
These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling! I can't stand any of them, and I'm still cheeky about it

author:Dew chasing shadows
These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling! I can't stand any of them, and I'm still cheeky about it

In the current highly competitive market of variety shows, several programs that have attracted much attention have sparked extensive discussions and reflections because of their unique original intentions and development processes. From "Chinese Restaurant" to "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", to "Brother Who Overcomes Difficulties" and "I Am a Singer", each show is looking for a balance between the pursuit of entertainment and the original intention.

The original idea of "Chinese Restaurant" was to showcase Chinese food culture and show the world the unique charm of Chinese cuisine. The first three seasons were recorded in Thailand, France and Italy, and featured guests who really know how to cook and run a restaurant, striving to promote culture through the influence of celebrities. These quarters aim to make the audience feel the warmth of the table and the exchange of humanity through the sincere presentation of food and the in-depth transmission of culture.

With the arrival of the fourth season, the show gradually deviated from its original intention. More and more attention has begun to focus on creating conflicts and focusing on the personal topics of celebrities, rather than conveying the cultural depth and human touch behind the food. The audience began to gradually feel the truth and warmth of the show, but felt more entertaining elements and artificially created conflicts.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling! I can't stand any of them, and I'm still cheeky about it

"Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" takes 30+ women as the theme, trying to break the inherent impression of middle-aged women in society and show their energy and independent spirit. The debut season was a huge success, leading to a discussion about age and self-perception. Through the personal experience and professional performance of the contestants, the program shows the extraordinary charm of middle-aged women in their professional and personal growth.

As the fifth season progresses, viewers begin to feel the flatness of the show's content and the gradual fading of the passion of previous seasons. The show's focus seems to be more on entertainment and ratings than on the original exploration of women's self-expression and social identity. Viewers began to question the show's changes, believing that it was gradually losing its original sincerity and uniqueness.

Similarly, "Brother Who Overcame Difficulties", although it tried to create a male version of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", its execution effect was not as good as that of the female version. The participants in the show mainly sang, but the atmosphere of the competition was not strong, and there was a lack of sufficient competitive incentives. At the beginning of the fourth season, the show introduced some controversial guests in an attempt to increase the topicality and attractiveness of the show, but the effect was not significant.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling! I can't stand any of them, and I'm still cheeky about it

In the field of music, "I Am a Singer" developed from the continuation of "Singer", but gradually turned to Internet celebrities and online singers, rather than real powerful singers. Viewers began to question the show's aesthetic fatigue and the declining trend in the quality of the show, especially the performance of the eighth season was even more disappointing, and it was difficult to reproduce the high level of performance in the early days.

The show "Singer" attracted a large number of audiences at the beginning, and with the performance of powerful singers and the exciting competition system, it once became a representative of music variety shows. In the early performances, many audience members remember the shocking performances on stage, whether it was the soulful interpretation of the veteran singers, or the breakthroughs and challenges of the new singers, they all left a deep impression. However, with the development of the show, some viewers began to have different opinions on "Singer", especially after the show gradually tilted towards online singers and Internet celebrities, which caused a lot of controversy.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling! I can't stand any of them, and I'm still cheeky about it

A long-time fan posted on social media and recalled: "I still remember the shock of the first season, every singer is a real powerhouse, and the feeling of that competition is particularly strong. It's really a treat to look forward to seeing them perform every week. His words were filled with nostalgia, as if looking for the moments that had thrilled him.

Another netizen expressed a different opinion: "In the past two years, the feeling of "Singer" has changed, more and more online singers have appeared on stage, although some of them are quite popular, but they always feel that they lack some strength and professionalism. To watch their performances, sometimes it's better to listen to the original songs. This point of view has been agreed and responded to by many people, and everyone has shared their views in the comment area.

A music student analyzed in detail in the comment area: "At the beginning of the show, it was really to let really good singers have more opportunities to show themselves. At that time, both the choice of songs and the stage effects were very careful. But now, the program team seems to pay more attention to traffic and topics, and many times they see the performance rather than the music itself. His analysis was recognized by many people, and the number of likes rose rapidly.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling! I can't stand any of them, and I'm still cheeky about it

Another viewer asked his own question: "Why do more and more programs like to find Internet celebrities and online singers?" Is it because they have a lot of fans? But in this way, has the show lost its original level? This issue has sparked a lot of discussion, and many people believe that the commercialization trend of the program is inevitable, but also hope that the producer can find a balance between commercial interests and the quality of the program.

"Extreme Challenge" performed very well in the first three seasons, with a Douban score of more than 9 points, becoming one of the masterpieces of domestic reality shows. The first two seasons were known for their free development and unexpected jokes, which won enthusiastic support and critical acclaim from audiences. Through the challenges and interactions of the members in extreme environments, the show showed a real friendship and team spirit, which deeply touched the hearts of the audience.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling! I can't stand any of them, and I'm still cheeky about it

Over time, the show was gradually perceived as too commercial and scripted, losing its initial authenticity and innovation. Some netizens said that when they first watched "Extreme Challenge", they could see the real smiles and sincere interactions of the members in each issue, and they felt that they were real friends; Now, the show seems to focus more on well-designed plots and commercial effects, and the members' performances are no longer as natural and sincere as they used to be.

One viewer posted on social media: "I used to be a big fan of Extreme Challenge and felt that their sincerity and camaraderie was unmatched by other shows. But in recent seasons, the show has obviously changed, and has begun to emphasize some commercial cooperation and star effect, and it feels like it has lost its original flavor. ”

Another reviewer commented: "What attracted me most about Extreme Challenge was seeing the members' real reactions and non-stop hilarious moments in extreme conditions. But now, more and more program clips seem preset and sensational, and seem more like they are designed to boost ratings. ”

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling! I can't stand any of them, and I'm still cheeky about it

This change in the show has also sparked discussions among viewers and fans. Some people believe that as the commercialization of the show increases, it can certainly increase the exposure and influence of the show, but it may also lose the original naturalness and authenticity. While others believe that this is an inevitable trend in the development of the program, and how to balance commercialization and innovation is an eternal topic.

The successes and problems of these shows reflect the dilemma between reality and entertainment in the current variety show production. In a highly competitive market environment, how to attract audiences while maintaining the original intention of the program is a challenge and thinking that every program production team faces.

These 6 variety shows are dying and struggling! I can't stand any of them, and I'm still cheeky about it

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