
In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

author:Flying Fish Reading Club
In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced
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In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

On July 21, 2018, the summer sun shone on Zhu Jun's face, reflecting the sparkle in his eyes. As a well-known host of CCTV, he is enjoying the peak moment of his career.

The 21-year Spring Festival Gala stage has witnessed his transformation from youth to maturity, and has also pushed him into the spotlight.

However, fate always likes to joke. Just a week later, an online revelation was like a heavy punch, knocking Zhu Jun down. A woman who goes by the pseudonym "Xianzi" publicly accused Zhu Jun of molesting her four years ago.

This accusation was like a bomb, which instantly detonated the field of public opinion.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

From the resident host of the Spring Festival Gala to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, what dramatic turn has Zhu Jun's life experienced? Let's trace his road to the Spring Festival Gala and uncover the truth behind this change of fate.

In 1964, Lanzhou, Gansu Province ushered in an extraordinary life. Zhu Jun was born into an artistic family, and his father was a skilled clarinetist.

Since childhood, the seeds of art have quietly taken root in Zhu Jun's heart.

At the age of 11, Zhu Jun began to learn clarinet with his father. The young Zhu Jun's eyes flashed with love for music, and in the practice again and again, he seemed to see himself on the future stage, radiant.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

This learning experience laid a solid foundation for his later artistic career.

After retiring from the army, Zhu Jun's artistic path did not stop there. He was successfully admitted to the Gansu Provincial Quyi Troupe and started his career as a professional actor. On this stage, Zhu Jun was eager to learn all kinds of acting skills.

cross talk, sketches, and hosting, he is eager to try and strive to do his best. This experience broadened Zhu Jun's artistic horizons and laid a solid foundation for his future hosting career.

In 1988, opportunity once again favored the hardworking young man. Zhu Jun was admitted to the Lanzhou Military Region Combat Song and Dance Troupe as he wished, realizing his dream of following in his father's footsteps.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

On this bigger stage, Zhu Jun's talent has been fully released. Not only did he make great progress in his art, but more importantly, he met his true love here and turned a new page in his life.

From family upbringing to military career, and then to a professional art group, Zhu Jun's growth path is full of artistic atmosphere. Every step is the persistence of dreams, and every battle is the sharpening of talent.

This experience not only shaped Zhu Jun's artistic talent, but also forged his tenacious character, laying a solid foundation for his brilliant career in CCTV in the future.

On the stage of the Lanzhou Military Region Combat Song and Dance Troupe, fate arranged a beautiful encounter for Zhu Jun. Tan Mei, a talented girl six years younger than Zhu Jun, instantly captured Zhu Jun's heart with her elegant dancing posture and smart temperament.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

The moment the two met, it seemed that there had been an arrangement in the dark, and the tacit understanding at first sight made them fall in love quickly.

Zhu Jun's pursuit of Tan Mei is delicate and considerate. Whether on the stage or in life, he is like a loyal knight, always guarding Tan Mei's side. His gentleness and thoughtfulness, his talent, all fascinated Tan Mei deeply.

However, what touched Tan Mei the most was Zhu Jun's seriousness and responsibility towards feelings.

Before establishing a relationship, Zhu Jun made a request that surprised and moved Tan Mei. He hopes that Tan Mei can ask her mother for permission before she can officially establish a relationship.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

This traditional and responsible approach made Tan Mei see Zhu Jun's sincerity and responsibility.

So, with tears of happiness, Tan Mei wrote a sincere letter to her family. In the letter, she not only poured out her love for Zhu Jun, but also attached Zhu Jun's resume and photo.

This letter not only touched Tan Mei's mother, but also became a testimony of the love between the two.

In May 1993, in the spring season, Zhu Jun and Tan Mei finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. Although Zhu Jun's economic conditions at that time were not well-off, he used his own hands to sew clothes for Tan Mei, showing amazing aesthetic talent.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

Often mistaken for foreign purchases, these ingenious garments become another expression of the sweet love between the two.

After marriage, Tan Mei became the strongest backing in Zhu's military career. When Zhu Jun was faced with the opportunity to go to Beijing to develop, Tan Mei did not hesitate to support her husband to pursue his dream.

She took the initiative to take care of the family, so that Zhu Jun could struggle in his career without worries.

This love has gone through the baptism of the years, but it has always been the same. Even when Zhu Jun encountered a low point in her life, Tan Mei still stood firmly by her husband's side, interpreting the oath of "never leaving" with her actions.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

Her support and trust have become the warmest comfort for Zhu Jun in his life journey, and also the motivation for him to move forward in the wind and rain.

The love story of Zhu Jun and Tan Mei is not only a romantic encounter, but also a tried and tested companionship. It witnesses the transformation of two people from youth to maturity, and also interprets the power of true love.

In 1991, Zhu Jun took a crucial step in his career and joined Gansu Provincial Television. With his unique hosting style and outstanding performance, he soon became the host of the popular variety show "Flowers and Full Moon".

Zhu Jun's talent bloomed on this stage, won the love of the audience and the appreciation of the leadership, and laid a solid foundation for his future development.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

However, a turning point of fate came quietly in 1993. That year, the famous host Yang Lan came to Gansu to host a party, and Zhu Jun was fortunate to be her partner.

