
Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

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Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi


In the Chinese entertainment industry, there is such a master of comedy, his name is a household name, and his works are widely circulated.

However, when people talk about his achievements, have they ever thought that what this comedy giant is most proud of is not how brilliant his career is, but how "stupid" his son is?

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

The origin of the name "stupid".

In 1989, Chen Peisi ushered in the most important turning point in his life.

This year, he was 35 years old, and he and his wife Wang Yanling were happy to have a noble son, named Chen Dayu, nicknamed "Little Fool".

Many people wonder why a child has such a strange name.

In fact, behind this name, there is Chen Peisi's most simple expectation for his son.

He hopes that his son can have an innocent and kind heart, not be polluted by the world, and be able to maintain his unique personality and style.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

Chen Peisi was born in an artistic family, and his father Chen Qiang was a famous performing artist.

However, the changes of the times made this supposed respectable family fall to the bottom overnight.

Chen Peisi was also hit hard because of this, coming from the city to the countryside and experiencing the ups and downs of life.

This experience gave him a deeper understanding of life, and he understood the illusion of fame and fortune and the true meaning of life.

He doesn't want his son to repeat the mistakes of the past, but to face life's challenges with an open-minded and optimistic attitude.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

It was this bumpy experience that gave Chen Peisi a deeper understanding of fame and fortune.

He hopes that his son can live a simple and happy life away from the distractions of the world.

"Great wisdom is foolishness", "foolish people have foolish blessings", this is his most sincere blessing to his son.

He believes that only by maintaining an innocent heart can true happiness and joy be found in this complex world.

This attitude towards life has also become a strong spiritual pillar for Chen Dayu to face the challenges of life in the future.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

The Father-Son Game: Science or Art?

As Chen Dayu grew up, he began to think about his life path.

When he graduated from high school, he plucked up the courage and told his father about his dream: "Dad, I want to be an actor like you." "

This decision is his loyalty to his inner voice and his yearning for his father's artistic life.

He is eager to perceive the various states of life and convey emotional resonance through performance.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

However, Chen Peisi disagreed.

He knows the hardships of the road to acting and doesn't want his son to repeat the mistakes of the past.

So, he decided to send Chen Dayu to the United States to study biological cell engineering.

Chen Peisi believes that studying science and engineering can provide more choices and possibilities for his son's future.

He doesn't want his son to be limited to his acting career, but to have a broader vision of life.

Although Chen Dayu was reluctant in his heart, he still respected his father's choice.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

He understood that his father's decision was all out of love and consideration for him.

Fate is often full of surprises.

During a vacation, Chen Dayu went to his father's troupe to help, and accidentally participated in the performance of the drama "Nursery".

His performance was excellent, which impressed Chen Peisi, who has always been strict.

Chen Peisi was surprised to find that his son showed extraordinary talent and potential on stage.

His performances are natural and fluid, as if they were born to belong on stage.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

Since then, Chen Peisi no longer interferes with his son's choice, but has become a guide on his artistic path.

He realized that everyone has their own trajectory in life, and as a father, he should respect and support his son's choice, rather than impose intervention.

The "stupid" dad's urging for marriage gave birth

In 2014, Chen Dayu married his girlfriend who had been in love for many years.

At the wedding scene, Chen Peisi couldn't hide his excitement, and jokingly urged the little couple to "make people" as soon as possible.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

Unexpectedly, early the next morning, he called his son and daughter-in-law to him, and said matter-of-factly: "Next year, I will hold my grandson!" This kind of "coercion and temptation" type of birth made the little couple cry and laugh.

They feel their father's importance for the family and the desire to pass on the lineage, but at the same time, they are also facing the dual pressure of career and life.

Faced with the ardent expectations of the "stupid" father, Chen Dayu and his wife couldn't cry or laugh, but in the end they chose to obey.

In 2015, their first daughter fell to the ground.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

Chen Peisi was ecstatic, and he couldn't wait to give the love of the whole world to this little angel.

He would find time every day to visit his granddaughter, buy her all kinds of toys and clothes, and want to spoil her to the sky.

However, before Chen Dayu had time to enjoy his father's fun, Chen Peisi began to urge him to have a second child, on the grounds that "children need to have a companion".

He said to his son earnestly: "I was too busy to give you a sibling.

Now that you have the conditions, be sure to give your children a playmate and don't leave them alone like you did when you were a child. "

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

Under his father's "soft and hard", Chen Dayu compromised again.

In 2016, a second daughter was born.

In order to take care of their granddaughter, Chen Peisi and his wife spared no effort and took care of everything.

They often take their children to the park to play, tell them stories, and spend their happy childhood time with them.

Although the two children made Chen Dayu and his wife feel pressured, they also felt that everything was worth it when they saw the relief of their parents.

They understand that the birth of parents is not only a desire for inheritance, but also a yearning for family happiness.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

They are willing to take on this responsibility and create a warm and loving family in their own way.

"Unexpected surprises" under the epidemic

In 2020, a sudden epidemic disrupted the rhythm of everyone's life.

During this special period, Chen Dayu's wife became pregnant unexpectedly, and she was still a pair of twins.

Faced with unknown risks, they wanted to give up, but Chen Peisi insisted that they give birth to a child.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

He encouraged his son and daughter-in-law to face life's accidents with a positive and optimistic attitude, and to believe in the power and beauty of life.

He said, "Every life is a gift from heaven.

We must welcome it with love, take care of it with our hearts, and let it grow up healthy and happy. "

Conceived in October, a pair of twin sons were born safely.

Since then, the Chen family has had two grandsons and two granddaughters, and they are happy.

Chen Peisi counted his little heads, and the corners of his mouth smiled together.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

And all this happiness comes from his son's "stupid" hat to him.

Chen Peisi often sighed that in his life, the most correct decision was to urge his son to have children.

He said with a smile that he was more responsible as a grandfather than a father.

Every day, he cooks food for his grandchildren, tells them stories, teaches them to sing, and seems to have found a new joy in life.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

In this happy family, everyone feels endless warmth and happiness.

An uninhibited soul and an unchanging original intention

Today, Chen Dayu has grown into a well-known comedian in the industry.

Under the guidance of his father, he took over many classic works, such as "Balcony" and "Nursery".

The audience was amazed that his performance had become blue, and even surpassed.

They praised that Chen Dayu not only inherited his father's comedy talent, but also injected his own unique understanding and emotion into his performance.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

His acting style is humorous and witty, but without losing depth and connotation, and every role is interpreted by him with great perfection and unforgettable.

However, for Chen Dayu, the most important thing is not the achievements in his career, but the warmth of his family.

He did his best and worked hard to give his family a better life.

Whenever he sees his elderly parents and innocent children, he feels extremely grounded and satisfied.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

He often took his children to visit their parents, chatted with them, and brought them food that he had made himself.

In his view, family is the greatest happiness in life, the harbor of the soul, and the driving force and destination of all struggles.

He hopes that he can be like his father, be a good husband, a good father, and a good son, so that the family will always be full of laughter.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi


There is no feast in the world that will never be dispersed, and the day will come when the children will go away.

What parents can do is to give selfless love, so that their children can have a happy childhood and grow up healthily.

In Chen Dayu, we see a filial son, a responsible husband and father.

And his story has also brought valuable inspiration to all young people who are wandering on the road of life.

Chen Dayu: No hype, no scandals, giving birth to 4 children in 6 years is the pride of his father Chen Peisi

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