
Haitian Eagle: Wu Qiang sacrificed, and was promoted to the captain of the female soldiers at the beginning of summer, and the ground crew brothers were in tears!

author:Foodie West Event
Haitian Eagle: Wu Qiang sacrificed, and was promoted to the captain of the female soldiers at the beginning of summer, and the ground crew brothers were in tears!

The military drama "Haitian Eagle" features iron-blooded men such as Zhu Yawen and Hou Yong as the protagonists, profoundly interpreting the legendary stories of China's top pilots. They were not afraid of hardships and dangers, and led carrier-based aircraft to challenge the limits in the vast sea and air, showing the demeanor of true soldiers.

Qin Dadi, Xie Zhenyu, and Yu Tao, the three pilots, were already the best in the flight unit. During a rare seven-day vacation, they did not choose to rest and relax, but chose to train their Harrier flying skills assiduously on the training ground at the airport. This kind of flying technique is not only a skill improvement for them, but also a real challenge to their flying ability.

Qin Dadi, a tall and burly man with a fierce appearance on the surface, is actually a delicate-minded and caring person. During the training process, he is always able to answer questions for his peers and help them overcome difficulties. With his help, the overall cohesion of the team has been greatly improved, and the flight skills have gradually improved.

Xie Zhenyu is an unruly personality with natural leadership skills. In training, he is always the first to break through the difficulties and lead everyone to improve. Once, during a test flight of a simulated ship, he almost had an accident due to a change in wind speed. However, at the last moment, he reacted quickly and successfully completed the test flight, which won applause and praise from the whole team.

Haitian Eagle: Wu Qiang sacrificed, and was promoted to the captain of the female soldiers at the beginning of summer, and the ground crew brothers were in tears!

Yu Tao, a calm and down-to-earth, humble and low-key pilot. Although he is not as full of personality as Xie Zhenyu, his every movement seems extremely calm. In training, he always gave silently in an inconspicuous way. It is because of his steadiness and persistence that the whole team has been able to make significant progress in a short period of time.

Training is not all smooth sailing, and they often encounter a variety of challenges and difficulties. Sometimes it's a sudden change in the weather, sometimes it's a breakdown of equipment, but they can always be overcome through teamwork and individual effort. This spirit is not only manifested on the training ground, but also has attracted widespread attention and discussion on the Internet.

Netizens have shared the training routines of these pilots on social media. Someone commented: "It's really admirable to see them so focused and hardworking. Another netizen posted: "These pilots are not only skilled, but also real fighters who care about the country!" These real testimonies and comments make their training not only a technical improvement, but also a kind of inheritance and promotion of the national spirit.

Haitian Eagle: Wu Qiang sacrificed, and was promoted to the captain of the female soldiers at the beginning of summer, and the ground crew brothers were in tears!

On the last day of the test flight, they finally ushered in the landing test flight of the Harrier aircraft. This is an extremely dangerous and complex task, which requires pilots not only to have excellent skills, but also to have super psychological quality. As the first test pilot, Qin Dadi demonstrated unparalleled flight skills and excellent adaptability. His success has not only given him a great personal sense of accomplishment, but also injected a strong sense of confidence and motivation into the entire team.

Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao followed, and they also completed their own test flight tasks. Xie Zhenyu's calmness and adaptability have been verified again, and Yu Tao's steadiness and focus are even more impressive. The collective performance of the three pilots not only won the praise of the command, but also won the respect and attention of the majority of netizens.

Haitian Eagle: Wu Qiang sacrificed, and was promoted to the captain of the female soldiers at the beginning of summer, and the ground crew brothers were in tears!

During a test flight, a tragedy struck suddenly. Qin Dadi's wingman Wu Qiang suffered a recurrence of an old injury during the flight, which led to an operational error, and finally died unfortunately. The news struck the entire flight team like a bolt from the blue. Wu Qiang is not just a teammate, but also a brother in everyone's hearts, and his death has made everyone's hearts twisted.

In the face of this sudden situation, the entire test flight team fell into silence and sadness. No one could believe that Wu Qiang, who had trained and flown with everyone, had left them like this. In the particular profession of pilots, every test flight meant a huge risk, and this time, they witnessed the brutality of this risk.

Qin Dadi, especially him, felt deep remorse and pain. Wu Qiang's death made him feel the heaviest responsibility in the life of a soldier. As the captain, he is not only responsible for his every decision, but also for the safety of every teammate. He pondered the details, imagining if he could have done better to avoid this tragedy.

Haitian Eagle: Wu Qiang sacrificed, and was promoted to the captain of the female soldiers at the beginning of summer, and the ground crew brothers were in tears!

Yu Tao and Xie Zhenyu were also silently immersed in their own sadness. Wu Qiang used to be their comrade-in-arms, a partner who grew up and fought together. They clearly remember that in training, Wu Qiang was always the optimistic and cheerful teammate who gave silently. Now, they have lost him forever, and this loss and irreparable regret makes their hearts twist. Xie Zhenyu plays Zhu Yawen, Zhu Yawen's appearance is indeed handsome, his angular face and deep eyes can always attract people's attention. He is not the typical white-faced scholar, but shows the tenderness of southerners and the fortitude of northerners. There is a deep intellectual temperament hidden in his heroic spirit, which makes him more vivid and profound in his performance.

On social media, netizens had a heated discussion about Zhu Yawen's appearance and temperament. Someone commented: "Zhu Yawen's appearance gives people the first feeling of masculinity, but watching him act can feel his inner delicacy and deep thought." This evaluation shows that Zhu Yawen was able to skillfully blend the masculinity on the outside and the wisdom of the heart when creating the character, which left a deep impression.

Haitian Eagle: Wu Qiang sacrificed, and was promoted to the captain of the female soldiers at the beginning of summer, and the ground crew brothers were in tears!

Other netizens praised his choice of roles: "He is eclectic, from costume dramas to modern dramas, every role can be performed very well, showing multi-faceted acting skills." This point of view believes that Zhu Yawen, as an actor, not only has a high degree of compatibility between his appearance and the role, but also shows his strength and charm as an all-rounder in terms of performance style and character character.

As for his temperament of masculinity and wisdom, some netizens said: "Zhu Yawen's every look and micro-expression can interpret the inner world of the character, and this delicacy and precision are his unique charm." These comments not only affirmed his acting skills, but also highlighted his deep connotation and sense of drama as an actor.

Haitian Eagle: Wu Qiang sacrificed, and was promoted to the captain of the female soldiers at the beginning of summer, and the ground crew brothers were in tears!

As a doctor at the beginning of the summer, he chose to join the female soldiers on the ship after losing his relationship, showing excellent training results and professional skills, and was finally promoted to the captain of the female soldiers. She and Xie Zhenyu shouldered the heavy responsibility of the aircraft carrier cause together, demonstrating the most sincere love and responsibility among the military.

At the same time, although they failed to board the ship, the ground crew brothers chose to contribute to the cause of the aircraft carrier in obscurity. They paid silently at their posts, guarded the safety and glory of the motherland with practical actions, and demonstrated the noble quality of unsung heroes.

"Haitian Eagle" is not only a military drama, but also a true portrayal of the spirit of soldiers. The characters in the play demonstrated their indomitable will and selfless dedication in the battle and sacrifice, and they wrote a magnificent epic of defending the motherland with sweat and blood.

Haitian Eagle: Wu Qiang sacrificed, and was promoted to the captain of the female soldiers at the beginning of summer, and the ground crew brothers were in tears!

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