
Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

author:Wei Xue loves to entertain
Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

On June 28, 2024, Beijing time, less than 30 days before the opening of the Paris Olympic Games. The Chinese national table tennis team is preparing for the competition in Chengdu, and tonight, the Chinese Olympic Committee officially announced the list of participants on its official website. Let's take a look at their preparation and line-up.

As soon as the list of participants in the Chinese national table tennis was officially certified, it immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet. This is not only an Olympic participation card, but also a symbol of their determination and strength to move towards the gold medal in the Paris Olympics for the Chinese table tennis team. Netizens have expressed their expectations and confidence.

In a WeChat group called "Table Tennis Fanatical Fan Group", Wang Dali posted his opinion: "Seeing that Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha, Wang Chuqin, Fan Zhendong and other big-name players were selected, I think the Chinese team can show their strength again this time!" We lost the last Olympics, and this time we must get our glory back! The group immediately flooded with likes and messages of encouragement.

Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

Another netizen, Xiao Ming, raised some expectations and concerns about the list: "Although we have strong players such as Chen Meng and Wang Chuqin, the opponents are also very strong, especially the players from Japan and European countries should not be underestimated. Hopefully, our team will be able to solve some potential problems in our preparation and stay in top shape. ”

In the women's singles, Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha will lead the match, and the news quickly sparked widespread discussion and anticipation on social media. A netizen named "Xiaobao, a table tennis fan", wrote excitedly in the WeChat group: "Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha are our top players, they have a solid performance on the international stage, and they are capable of dealing with strong opponents from countries such as Japan, Romania and India!" I believe they can bring good results to the Chinese team! This message immediately received enthusiastic responses and likes from other members of the group.

Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

Another netizen, "Football No. 1 Fan", expressed his opinion on Wang Manyu in the women's team competition on Weibo: "Wang Manyu is a very stable player, her performance in the last Olympics brought us a lot of surprises, and I look forward to her showing her outstanding performance again in the Paris Olympics and contributing to the Chinese team!" This Weibo quickly triggered interaction and comments from netizens, and everyone expressed their support and confidence in Wang Manyu.

On social platforms, the discussion about the women's team competition is also extremely hot. A netizen "Table Tennis World Observer" wrote in the comments: "The competition in the women's team competition is very fierce, requiring players to balance singles and women's doubles, which is undoubtedly a big challenge for Wang Manyu. But I believe that her all-round strength and competition experience will become an important pillar of the Chinese team! These words were immediately recognized and approved by other netizens, forming a positive atmosphere for discussion.

Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

In the men's singles field, the world's top two Wang Chuqin and Fan Zhendong have become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. A "table tennis fan" left a message on social media: "The state of Wang Chuqin and Fan Zhendong is really crucial, and their physical fitness and stable performance determine the victory or defeat of the Chinese team. Against strong opponents from Japan, Brazil, France, and South Korea, their performance will be crucial! The remarks immediately struck a chord and discussion among other fans, who expressed their confidence and support for the two players.

Another netizen "Table Tennis In-depth Analyst" expressed his views on Ma Long's role in the men's team competition on the forum: "Ma Long's experience and stability as a veteran are irreplaceable, and his addition can not only improve the overall strength of the team, but also stand up at critical moments and stabilize morale." I'm sure he'll do well in Paris! ”

Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

In the mixed doubles competition, the tacit understanding between Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha has attracted the attention and expectation of netizens. A screen name "Xiaohu who is a table tennis fan" left a message on social platforms and said: "The tacit understanding between Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha is really high, and their cooperation on the field is very comfortable to watch!" They have already done really well in the last competition, and we are all looking forward to seeing if they can finish on the podium again this time! ”

Another netizen named "Table Tennis Commentator Xiao Liu" expressed his views on the substitute players Liang Jingkun and Wang Yidi on the forum: "Liang Jingkun and Wang Yidi, as substitute players, should not be underestimated. The consistency and form they have shown in their preparation has given the team a lot of confidence and options. Whether it's mixed doubles or singles, they are able to step up when it matters. ”

On social media, regarding the mixed doubles combination of Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha, a netizen "Xiao Li, an in-depth observer of the table tennis world", commented on Weibo: "Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha's tacit cooperation and stable performance are indeed impressive. Their technical reserves and tournament experience make them an indispensable part of the mixed doubles competition for the Chinese team. Hopefully they can continue to do well at the Paris Olympics! ”

Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

In the WeChat group "Table Tennis Fanatical Fan Group", Wang Dali excitedly shared his expectations for Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin to compete: "To be honest, seeing Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha able to play this time, I really feel that our Chinese team can show their strength again!" The last Olympic defeat was heart-wrenching, and this time we want to regain the glory that belongs to us! His speech immediately attracted a chorus of praise and encouragement from the group.

Another group member, Xiao Gang, added with some apprehension: "Although Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha are both strong players, the opponents are too strong, especially from Japan and Europe, and their skills and form are very good. Hopefully, our team will be able to adjust their form as soon as possible in their preparation and play at their best. ”

Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

"Table tennis fan Dabai" expressed his confidence in Wang Chuqin in the group: "As a leader in men's singles, Wang Chuqin's stability and reaction speed in the game are our guarantees. I hope he can achieve better results in the Olympic Games and contribute to the Chinese team! These words were unanimously agreed by the other members, and everyone expected Wang Chuqin to show an outstanding performance in the Olympic Games.

"Table tennis enthusiast Xiaohua" also shared her opinion: "For Sun Yingsha, I am especially looking forward to her proving herself again in the women's singles competition. Her performance at the last Olympics was impressive, and her consistency and tactical reserve are our strengths. I believe she can surprise us again at the Paris Olympics! These words sparked an active discussion about Sun Yingsha in the group, and members expressed their expectations and support for her.

Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

On social media, the "Table Tennis World Observer" wrote in a comment: "The combination of Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha will be our weapon in the women's team competition. Their cooperation is very high, and the opponent must be vigilant. I believe that they can bring good results to the Chinese team! This comment was quickly recognized and responded to by other netizens, forming a positive atmosphere of discussion.

"Football No. 1 fan" expressed his expectations for Wang Chuqin on Weibo: "Wang Chuqin is our hope in men's singles, he has comprehensive skills, stable state, and can cope with various challenges. I hope he can show his outstanding performance again at the Paris Olympics and win glory for the Chinese table tennis team! ”

Liu Guoliang, chairman of the Table Tennis Association, said, "It's not so easy to go to Paris to win five gold medals, you have to go all out. "The Chinese national table tennis will launch the final impact on the gold medal with the strongest lineup and the best state.

Official announcement! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed! Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha women's singles! Qualifications such as big head, small fat men's singles, etc

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