
From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

author:Xiaoxing Lianbagua
From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

In the autumn of 1997, an uninvited guest was welcomed on the bank of the Liao River. 19-year-old Li Yugang, a young man from a remote rural village in Changchun City, Jilin Province, is on the verge of a life-and-death decision.

His eyes revealed deep exhaustion and despair, and the pain in his heart came like a tidal wave when he recalled the hardships of leaving home to study and the recent professional fraud.

Just when Li Yugang was about to jump into the icy river, fate gave him an unexpected turn. A group of ragged little beggars suddenly appeared beside him, looking curiously at the stranger.

This scene touched the softest part of Li Yugang's heart, and the grievances and pain that had accumulated over the years poured out like a flood that burst the embankment. He cried loudly, tears blurring his vision, but also washing away the despair in his heart.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

This seemingly ordinary moment not only saved Li Yugang's life, but also became the starting point of his legendary life. Since then, he has embarked on a challenging but ultimately brilliant artistic journey.

After experiencing a choice on the verge of life and death, Li Yugang rekindled his hope for life and love for art. In 1998, he moved to the ancient capital of Xi'an and found a job as a salesperson in a video store.

Although his work was ordinary, this experience opened the door to the world of music, giving him the opportunity to be exposed to a variety of musical works and accumulate valuable knowledge.

With a love for music, Li Yugang resolutely set foot on the prosperous land of Beijing in 2000. It was here that he began a difficult career as a street singer.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

When night falls, the bustling streets become his stage. Li Yugang stood on the side of the road, attracting the attention of passers-by with his unique voice, trying to make his singing heard in the hustle and bustle of the city.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. In a fortuitous performance, Li Yugang showed amazing skills in switching male and female voices. The applause and admiration of the audience gave him hope and strengthened his determination to pursue the art of anti-stringing.

In order to perfectly interpret the female role, he did not hesitate to spend his meager savings to buy cosmetics and practice repeatedly in a rented cabin. From makeup to posture, he strives to be the best.

However, the road to pursuing dreams is never easy. Discriminatory remarks such as "sissy" and "perverted" followed, and some people even threw wine bottles at the stage during his performance.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

In the face of these, Li Yugang always endured silently, with a determined light in his eyes. He knows that only through unremitting efforts can the world understand and accept his art.

During these difficult days, Li Yugang met his Bole - Fan Xiaoning. This girl, who was born in a musical family in Beijing, saw Li Yugang's talent with her professional eye.

Fan Xiaoning's encouragement and support was like a shot in the arm, allowing Li Yugang to regain confidence in the trough and continue to chase his dreams.

Despite all kinds of difficulties and doubts, Li Yugang never gave up. He firmly believes that as long as he sticks to his artistic ideals, he will one day be recognized. Every street performance, every practice, is a paving stone to his dream stage.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

This arduous experience not only honed Li Yugang's will, but also laid a solid foundation for his future success.

2006 was a turning point in fate for 28-year-old Li Yugang. This year, he mustered up the courage to participate in the "Avenue of Stars" competition. On stage, Li Yugang brought the audience a stunning "New Concubine Drunk" with a unique performance in male and female costumes and amazing mixed singing skills.

His elegant posture, delicate expressions, and singing that perfectly blends male and female voices made the audience and judges fall in love with him.

The moment the host announced that Li Yugang had won the championship, his eyes moistened. Standing in the spotlight, countless images flashed in his mind: that desperate night on the banks of the Liao River, days of silent study in Xi'an video stores, and the experience of singing on the streets of Beijing.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

All the dedication, all the perseverance, at this moment finally paid off.

After winning the championship of "Avenue of Stars", Li Yugang's career is like riding a rocket. He soon received an invitation from the Sydney Opera House, giving him the opportunity to showcase the charm of traditional Chinese culture on the international stage.

There, Li Yugang's performance won warm applause from overseas audiences, and also let the world see the demeanor of Chinese artists.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yugang joined the China Song and Dance Theater and realized his artistic ideals for many years. On this stage, he has more opportunities to hone his skills and has access to more excellent artists.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

In 2010, he released his first solo album, and his unique voice quickly spread through the streets and became the first choice for many mobile phone ringtones.

In 2012 and 2013, Li Yugang appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for two consecutive years. This stage, known as the "highest level" in China, has witnessed Li Yugang's transformation from a street performer to a national-level artist.

Every appearance sparked heated discussions among audiences across the country, and his performance became one of the highlights of the evening.

However, behind the success is the dedication of countless sleepless nights. In order to perfectly interpret each role, Li Yugang often practiced without sleep or food. He is extremely strict with himself, striving for perfection in every movement, every note.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

This kind of dedication and persistence makes his performances always surprise the audience.

Li Yugang's success is not only reflected in his artistic achievements, but more importantly, he has begun to be understood and accepted by more people. Those who once looked at him discriminatorily now have to be impressed by his talent.

He used his strength to prove that true art is gender-neutral and can break traditional boundaries.

However, as his fame grew, Li Yugang also paid the price. The long-term high-intensity work has overdrawn his body and affected his love life. But whenever he stands on the stage and looks at the appreciative eyes of the audience, Li Yugang feels that everything is worth it.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

He knows that although this artistic road is difficult, it is also his lifelong pursuit and love.

