
On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death in 1974, Deng Yingchao rushed overnight to tell his wife Liu Yunsheng: Don't move

author:Old nonsense about history

On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death in 1974, Deng Yingchao rushed overnight to tell his wife Liu Yunsheng: Don't move. In that turbulent era, there was a couple who made great contributions to the peaceful reunification of the country in their own way. They are General Fu Zuoyi and his loyal wife Liu Yunsheng. In the face of national calamity, they did not hesitate to choose the path of defending their home and country, and paid a heavy price for it. However, just when General Fu Zuoyi was critically ill, Premier Zhou Enlai personally cared for and visited, and Deng Yingchao also rushed there that night and told Liu Yunsheng "Don't move, the country will take care of you." Such a move is admirable, and it also makes us wonder: What did this ordinary couple experience in that special historical period?

On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death in 1974, Deng Yingchao rushed overnight to tell his wife Liu Yunsheng: Don't move

In 1948, General Fu Zuoyi tried to block Chiang Kai-shek's decision to "fully cross to the south" during the critical period of the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War. It is said that Chiang Kai-shek was quite dissatisfied with this veteran who insisted on the main battlefield in North China, but under the persuasion of Zhang Zhi and others, he reluctantly agreed with Fu Zuoyi's opinion. This can make Chiang Kai-shek stunned, he is about to lose to Chongqing, Fu Lao'er's move can be said to be a timely stop loss, otherwise North China will be completely gone.

On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death in 1974, Deng Yingchao rushed overnight to tell his wife Liu Yunsheng: Don't move

Next, in order to show his determination, Fu Laoer actually asked his wife Liu Yunsheng and the children to go to Chongqing first, pretending to be "hostages" in exchange for Chiang Kai-shek's trust. I'll go, do you think this ploy is too vicious? However, thinking that Fu Lao'er was at the end of his crossbow at this time, he could only bet on his family to persuade Chiang Kai-shek to believe in himself, which could be regarded as an expedient measure.

In this way, Liu Yunsheng's family was "placed under house arrest" in Chongqing, and they were even closely monitored by Kuomintang agents. When the news of the peaceful liberation of Beiping came, Chiang Kai-shek made another ruthless mistake, and wanted to take Liu Yunsheng as a hostage or put him in prison several times. Good guys, this annoyed Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, and immediately rescued Liu Yunsheng's family, so that they could arrive in Tianjin safely and reunite with Fu Laoer.

On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death in 1974, Deng Yingchao rushed overnight to tell his wife Liu Yunsheng: Don't move

In this way, with the help of Premier Zhou and the underground party, the couple finally survived the turbulent years. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Premier Zhou treated Fu Zuoyi with great care. Every time there is a major event, Fu Lao'er will be specially arranged to attend, so that he can feel the warmth of the new society; Once Fu Zuoyi has something unpleasant, Premier Zhou will personally visit him to discuss countermeasures. Until 1974, when Fu Zuoyi was dying, Premier Zhou, although his health had deteriorated, he still dragged his sick body to visit this old friend. Fu Lao'er heard Premier Zhou's praise convey Chairman Mao's congratulations, mixed with joy and sorrow, and finally passed away with relief.

On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death in 1974, Deng Yingchao rushed overnight to tell his wife Liu Yunsheng: Don't move

On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death, Deng Yingchao also came overnight to comfort Liu Yunsheng on behalf of Premier Zhou: "Don't move, the country will take care of you, listen to the party, and seek truth from facts." These simple and unpretentious words are full of the love of the party and the state for the revolutionary heroes. The scene at that time was moving.

On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death in 1974, Deng Yingchao rushed overnight to tell his wife Liu Yunsheng: Don't move

At the memorial meeting, Chairman Mao personally sent a wreath, Premier Zhou still presided over the memorial service despite his disheveled illness, and Ye Jianying also came to tell Fu Zuoyi's revolutionary life. In this way, after some twists and turns, the couple finally received the respect and courtesy they deserved. The state not only distributes a considerable amount of living expenses to Liu Yunsheng every month, but even Fu Lao'er's old friends sighed when they saw her life: "You are living a more nourishing life than I am in Japan!"

On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death in 1974, Deng Yingchao rushed overnight to tell his wife Liu Yunsheng: Don't move

An ordinary family of generals, but they stepped forward at a critical moment and made extraordinary historical contributions. With their indomitable faith and unswerving patriotic feelings, they defended the great rivers and mountains of North China and paved the way for the birth of New China. Whether in the war-torn era or in the era of peace, the party and the state have never forgotten the meritorious deeds of the couple and have given them the greatest care and care.

On the night of Fu Zuoyi's death in 1974, Deng Yingchao rushed overnight to tell his wife Liu Yunsheng: Don't move

This is an ordinary and great family epic, which contains unswerving love, loyalty to the party and the country, and the deep friendship between the party and the people. It has allowed us to witness the eventful years of a turbulent era, and it has also made us feel the lofty courtesy of the party and the state to the revolutionary heroes. #头条首发大赛#

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