
There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

author:Who said I was emotional
There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

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There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Recently, the divorce between Xu Xiyuan, a well-known star in our mainland, and her ex-husband, the wealthy Taiwanese Wang Xiaofei, has become a hot topic of discussion. This bloody plot became bigger and bigger, and gradually, the disputes within the family evolved into a war of all sizes. After months of tossing, Da S not only failed to get the more money she wanted, but also had a lot of trouble with the lawyers she hired.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

In this tumultuous divorce incident, the protagonist of Big S has really attracted a lot of attention. She has a lot of fans in China, and her influence is not small. However, since the divorce with Wang Xiaofei, the relationship between the two has not improved. They always use legal means to attack each other, you come and go.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Although we don't know how the two of them make trouble in private, they are fighting hotly in front of the public. It is said that before trying to go to court for the 18th time, Da S quarreled with her lawyers. According to people familiar with the matter, at an important meeting, their views were seriously divided, which eventually turned into an emotional quarrel.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

The reason for this infighting is actually very simple: although Big S spent a lot of money to hire a lawyer, she felt that she did not get the expected effect - whether it was the restoration of her reputation or financial compensation. In this way, the contradiction between Big S and her lawyer is getting deeper and deeper, and it may even affect their image, and may even bring them a lose-lose ending.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Let's take a closer look at this matter from this perspective, so that you will find that there are still many secrets waiting for us to reveal: under the influence of various interests, feelings and expectations, the dominant power is likely to be swayed by the pressure of all sides, and then change; And the position of public opinion is an important factor in determining how we view this matter. Judging from the current development trend of this case, the bigger and bigger the case actually reflects the attitude and determination of the parties to protect their rights and interests.

But that's not all, there are more complex situations in the news that need to be understood; And that's what we're going to make clear in our next article... We hope that you will continue to pay attention to our detailed explanations later.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Everyone is guessing, why did Big S and her lawyer team quarrel? In fact, in the lawyer industry, confidentiality is very important, but in this rapidly changing entertainment industry, it is not the case. This controversy not only allows us to see some of the truths behind the case, but also reveals their respective interests, needs and attitudes.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

It is said that before this dispute broke out, Da S was dissatisfied with the progress of the case and once got angry with her legal counsel team. Her emotions were very excited, which showed that she was really anxious - she spent so much money, but it didn't work. Her anger could not be quelled, and she was deeply distressed by the obvious injustice.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Faced with this matter, the legal team tried their best to help the client in the best interests of the client, and at the same time was sure that they had not violated any legal provisions. They feel that the reason for losing this case is inseparable from what Big S did. They explain it this way, as if to tell the public: the reason why you don't win a lawsuit is not just because you don't have enough legal knowledge.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

This little story not only tells us a more complex issue - in order to fight a lawsuit well, the client and the lawyer must work closely together, and they must fully understand each other and trust each other. But if there is a problem with this most basic trust, then it will be a big problem, and it will definitely cause a lot of controversy.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Judging from everyone's comments on the Internet, everyone's opinions are different. Some people think that Big S should use the law to protect his rights and interests; Others feel that if they are not sure that they will win, they will go to court, which is simply a waste of time and even an abuse of judicial resources.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

No matter what everyone says, it shows that everyone is now more and more concerned about social impact. It also makes us take a fresh look at this dispute that has been going on for several years. In the onlookers of the melon-eating crowd, we saw the bittersweet message, as well as the taste of power struggle in the legal environment.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

In fact, a good agency relationship should be based on in-depth understanding and mutual respect. If it looks good on the surface, but there is a problem on the inside, and it is not solved, then the problem is difficult to solve at all, rather than simply tinkering.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Mass rhetoric is arguably one of the most difficult energies in the world to control. This is particularly evident when we look at the dispute between Big S and his team of lawyers. No, in a short period of time, her name appeared on the front pages of major media again. Netizens are also discussing this, and various opinions have emerged one after another, forming an extremely diverse atmosphere of speech.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Everyone can't help but wonder: Just because he lost the lawsuit, should the big-name actor Big S be so excited? Actually, it's not just about someone; The deeper reason lies in the public's concern and expectations for issues such as law, fairness and justice. And after such a thing happened in the entertainment industry, it inspired the majority of netizens to attach great importance to the personal behavior of celebrities and the social impact it brings.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Those who support Big S feel that her courage to defend her own rights and interests is very commendable; The actress, who has been active on screen for a long time, shows a very different side to the role she plays - resolutely pursuing justice and equal returns. They are also deeply sympathetic, after all, from her standpoint, so much effort has been put in and the expected results have not been achieved.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Opposition cannot be ignored either. Some people point out a very likely fact: no matter how famous you are and how much money you spend, whether you can win a lawsuit in court is not a matter of one person having the final say. There are even some people who begin to wonder whether Da S's current handling will directly damage her personal reputation.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

A person's choice can change the nature of the entire event – it can magnify a trivial mistake into an irreparable one; Or turn a brief emotional runaway into a long-lasting head-to-head battle.

From bigwig-level lawyers to ordinary melon-eating people, in fact, everyone has their own thoughts and opinions to say on this matter: "Why do you say it's like this? What should I do if it were you and me? "This topic is really too important and too broad, it is not only a hot topic that our whole society is concerned about, but also a question that each of us wants to figure out in our hearts.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

This case is not just something that happened somewhere, it is more like a mirror of the increasing importance of people's rights and interests in our modern society. No matter what the final outcome is, this incident will definitely let everyone see the goodwill in human nature, social justice, and the complex feelings of entanglement between feelings and interests.

After a long and careful observation, it is time for us to dig deeper into the issues of humanity and rights behind this dispute.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

First of all, it is important to understand that responsibility is never a problem of one aspect. In this series of lawsuits, Big S is both the party and the key person who drives the development of things. Therefore, when discussing what conflicts she may have with the lawyer's team, we must not forget her determination to fight for the protection of her personal rights and interests.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

To be honest, in such a controversial situation, it is really difficult to distinguish responsibilities. Whether judging the various behaviors in this dispute from a legal perspective or from a moral standpoint, the attitude of each of us towards fairness and justice is the most important, because this is precisely the embodiment of social values and the spirit of the rule of law.

First of all, for an honest citizen, how to deal with it when he finds that his emotional value and social status are beginning to decline? What a challenge! You have to find a way to keep up with the trends without losing your sanity and calm, which is a daunting dilemma.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

Perhaps what we need to understand is that it is not as easy as it seems to associate emotional expressions with legal facts; This is especially true of public figures. They are always put under a microscope for closer scrutiny, and their actions are often remembered and evaluated.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

But even so - in this chaotic situation, everyone has their own role. With rights and obligations intertwined and having to take sides, everyone is trying to make their voices heard, hoping to prove their position.

As for the future of Big S, what should be done? It's still an unknown: will she continue to struggle in the legal circle, or will she take action to improve the situation and achieve a new balance? Ultimately, this is the key question: how to find a balance between individual interests and collective justice.

There's infighting! Big S is crazy again! Because he didn't win the lawsuit of his ex-husband, he was ready to sue the beautiful lawyer team

In this age of diversity, everyone's choices will be influenced by external circumstances and inner beliefs. For a celebrity like Big S, every turmoil she has experienced is a scrutiny of herself.

All the possibilities mentioned in this article are in fact a reflection of the reality of the situation - even in the face of various complex possibilities of success or failure, each person plays a decisive role in the choice of professional operation and personal beliefs.

[Disclaimer]: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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