a good thing for Feng Jiwen.

If you want to say that the wife and concubine who have the best relationship with He Shen, one is the second lady, and the other is Feng Jiwen.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

When Feng Jiwen was seriously ill, He Shen did everything he could to find a cure for her at all costs. Even at the risk of being punished, he did not hesitate.

Maybe later He Shen had many wives and concubines, and he didn't love Feng Jiwen so much, but the other party was still so important in his hands, and his status could never be shaken.

A year after Feng Jiwen died of illness, He Shen went to find her.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

In addition to dying early and committing suicide, the remaining 4 people were the last to disappear, and it is estimated that they should have escaped by themselves.

These 4 are the Western beauties Mary, Xiaoying, Zi Yan, and He Shen's goddaughter Nalan Shi.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

These 4 are also said to have been given to He Shen by others, as for this Nalan clan, He Shen said that this was his goddaughter in order to hide people's eyes, but she was actually one of his concubines.

What these 4 people have in common with the above 5 is that they are also as beautiful as flowers.

He Shen is still a very discerning person, and his 9 wives and concubines are generally of high quality in both appearance and interior.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

After He Shen committed suicide, Mary and Nalan went their separate ways and disappeared without a trace.

And Xiao Ying and Zi Yan were still very confused at first, they didn't know where to go. The second lady saw that they were still young and that it was a pity to die, so she gave them a sum of money to send them away, and the two never appeared again.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

This is the final ending of Heshen's 9 wives and concubines, 4 of them are willing to die for Heshen, this scene is really touching, and it also shows that people sometimes still have true feelings.

Although you are good to others, others may not be really good to you, but as long as you are always sincere, you will meet the right person sooner or later.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

So it is not difficult to see from the endings of the concubines of He Shen that the relationship between them is still very good.

As mentioned earlier, He Shen is not only good-looking, but also very pleasing to girls in his speaking level, so he was very popular at that time.

After He Shen's house was raided, he committed suicide in prison, how were his 9 wives and concubines disposed of in the end?

It is indeed not easy to have a good relationship with each wife and concubine, and at the same time to properly handle the relationship between them.

Although He Shen committed suicide in the end, on Huangquan Road, there were 5 wives and concubines with Emperor Qianlong to accompany him, and he was not lonely at all.

In our eyes, He Shen is a heinous corrupt official, but in the eyes of his wife and concubine, maybe he is a good husband.