
Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

author:Shin Shin Entertainment

You look at Chen Qiaoen for a while, she can't stop running around in a busy way, one scene after another, the early morning start video she shared on social media, the video shows that the time is 6:20, she has exquisite makeup, sitting in the crew's car, ready to meet the challenges of the new day.

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

You can imagine how early she got up, this hard work is really distressing and admirable. When others are still enjoying their dreams in the bed, she has already started her struggle schedule, and this persistence and hard work really makes people have to give a thumbs up!

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

The actors you see are glamorous in front of the camera, but only they know the hardships and sweat behind them. It's really one minute on stage, ten years off stage.

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

Chen Qiaoen cooperated with Wu Jinyan before, it was simply a fairy combination, although she played a supporting role, but her acting skills were a hit, the audience received rave reviews, and her popularity was rising.

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

She joined forces with Song Qian again, she was full of vitality every day, and her smile in front of the camera was brighter than the sun. Even in the scorching heat of the filming site, she can maintain her best condition, this professionalism and popularity are really impressive, the charm of a middle-aged actress is so unstoppable.

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

Chen Qiaoen's selfie on social media, the beauty function is quite bold, although the new drama is a costume, but the makeup has a modern flavor, a bit of an Internet celebrity. However, to be honest, those photos that have not been photoshopped can show her natural beauty more, just like the first rays of sunshine in the morning, and the sense of reality is the most attractive.

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

The hairstyle designed by the styling team for Chen Qiaoen has also put a lot of effort into it, with wigs and simple accessories, making her look fresh and refined, her forehead is prominent, and the overall shape is both exquisite and three-dimensional. Chen Qiaoen prefers white, especially in summer, which is simply her fashion code, refreshing and clean.

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

On the day of filming, she was so bumpy in the car that she shouted motion sickness, and the folding fan in her hand became her new favorite, but despite this, her smile was still so bright, as if she could see a little bit of Li Ruotong's shadow.

But this also allows us to see that the real appearance of female stars, the gap between them in front of the camera and in reality, sometimes it is really big, the perfect image under the beauty technology and her in real life are completely different looks.

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

But in daily life, Chen Qiaoen's no-makeup state is really amazing, with delicate skin and elegant temperament, and many actresses of the same age choose to retire, Chen Qiaoen chose a different path, she is still active in front of the screen, as long as there is a good script, she will go all out.

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

Chen Qiaoen's every effort and persistence is the best proof of his dream. In this ever-changing era, she uses her actions to tell us that as long as there is a dream and passion, age is never an obstacle. No matter how old you are, as long as you have love and pursuit in your heart, you can live your own wonderful life.

Chen Qiaoen started work at 6 in the morning, and his selfie appearance is not inferior to that of a girl, and his new look looks like Li Ruotong

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