Zhu Jun's performance made Yang Lan's eyes shine, she keenly discovered the potential of this young host, and strongly recommended him to go to CCTV for development. Faced with this opportunity, Zhu Jun was both excited and apprehensive in his heart.

With the encouragement of his wife, Tan Mei, he mustered up the courage and decided to go north to chase bigger dreams.

When he first arrived at CCTV, Zhu Jun did not immediately take the position of host. He started from the most basic work, responsible for the field affairs, props and scene recording of the program "East, West, South, North and Central".

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

In the face of this gap, Zhu Jun was not discouraged, but devoted himself to work with great enthusiasm and proved his ability with practical actions. He believes that as long as he works hard, he will eventually have the opportunity to display his talents.

The hard work paid off, and Zhu Jun's diligence soon paid off. At an important planning meeting, his outstanding performance attracted the attention of the producers. Soon after, Zhu Jun ushered in the first CCTV hosting opportunity in his life, and co-hosted the show with Xu Gehui.

This opportunity was like a stepping stone, allowing Zhu Jun to gain a firm foothold in CCTV.

In 1997, Zhu Jun ushered in another peak in his career - he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time. Since then, he has become the resident host of the Spring Festival Gala, bringing joy and emotion to audiences across the country for 21 consecutive years.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

Zhu Jun's calm, generous, witty and humorous hosting style is deeply loved by the audience, and he has gradually grown into a well-deserved "CCTV first brother".

In the past 21 years, Zhu Jun has witnessed countless wonderful moments and experienced many unforgettable challenges. Every year of the Spring Festival Gala, he devotes himself wholeheartedly to presenting the most perfect program for the audience.

From the tense rehearsal to the exciting countdown, from the on-the-spot response to the tacit cooperation with his partner, Zhu Jun showed professionalism and extraordinary talent on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Zhu Jun's success lies not only in his excellent hosting ability, but also in his dedication and love for his work. He has always maintained his passion for his career, constantly learning and improving.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

His professionalism and outstanding performance have not only won the respect of his peers, but also become a role model for many young hosts.

From Gansu Provincial TV to CCTV, from ordinary staff to the host of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhu Jun's growth road is full of hardships and sweat. But it is these experiences that have shaped his unique hosting style and tenacious character.

His story is not only the success of a host, but also the epitome of the unremitting struggle of a dreamer.

On July 26, 2018, an online article was like a depth charge, instantly stirring up thousands of waves and completely changing the trajectory of Zhu Jun's life. A woman with the online name "Xianzi" posted an article accusing Zhu Jun of molesting her four years ago, and this revelation quickly caused an uproar on the Internet and pushed Zhu Jun to the forefront of public opinion.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

In the face of this sudden accusation, Zhu Jun chose to remain silent. He did not respond directly in public, but through legal means to defend his rights and interests. Zhu Jun filed a lawsuit with the court, accusing "Xianzi" of defamation and demanding 650,000 yuan in compensation.

This move shows Zhu Jun's resolute denial of the accusations, and also shows his determination to clear his innocence through legal means.

However, the power of public opinion is enormous. Although the truth of the matter has not yet been revealed, Zhu Jun's career has already taken a heavy hit. He was forced to temporarily leave his job at CCTV, the resident host on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and even missed the 2018 Spring Festival Gala.

This is the first time that Zhu Jun has been absent from the Spring Festival Gala stage in 21 years, marking a major turning point in his brilliant career.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

At the same time, "Xianzi" continued to speak out on the Internet, and her remarks sparked widespread social discussion and won many supporters. She has become a representative of women's rights, and the turmoil has risen to a social issue about gender power.

This sudden turmoil not only affected Zhu Jun's career, but also brought great pressure to his family and personal life. From the high-profile CCTV brother to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, Zhu Jun has experienced the double test of career and life.

The turmoil has also sparked deep thinking about the private ethics of public figures, the responsibility of the media, and social justice.

After the turmoil, Zhu Jun chose to fade out of the public eye for the time being. , the former CCTV first brother, chose to be silent in the hustle and bustle of public opinion. It wasn't until the end of 2020 that he first publicly responded to the matter.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

Zhu Jun admitted that in the past two years, he has endured tremendous mental pressure and inner torment. However, he always firmly believed in the justice of the law and believed that the truth would eventually be revealed to the world.

Despite the difficult situation, Zhu Jun did not give up his love of life. On May 24, 2024, he posted a poem "Believe in the Future" that he recited in collaboration with a friend on social media.

This poem seems to be a signal that Zhu Jun conveys to the public, expressing his hope for the future and his persistence in life.

In this turmoil, Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei became his strongest backing. She has publicly expressed her support for her husband many times and firmly believes in Zhu Jun's character. On July 1, 2024, Tan Mei shared on social media the latest situation of Zhu Jun's concentration on painting.

In the 21st year of the Spring Festival Gala, from "CCTV celebrity" to "no one cares", what has he experienced

Her words reveal a deep love for her husband and a moving picture of the couple supporting each other in difficult situations.

Today, the truth about Zhu Jun's case has not yet been fully revealed. Regardless of the outcome, this turmoil profoundly changed the trajectory of Zhu Jun's life. From the focus of the Spring Festival Gala stage to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, and then to today's peaceful life, Zhu Jun's experience has witnessed the impermanence of fate and also shows the complexity of human nature.

We hope that justice will eventually come and restore things to their original colors.

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