
Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

author:Playground Cover
Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger
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Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

In the Chinese entertainment industry, Li Chengru's name is always eye-catching. , an actor who is well-known to the audience for playing the role of a police officer in "Six Groups of Serious Cases", did not really emerge in his acting career until he was 41 years old, and can be called a model of "late bloomer" in the entertainment industry.

However, it is such an artist who has achieved great success in his career, but has repeatedly become the focus of controversy in his love life. His second marriage was to an actor in Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger than him, and then fell in love with a young actress who was 28 years younger than him.

Li Chengru's life did not start well. At just two years old, he lost his father, leaving behind a shattered family. In that era of scarcity of materials, Li Chengru's mother shouldered the burden of raising her children alone.

In order to make ends meet, this strong woman had to toil the railroad and struggle day in and day out.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

The poverty of his family cast a shadow over Li Chengru's childhood. In the toughest times, they even had to feed themselves by eating the shoots from the willow trees. Whenever spring arrives and catkins fly, the family falls into deep fear.

For them, falling catkins are not a beautiful sight, but a sign of an impending period of hunger.

However, it was in such a difficult environment that Li Chengru's mother showed amazing foresight. Knowing the importance of knowledge and skills, she decided to let the older children learn Peking Opera and then go home to teach her younger siblings.

This decision opened the door to the world of art for Li Chengru.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

Under the earnest teaching of his mother, the young Li Chengru gradually fell in love with the art of Peking Opera. This love for art became the source of motivation for him to pursue his dreams in the future.

In 1966, 12-year-old Li Chengru had the courage to sign up for the examination of the opera school with a vision for the future. However, fate seems to have played a joke on him again.

Due to his family's poor financial situation, he was unable to attend school.

This failure did not extinguish the theatrical dream in Li Chengru's heart. Instead, it became what motivated him to keep going. Li Chengru firmly believes that as long as he does not give up, the opportunity will eventually come.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

This belief will accompany him through every difficult moment of his life.

Although his childhood was full of hardships and setbacks, this experience also shaped Li Chengru's tenacious character. The poor family environment made him deeply understand the difficulty of life, and also made him cherish every hard-won opportunity even more.

His mother's strength and wisdom became his role model throughout his life, inspiring him to continue on the path of art. This difficult childhood experience laid a solid foundation for Li Chengru's future success in his acting career.

The frustration of not being able to enter the opera school did not extinguish the fire of Li Chengru's dream. On the contrary, this failure strengthened his determination to pursue art. Knowing that it takes perseverance and perseverance to realize his dreams, Li Chengru chose a circuitous but pragmatic path.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

In order to accumulate funds and life experience, Li Chengru entered a garment factory to work. The job, although far from his theatrical ideals, provided him with a steady stream of income.

When he received his salary each month, Li Chengru would carefully save most of the money to prepare for his future artistic pursuits. Even in the busy factory life, he never forgot his original intention.

Whenever he has free time, Li Chengru silently practices his lines or watches videos of Peking Opera performances to constantly improve his skills.

A few years later, when his savings reached a certain level, Li Chengru made a decision that surprised those around him: quit his job and devote himself to studying drama.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

This decision puzzled many people, and some even advised him to be more realistic. But Li Chengru has made up his mind, and he knows that if he doesn't chase his dreams when he was young, he may never have a chance in the future.

In order to find a famous teacher who can guide him, Li Chengru has made great efforts. By chance, he was fortunate to watch the performance of the famous Peking Opera artist Dong Xingji and was impressed by his exquisite skills.

Li Chengru secretly made up his mind that he must worship this master as a teacher.

When Dong Xingji walked out of the theater after the performance, Li Chengru mustered up the courage to come forward to talk to him, sincerely expressing his desire to follow and learn. Impressed by the young man's enthusiasm and determination, Dong Xingji agreed to let him come to the audition the next day with his work.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

This opportunity became an important turning point in Li Chengru's artistic career.

Under the careful guidance of Dong Xingji, Li Chengru was hungry for artistic nutrients. He knows that there is no shortcut to success, and only by putting in more effort than ordinary people can he achieve something.

Since then, Li Chengru has developed an admirable habit of getting up at 6 a.m. every morning to memorize the script. This seemingly simple habit he persisted for 10 years.

It was this almost paranoid persistence and hard work that laid a solid foundation for Li Chengru's future success. His line skills are becoming more and more sophisticated, his acting skills are constantly improving, and he has gradually become a recognized powerful actor in the industry.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

In the process, Li Chengru not only honed his acting skills, but also cultivated a tenacious character.

