
A well-known Taiwan politician reminded Lai Ching-te that there must be a reason why the two sides of the strait have not fought for so many years

author:Chengcheng topic station

Recently, the Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) conducted an in-depth questioning activity against the top echelons of the Taiwan military and conducted a comprehensive investigation of the state of readiness and morale of the Taiwan military.

During this questioning, Kuomintang "legislator" Weng Xiaoling asked Mei Jiashu, "chief of staff" of the Taiwan military, an extremely acute and sensitive question: "Against the background of the current tense cross-strait relations, will the Taiwan military face the problem of desertion in the event of a conflict with the mainland?" ”

A well-known Taiwan politician reminded Lai Ching-te that there must be a reason why the two sides of the strait have not fought for so many years

Mei Jiashu's face was worried, his brows were furrowed, he knew the seriousness of this problem. After pondering for a moment, he responded frankly: "In view of the severity of the current situation, it would undoubtedly be an exaggeration and unrealistic statement if I said that there would be no deserters in the Taiwan army.

In real conflicts, desertion is a real possibility.

Therefore, we must incorporate this situation into our daily drills and training to improve the morale and combat effectiveness of the army in order to cope with various situations that may occur. ”

The inevitability of the phenomenon of desertion is expressed so tactfully and freshly refined, and the DPP's rhetorical art is indeed extraordinary. They are always able to find the right wording at critical moments to hide the essence of the problem.

However, if the DPP can really face the problem of desertion so calmly, then Lai's other move is particularly puzzling, and even raises questions about his true intentions.

On June 27, the Taiwan authorities officially announced that they would raise the mainland travel alert level to orange. This decision has undoubtedly cast a shadow over cross-strait relations.

According to the warning system of the Taiwan authorities, orange means: Residents on the island are advised to avoid all non-essential travel activities to ensure their own safety.

As soon as this news came out, public opinion on the island was in an uproar, and people questioned one after another why the Taiwan authorities had made such a decision.

Some people even commented: "Lai Qingde's move seems to be intended to rewind cross-strait relations to the pre-80s of the last century and realize artificial isolation between the two sides of the strait." In Tsai's eight years in power, we have never seen anything like this.

This is obviously because Lai Qingde wants to confront the mainland with an iron heart, and he wants to provoke trouble at all costs. ”

In this tense atmosphere, many elites on the island began to express their concerns and dissatisfaction. They are well aware that peace and stability in cross-strait relations are of vital importance to Taiwan's development and prosperity.

Therefore, they have come out one after another to speak out, calling on the DPP government to remain calm and rational and not to act rashly.

A well-known Taiwan politician reminded Lai Ching-te that there must be a reason why the two sides of the strait have not fought for so many years

Among them, Lin Yufang, a well-known politician in Taiwan, put forward a thought-provoking point that sparked a wide range of discussions.

He reminded Lai Qingde: "The two sides of the strait have not had a conflict for many years, and there must be a deep-seated reason behind this because they do not want to fight and do not want to fight.

At present, the DPP's primary task is not to provoke incidents, but to safeguard the cornerstone of cross-strait peace, so as to ensure long-term peace and stability. We should cherish this hard-won peace and not destroy it lightly. ”

Lin Yufang's view has been endorsed and supported by many people. They held that the peaceful development of cross-strait relations conforms to the fundamental interests of the people on both sides of the strait and is also the common expectation of the international community.

Therefore, the DPP government should conscientiously listen to the voices of elites on the island, remain calm and rational, and refrain from making moves that undermine the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

As a matter of fact, Lin Yufang's viewpoint coincides with the remarks made by Shen Fu-hsiung, a veteran of Taiwan's political circles a few days ago. As an experienced politician, Shen Fuxiong has a profound understanding and unique views on cross-strait relations.

He said: "As long as Lai Qingde can properly handle one key matter, that is, to abandon the 'Taiwan independence' stance and return to the '92 consensus,' Taiwan will maintain stability and prosperity in the next 25 years." ”

These politicians share a similar view of the conditions for avoiding war, in short, "maintaining the status quo."

They believe that as long as the DPP government no longer advocates the "Taiwan independence" stance and no longer provokes the mainland, the mainland will exercise restraint and patience and will not take military action, as it has done in the past few decades.

In this way, cross-strait relations will be able to maintain peace and stability, and Taiwan will be able to continue to enjoy the dividends brought about by economic development and social progress.

However, we must make it clear that the past is not the same as the present, much less the future. Judging by the current indications, the process of China's reunification will no longer be postponed indefinitely.

No matter whether the DPP chooses to openly provoke or covertly sabotage, it will not be able to stop this historical process. This is because China's reunification is the general trend of history and an inevitable requirement for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

A well-known Taiwan politician reminded Lai Ching-te that there must be a reason why the two sides of the strait have not fought for so many years

There are two main reasons for this:

First of all, the marked increase in the strength of the Continental Army has provided us with the necessary conditions for realizing the reunification of the motherland. This is the most fundamental driving force.

In recent years, along with the rapid development of the mainland's economy and the continuous improvement of its scientific and technological strength, the mainland's military strength has also been markedly enhanced.

Whether in terms of weaponry, personnel quality, or combat capability, the mainland army already has considerable strength. This has given us the confidence and determination to realize the reunification of the motherland.

In contrast, although the military strength of Taiwan's armed forces has also been improved to a certain extent, there is still a big gap between Taiwan and the mainland. In particular, in terms of high-tech weaponry and combat capability, Taiwan's armed forces have lagged far behind the mainland armed forces.

Therefore, if the DPP government continues to adhere to the "Taiwan independence" stance and provoke the mainland, then it will face strong military pressure from the mainland.

Second, with the vigorous development of Chinese mainland's economy, the United States will inevitably feel jealous and seek containment measures. Under such circumstances, the DPP may become a pawn in the hands of the United States.

The United States has been trying to contain and contain China's development through the Taiwan issue. They continue to sell weapons and provide military assistance to Taiwan, trying to build Taiwan into an "unsinkable aircraft carrier."

However, we must be clear that Taiwan is not a pawn of the United States, nor is it a tool they use to contain China. Taiwan is a part of China, and the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair.

No external force has the right to interfere or meddle. Therefore, we should resolutely oppose any form of external interference and meddling in order to safeguard the peace and stability of cross-strait relations and the great cause of national reunification.

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