
Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

author:Kusunoki University Hall
Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

Outside of the gorgeous lights of the comedy stage, a little-known story is quietly unfolding. Chen Peisi, a comedy master who is loved by the audience, has a warm wish after passing the age of six.

He longed to hear the sound of childish laughter echoing in his home, hoping to enjoy the joy of family. However, his only son, Chen Dayu, does not seem to be in a hurry to start a family. What was the reason for the father and son to finally come to an agreement? What prompted the young Chen Dayu to usher in the birth of four children in a row in just a few years? Let's uncover this family story full of laughter and tears, and explore the secret of Chen Peisi's happiness in his later years.

The story of three generations of the Chen family is like a microcosm of China's contemporary history spanning more than half a century. His grandfather, Chen Qiang, was born in a turbulent era, and in order to escape the war, he traveled to many places, and finally died in Shanxi.

Even during these difficult years, Chen Qiang's parents insisted that he receive an education, which laid the foundation for his later artistic career.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

After the war subsided, Chen Qiang entered an art school for further study with his outstanding appearance. His performance on stage is amazing, especially the roles of "Huang Shiren" in "The White-Haired Girl" and "Nan Batian" in "Red Detachment of Women", which are still talked about by people today.

However, fate tricked people. In a special historical period, Chen Qiang was implicated for playing a villainous role, and this turmoil also affected the young Chen Peisi.

17-year-old Chen Peisi was sent to Inner Mongolia to cut the team before he could fully understand what was happening. In that vast and barren land, he spent the most difficult four years of his life.

Every day, Chen Peisi is fighting against the harsh environment and the limits of survival. He applied several times to return to Beijing, but was unable to do so. However, it was this experience that forged Chen Peisi's tenacious character.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

In the end, with the efforts of his father Chen Qiang and the help of his old partner Tian Hua, Chen Peisi was able to return to the city. Although he was initially resistant to acting, the grind of life allowed him to rediscover his love for acting.

With the improvement of the social environment, Chen Peisi's talent has been fully bloomed, and finally ushered in his own glorious moment.

When Chen Peisi became a father, he knew the pain of the turbulent years. Therefore, when educating his son Chen Dayu, he always maintained an attitude of "being prepared for danger in times of peace".

Although Chen Dayu lives in a new era and faces mainly material challenges, Chen Peisi still focuses on cultivating his son's independence and sense of responsibility.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

From Chen Qiang to Chen Peisi to Chen Dayu, each generation is facing different challenges of the times. However, it is the experience of these difficult years that has shaped the unique character of three generations, and also injected deep emotion and vitality into the artistic inheritance of the Chen family.

Chen Peisi, who has experienced turbulent years, is full of wisdom and foresight for the education of his son Chen Dayu after becoming a father. His education method is both strict and warm, reflecting the attitude of "being prepared for danger in times of peace".

First of all, Chen Peisi was ingenious when naming his son. He chose the name "Great Fool", which means "Great Wisdom and Foolishness". The name not only reflects the father's expectations for his son, but also implies the deep meaning of hoping that his son can be humble and unassuming.

In terms of learning, Chen Peisi has a unique philosophy. He asks his son to improve in his studies, but he doesn't strive for perfection. Interestingly, he even half-jokingly said that if he got a perfect score on the exam, he would have to be punished.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

This seemingly contradictory way of education is actually Chen Peisi's hope that his son can maintain his enterprising spirit, and at the same time not be bound by scores, and learn to be happy in the process of pursuing progress.

In order to cultivate his son's independence, Chen Peisi also set a strict rule: Chen Dayu must learn to live independently before the age of 18. In addition, he strictly forbade his son to act on his father's reputation outside the home, let alone reveal his father's name at will.

These requirements seem harsh, but in fact, Chen Peisi hopes that his son can rely on his own ability to gain a foothold in society.

Although Chen Peisi's education method is strict, the deep love contained in it is obvious. He wants his son to be able to stand firm in a competitive society while maintaining peace and happiness in his heart.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

It is this kind of strict and loving education that has shaped Chen Dayu's unique character.

Facts have proved that Chen Peisi's educational approach has achieved remarkable results. Under the guidance of his father, Chen Dayu gradually grew into an independent and confident young man.

When he reached adulthood at the age of 18, he resolutely embarked on the road of studying abroad, proving the success of his father's education with practical actions.

Looking back on Chen Peisi's educational process, we can see the wisdom and love of a father. Neither doting nor overly harsh, he found a balance that fostered his son's independence and sense of responsibility while giving him plenty of love and support.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

This kind of education not only helped Chen Dayu to gain a firm foothold in life, but also laid a solid foundation for his future success in the art path.

The seeds of art have flowed in the blood of three generations of the Chen family, but this artistic path has not been smooth sailing. Each generation has gone through a process from questioning to firmness, finally finding its place on the path of art.

Chen Peisi was initially full of resistance to his acting career. He has witnessed the pain of his father Chen Qiang being implicated for playing a villainous role, and he has also experienced the hardships of going to the countryside to join the queue.

