
Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

author:Who said I was emotional
Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

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Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

When Chen Qiaoen stepped on the red carpet and stepped on the podium of the dazzling awards ceremony, she was not only a representative of the honor won as an actor, but also a symbol of perseverance in the hearts of the audience. The film she starred in, "Can You Don't Leave Me", won her one of the most unwanted awards in her acting career - the most disappointing actress in the Golden Broom. Chen Qiaoen did not choose to avoid or remain silent, but faced this fact in a blunt and even brave way.

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't be there to receive the award in person due to filming reasons. As an actor, I will humbly accept everyone's opinions and evaluations......" These words were transmitted to the ears of every audience who cared about her through the screen, and they all made people deeply feel the courage and bearing of the actress. There is no flowery rhetoric in the celebrity press release, and there is no statement carefully planned by the public relations team; Only concise, clear and sincere expressions. Add to that the funny nosebleed photo and a giant golden broom icon, which makes her response even more lighthearted; has strength but does not show off, can accept criticism and keep a smile.

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

This performance not only won the appreciation and applause of the media and industry insiders, "Have courage and responsibility!" Mr. Cheng Qingsong's evaluation shows his weight and sense of identity. From this point of view, it is precisely because of Chen Qiaoen's attitude of daring to face her heart and taking responsibility that she is unique and far ahead on the long road of the entertainment industry.

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

If you want to understand the ups and downs of the beautiful actress Da S, we have to go back to the critical moment of 2010. It was a very changing time, and some subtle changes were quietly happening at this important time. At that time, the social environment could be described as turbulent and full of unknowns: Big S became popular with TV series such as "Meteor Garden" and "Bubble Summer", and became the queen of the idol drama industry. However, at the award ceremony of the Golden Broom Awards, because of the poor performance of the three movies she starred in, she actually won an award that made people laugh and cry.

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

As everyone knows, the criticism of her by the media and the public at that time mainly focused on her performance being too exaggerated, lacking realism, and even making it difficult to tell what emotions she was expressing. However, after winning this award, Big S did not bravely stand up and fight back against those negative comments as we expected, but chose to "disappear" - although this behavior can be seen as a kind of self-protection, it also reveals a problem that cannot be ignored: when popular stars encounter difficulties, their chances of returning to the stage may be greatly reduced.

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

No matter what you think of Da S's acting skills and the award she won, there is actually a lot of bitterness and hard work hidden behind it. She also faced various challenges in her life, such as adjusting to a new family role.

This complicated experience has brought a lot of changes to herself, and at the same time, it has also made the new life she is about to start more mysterious.

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

On that shining stage, although it was only a short ten months, there was a completely different life path hidden behind it. The competition between the two of them may be an inner battle - Chen Qiaoen, who was unknown at the Golden Broom Awards, and then suddenly became famous; Big S found his own peace in the eyes of others. Although it has been 23 years since her debut, and she is still tightly bound by the name Golden Broom, Chen Qiaoen has not been depressed because of this, but has pushed her to a higher peak.

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

Chen Qiaoen can always face those ups and downs with honesty and courage, and can remain calm on the cusp of the storm and answer all questions; In contrast, Big S seems to be more inclined to take a passive approach when facing various social problems. It's no accident that she chooses a safe haven like in a fairy tale, but that choice doesn't mean she's fearless or ignorant – on the contrary, it's a reflection of her deepest desire to escape from reality.

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

As an actress, the development of her career is always full of uncertainties and difficulties. After accepting this evaluation, the decisions they made showed the different views and attitudes of actresses on the realization of self-worth in the entertainment industry from different perspectives: one chose to stand up bravely again, return to the starting point and start again; The other is to explore new areas and possibilities on the basis of respecting life as it is.

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

Maybe one night before going to bed, we can quietly think about what these two selection links mean behind it: is it that no matter what kind of environment we are in, we must unswervingly deal with every tough battle in life with perseverance? Or do you sometimes have to slow down a little, lay down your weapons, take off your helmet, take a break behind a strong defensive line, and then devise a new strategy?

Chen Qiaoen broke into the mother track that Big S looked down on, and won the championship in one fell swoop

In fact, in this colorful but tiring world, we really need to keep a clear head, stick to our beliefs, and bravely face those unknown challenges! No matter where the road ahead leads, at least in these seemingly trivial but important things, we can find a powerful motivation to keep moving forward.

Take the mother who works as a cleaner in a supermarket, she works hard every day so that her children can go to school well, but she is always criticized by her supervisor.

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