
Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

author:Linlin said entertainment


Yang Zi's magnolia shortlisted speech

Yang Zi, the powerful actress, shared her joy and gratitude for being shortlisted for the Magnolia Award on social media. She expressed her regret for not being able to be there in person, but more importantly to thank all those who supported her. She especially mentioned Teacher Tonghua, Sister Tang, Director Qin Zhen and Director Yang Huan, and thanked them for their trust and support.

Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

Yang Zi's words are full of sincerity and humility, and her gratitude to all the cast and crew in front of and behind the scenes is overflowing. Netizens left messages saying: "Yang Zi's gratitude is really moving! "Looking forward to Yang Zi bringing more wonderful works! This kind of positive interaction not only shows Yang Zi's popularity, but also makes her image more accessible and down-to-earth.

Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

The expectations and prospects of "Sauvignon Blanc 2".


Yang Zi also mentioned the upcoming "Sauvignon Blanc 2" in the article, and she said that she would continue to work hard with this encouragement and original intention to bring more and better works to everyone. As a high-profile drama, the success of the first season of Sauvignon Blanc has already laid a solid foundation for the broadcast of the second season.

Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

Yang Zi's performance in the play, especially her role as Xiaoliu/Xiaoyao, has left a deep impression on the audience. Netizens' expectations for the second season are off the charts,

Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

have said: "I can't wait to see "Sauvignon Blanc 2"!" "Yang Zi's acting skills are really getting better and better! This kind of high expectation is not only a personal recognition of Yang Zi, but also the expectation and trust of the entire crew.

Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

Yang Zi's social media interactions


Yang Zi's interaction on social media is also a reflection of the deep affection between her and her fans. She often interacts with fans on Weibo, replies to fans' messages, and shares her life.

Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

This kind of people-friendly attitude makes her closer to her fans. Netizens said: "Yang Zi is really too down-to-earth! "Every time I see her replying to fans, I think she's so cute! This interaction not only enhances the loyalty of fans, but also makes Yang Zi's image more three-dimensional.

Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

Controversial summary

Yang Zi's shortlisting for the Magnolia Award is undoubtedly an affirmation of her acting skills and a reward for her efforts over the years. However, there are also different voices on the Internet about her acting skills and works. Some viewers believe that although Yang Zi's acting skills are excellent, there is still room for improvement in some roles.

Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

However, many viewers also said that Yang Zi's every performance is full of sincerity and hard work, and her progress is obvious to all. This controversy, although it may affect the perception of some audiences, also adds more layers to Yang Zi's image. In any case, Yang Zi's performance in "Sauvignon Blanc 2" has proven her strength and charm as an actor. Her hard work and persistence are not only a personal trait, but also an artistic expression. This trait makes her more stable and long-term on the road of acting.

Yang Zi's Magnolia shortlisted speech: 'I regret that I didn't come to the scene, but my heart is with you!'

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