These experiences made him doubt his acting career for a while. However, it was the tempering of life that allowed Chen Peisi to regain his love for acting. He gradually realized that art is not only a profession, but also a way to convey happiness and express himself.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

When Chen Dayu was a child, he showed a strong interest in acting. However, Chen Peisi, who knew that this business was not easy, did not immediately show his support.

He hopes that his son will be able to finish his education first and have more options. This attitude once made Chen Dayu mistakenly believe that his father did not support his dream.

However, the artistic genes in the blood are difficult to suppress after all. After studying abroad for two years, Chen Dayu still can't forget his inner dream of acting. He was determined to show his skills in his acting career.

This time, Chen Peisi did not object, but gave his son a one-year observation period.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

In this year, Chen Dayu deeply experienced the hardships and challenges of the performing arts industry. He understands that only those who truly love and persist can go further on this road.

Chen Peisi, on the other hand, silently paid attention to every step of his son's growth, neither interfering too much nor letting it go.

In the end, Chen Dayu proved his determination and talent with practical actions. He won the championship in several acting competitions in a row, winning the approval of his father. Chen Peisi no longer hid his support and began to pass on his experience to his son without reservation.

From Chen Qiang to Chen Peisi to Chen Dayu, the torch of art has been passed down from generation to generation in this family. Each generation has gone through the process from questioning to firmness, and it is this persistent pursuit of art that makes the Chen family's artistic path wider and wider.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

Their stories tell us that true artistic inheritance is not only the transmission of skills, but also the continuation of a spirit. In the process, each generation has innovated on the basis of its predecessors, injecting new vitality into the family's artistic career.

Chen Dayu's artistic path was gradually unfolded under the strict requirements and careful guidance of his father Chen Peisi. In the early days of his entry into the entertainment industry, Chen Peisi resolutely forbade him to use his fame.

This seems to be a harsh approach, but in fact, Chen Peisi hopes that his son can win recognition with his own strength.

However, when Chen Dayu really stepped into society and chose the traditional career path of the family, Chen Peisi's attitude changed subtly. He began to consciously pave the way for his son.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

At a grand banquet, Chen Peisi solemnly introduced his son to many people in the industry. This move is not only a recognition of his son's ability, but also a symbol of artistic inheritance.

In 2020, Chen Peisi and his old partner Zhu Shimao teamed up to create a high-profile comedian show. On this stage, Chen Dayu and Zhu Qingyang (Zhu Shimao's son) have the opportunity to show their talents.

The two fathers sat in the audience and watched their sons' performances with satisfaction. This scene seems to be the perfect handover of two generations of comedians.

The real breakthrough came in 2022. In Chen Dayu's tenth year in the acting industry, he finally had the opportunity to perform on the same stage with his father Chen Peisi. Their collaborative drama "Dream" won warm applause from the audience.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

This collaboration is not only an important milestone in the artistic careers of the father and son, but also a vivid embodiment of the artistic heritage of the Chen family.

On stage, Chen Peisi and Chen Dayu are no longer simply father and son, but artistic partners who appreciate and learn from each other. Chen Peisi poured on his years of accumulated experience, while Chen Dayu brought fresh creativity and vitality to his father.

This kind of intergenerational collision and integration has injected new vitality into the Chen family's artistic path.

From the initial behind-the-scenes support to the final performance on the same stage, the relationship between Chen Peisi and Chen Dayu has undergone a qualitative leap. This process not only witnessed Chen Dayu's growth, but also showed Chen Peisi's tolerance and wisdom as a father and artist.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

Their stories are a microcosm of the traditional Chinese family art heritage, showing how art can be transmitted and developed from generation to generation.

With the birth of Chen Dayu's four children one after another, the Chen family's artistic inheritance seems to have new possibilities. Chen Peisi once said frankly that he believed that his son Chen Dayu would eventually surpass him.

This confidence stems from the fact that Chen Dayu not only inherits the essence of traditional Chinese culture, but also integrates Western modern thought to form a unique artistic perspective.

In the face of the challenges of the new era, Chen Dayu, who is in the prime of life, is full of potential. His performance style not only inherits the essence of his father's generation, but also incorporates his own innovative ideas, showing a unique artistic charm.

Chen Peisi: My son is very filial, and for me to give birth to 4 children in a row, let me enjoy the joy of family in advance

This combination of tradition and modernity has opened up a new path for the Chen family's artistic development.

As for the growth of the fourth generation, it depends on whether Chen Dayu can fulfill his responsibility of education like his father. From Chen Qiang to Chen Peisi to Chen Dayu, each generation has left its mark on the road of art.

Now, with the addition of four lively and lovely children, this family full of artistic atmosphere may write a more wonderful chapter.

The story of the Chen family is not only a story of artistic inheritance, but also a story of family, responsibility and dreams. It tells us that no matter how the times change, as long as we have dreams and persist in working hard, we will eventually create our own wonderful life.

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