Under the aura of fame, Li Yugang ushered in the peak of his career, but the ensuing controversies and challenges also followed. The comment "Mei Lanfang in the front, Li Yugang in the back" is a word of praise, but it inadvertently caused an uproar.

Mei Baojiu, the son of Mei Lanfang, as the inheritor of Peking Opera art, expressed strong dissatisfaction with this evaluation. In his opinion, Li Yugang's performance form is contrary to the essence of traditional Peking Opera art.

This controversy quickly fermented and became a hot topic in the cultural circles.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

Faced with doubts, Li Yugang's heart was full of grievances and helplessness. He has always deeply admired Mr. Mei Lanfang, and has always taken it as his responsibility to inherit and carry forward traditional Chinese culture.

At an important party, Li Yugang tried to show kindness to Mei Baojiu, hoping to resolve the conflict. However, instead of getting a response, his efforts caused an even greater misunderstanding, which led to a further deterioration in the relationship between the two.

This turmoil has brought tremendous pressure to Li Yugang. He began to question his own artistic path, and even had the idea of quitting for a while. However, his love for art and sense of responsibility sustain him to keep going.

He chose to withdraw from the public eye for a while and meditate on the direction of his artistic creation.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

During this period, Li Yugang experienced unprecedented challenges. He deeply understands that a true artist must not only be talented, but also have a tenacious heart to face all kinds of doubts and criticism.

He began to reflect on his artistic creation, thinking about how to better inherit traditional culture and at the same time bring forth the new.

In addition to the artistic controversy, Li Yugang's personal life has also been affected. Long-term high-intensity work and huge pressure put a great burden on his body and mind.

The relationship between him and Fan Xiaoning also gradually faded due to less gathering and more separation, and finally had to choose to break up peacefully.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

However, these setbacks did not break Li Yugang. Instead, they became whetstones that sharpened his will. He began to think more deeply about his artistic pursuits, looking for a balance between tradition and modernity.

He understands that only by standing up to doubts and tests can a truly valuable work of art be created.

Although this period full of controversy and challenges made Li Yugang suffer, it also further improved his artistic quality and personal accomplishment. It laid an important foundation for Li Yugang's artistic innovation and cultural inheritance in the future, and also made him more determined in his artistic path.

After a period of precipitation and reflection, Li Yugang returned to the art stage with a new attitude. In 2015, he devoted himself to directing and acting in the large-scale song and dance drama "Zhaojun Out of the Plug".

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

In order to restore the realism of the historical scene, Li Yugang did not hesitate to pay out of his own pocket and led the entire production team to Inner Mongolia for field investigations. This dedication and seriousness to art is fully reflected in the works.

"Zhaojun Out of the Plug" is not only widely praised in China, but also shines on the international stage. This work successfully integrates elements of traditional Chinese culture with modern stage art, showing the unique charm of Chinese culture to the world.

Li Yugang's innovative attempt has opened up a new way for the dissemination of traditional culture.

In 2018, Li Yugang appeared at the Cannes Film Festival as the "Sino-French Cultural Promotion Ambassador". Dressed in a pure white dress, he has elegant manners and extraordinary temperament, showing the world the style of a Chinese artist.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

His appearance not only attracted the attention of the audience, but also won unanimous praise from the media at home and abroad. This appearance marks a new height in Li Yugang's artistic career.

In 2021, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Li Yugang composed the song "Wanjiang" full of patriotic feelings. The song sparked heated discussions as soon as it was released, and it quickly topped the major music charts.

The lyrics of "How lucky I am to be born in your arms, inheriting a vein of blood" express Li Yugang's deep feelings for the motherland, and also resonate with countless listeners.

At this stage, Li Yugang successfully integrated traditional culture with modern art, showing a unique artistic charm. He is no longer limited to a single form of performance, but tries to diversify his artistic creation.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

From song and dance drama to music creation, from domestic stage to international film festival, Li Yugang's artistic path is getting wider and wider.

This innovative spirit has made Li Yugang's art more vibrant and won wider recognition. He proved with practical actions that traditional culture is not resting on its laurels, but can keep pace with the times and continue to innovate.

Li Yugang's success is not only the embodiment of his personal artistic achievements, but also the epitome of the vitality of traditional Chinese culture in the new era.

Through these years of hard work, Li Yugang has not only achieved his own artistic transformation, but also become an excellent disseminator and innovator of traditional Chinese culture. His story is a vivid portrayal of the innovation and development of Chinese art in the process of inheritance.

From "waiter" to "concubine", after being ridiculed for many years, what has Li Yugang experienced

From an impoverished rural teenager in Changchun City, Jilin Province, to an internationally renowned artist, Li Yugang's life experience can be called a realistic version of an inspirational legend. It took him 20 years to complete the amazing transformation from "waiter" to "concubine", and every step of this journey is full of hardships and perseverance.

Li Yugang's story tells us that no matter what the starting point is, as long as we stick to our dreams, are not afraid of setbacks, and have the courage to innovate, we will eventually be able to shine on the stage of life. From street performance to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, from being questioned to being widely acclaimed, Li Yugang uses his own experience to interpret what is the true artistic spirit.

Today, Li Yugang has become a disseminator and innovator of traditional Chinese culture. His artistic career is just like the song in "Red Ling": "The people in the audience walk by, they don't see the old color, and the people on the stage have bright voices, singing all the sorrows of parting."

This may be the true portrayal of Li Yugang's artistic life, which is writing his own wonderful chapter in continuous challenges and innovations.

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