Li Chengru's story is a vivid example of dreams, perseverance and hard work. From an ordinary worker in a garment factory to a bright star on the stage, he used his own experience to interpret the ancient adage of "as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle is sharpened into a needle".

This arduous and fulfilling road to pursue his dreams not only shaped Li Chengru's artistic life, but also laid the groundwork for his persistent pursuit in the emotional world in the future.

After years of unremitting efforts, Li Chengru finally ushered in a turning point in his career. At the age of 41, he became famous with the role of the policeman Dazeng in the TV series "Six Groups of Serious Cases".

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

This image of justice, awe-inspiring, decisiveness and perseverance is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience, making Li Chengru from an unknown actor to a well-known star.

After becoming famous, Li Chengru did not stop there, but continued to improve on the road of art. He constantly challenges himself, tries out various types of roles, and shows amazing acting skills and adaptability.

In a popular variety show, Li Chengru attracted the attention of many audiences with his sharp comments and clear views. He mercilessly criticized the works of the popular writer Guo Jingming, showing his characteristics of independent thinking and courage to express.

However, Lee Sung-ru's charm is not only reflected on the screen. His authentic character and unique charisma also put him in the public spotlight. In life, Li Chengru is known for his straightforward character.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

He didn't even hesitate to use such sharp comments as "human-like dog-like" for his own son. This unvarnished authenticity has earned him the love and respect of more audiences.

While climbing to the peak in his career, Li Chengru's emotional life is like a drama full of ups and downs, full of dramatic turns. As a person who pursues perfection in art, Li Chengru seems to be constantly looking for that "perfect" partner in terms of feelings.

Li Chengru's second marriage is quite topical. He chose a Tsing Yi actor who was 18 years younger than him as his life partner, and this marriage once became the focus of heated discussions in the entertainment industry.

Despite the obvious age gap, the couple's shared artistic pursuits resonated more. Their tacit cooperation on stage seems to be a continuation of their feelings in life.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

However, just when people thought that Li Chengru had finally found the other half of his life, he gave everyone another surprise. Shortly after the end of his second marriage, Lee Sung-ru fell into a sensational romance again.

This time, his sweetheart is a young actor who is 28 years younger than him. This intergenerational love affair has once again sparked widespread public attention and discussion. Some people praise Li Chengru's charm as it was back then, and some people question whether this relationship can stand the test of time.

In the face of all kinds of doubts from the outside world, Li Chengru doesn't seem to care. In his opinion, feelings are a matter of two people, as long as they truly love each other, age is not a problem.

This courageous attitude of pursuing true love also reflects his dedication to artistic pursuits to a certain extent.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

Interestingly, when talking about his daughter's love life, Li Chengru showed a completely different attitude. His daughter fell into a romance in 2007 with a man of a similar age.

However, Li Chengru did not approve of the relationship. He is not only opposed to his daughter's choice to become an actress, but also has a lot of criticism about her relationship. This seemingly contradictory attitude may reflect Li Chengru's desire to protect as a father, or it may stem from his understanding and concern about the complex environment of the entertainment industry.

Li Chengru's emotional experience is like a drama of ups and downs. His bravery and persistence in his relationship are the same as his attitude in artistic pursuits. This attitude of dedication brought him both sweetness and bitterness.

However, it is these rich emotional experiences that have become the source of nourishment for his artistic creation, making his performances more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

Li Chengru's amorous nature is not only a characteristic of his character, but also an important part of his artistic life. His emotional experience may be confusing, but it is precisely this complexity that has shaped Li Chengru's unique artistic charm and personality charm.

Now, Li Chengru, who is over the age of six, has chosen to live alone. However, this does not mean that he is estranged from his loved ones. As he grew older, Li Chengru felt more and more the preciousness of family affection.

Especially in his later years, his relationship with his son was repaired, which added warmth and comfort to his life.

Looking back, Li Chengru's life is like a wonderful drama, with laughter, tears, and ups and downs. From his impoverished childhood to the pinnacle of art, from complex emotions to the calm of his later years, Li Chengru's experience interprets the richness and diversity of life.

Famous actor Li Chengru: married Tsing Yi, who was 18 years younger, and turned around and fell in love with an actress who was 28 years younger

In the end, he chose to return to the simplest and most sincere family affection. This is perhaps the most precious harvest of his life, and it is also the most precious revelation he left us: no matter how many storms and waves he experiences, his family will always be the warmest harbor.

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