
Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

author:Kindness Train En


With the joint efforts of wildlife conservationists, the Bengal tiger has reappeared on Tibetan soil, attracting the attention of many people.

It is not the Bengal tiger that "loves adventure" and spontaneously came to Tibet, but a famous animal sanctuary in India, the Bengal Tiger Canyon, because of geological changes and other factors, the Bengal tiger was forced to come to the Medog region of China.

In just a few years, five Bengal tigers have emerged here, and their numbers are growing steadily.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

In fact, the Bengal tiger used to be the tiger species with the largest inventory and the fastest breeding rate, once there were about 40,000 in Bangladesh, so it was called the Bengal tiger, but now the number of Bengal tigers is less than one thousandth.

You must know that in this world, there are only a few countries that can let the tigers "breathe freely", and China is one of them, but in the last century, the mainland killed all the tigers on the land for various historical reasons, and now this road has been opened by India again, which is embarrassing.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

It is 37 years ago.

It is reported that since September 1982, there has been no Bengal tiger in the Medog region of China, and 37 years later, the Bengal tigers once again crossed the Himalayas to Metuo, which has a plateau at an altitude of 5,000 meters, which is enough to see how thrilling the Bengal tigers are.

For so many years, there has been no wild Bengal tiger in India, which is surprising, how could it have disappeared overnight?

Curious people have been flocking to the Tibetan Hutong area, believing that Bengal tigers have fled to this area because of its proximity to northern India.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

The Bengal Gorge and Medog region attract more than half of the wild Bengal tigers mainly because the environment of these two places is very suitable for tiger survival, with abundant natural resources and water, and a closed environment.

The tigers must have come because of the environment, but since the border between China and India was not clearly demarcated, the Bengal tigers naturally crossed that empty border.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

For conservation purposes, countries in the vicinity have strictly banned anyone from visiting India's tiger's den, so that Bengal tigers will no longer be left without a way out in the area.

India's move has also added a "barrier" to Sino-Indian relations, especially under the instigation of the opposition, the direction of public opinion has been constantly distorted, so that the relations between the two countries will inevitably be affected to a certain extent.

However, in any case, the Bengal tiger's crossing of the Himalayas came to an end last year, and in the eyes of many tiger lovers, this incident is still very happy, because it shows that the Bengal tiger is very capable of surviving.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

Of all the countries, China has always been the best for tigers, and the northwest has opened up more than a dozen nature reserves for tigers, including plateau tigers, Siberian tigers and Siberian tigers, but the more high-quality species the more disobedient.

Undoubtedly, the problem of Bengal tigers in Metuo, Tibet, has attracted everyone's attention, but many people do not understand how miserable China's wildlife is, and many species are almost extinct.

China has its own three species of tigers.

China's geography is unique, both hilly and mountainous, and it is a very suitable place for wildlife, which makes this land extremely rich in species.

Nowadays, the giant panda is also a unique species in China, they mainly live in the Sichuan region, and even its name is called "Chinese Dragon", which shows the status of the panda in the hearts of Chinese before, but no one knew about the existence of the panda species at that time.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

It wasn't until 1869, when a group of French missionaries returned from their trip to China, that a missionary friend, Dougen, took these precious pictures and gave them to zoologist Jeffrey de Blanco, who became the discoverer of the giant panda.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

In areas with a more suitable ecological environment, there are some other cats, these animals are called tigers, and some places call them pangolins, but in fact, pangolins are a kind of reptiles, and tigers are more used to refer to various carnivores.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

In ancient times, "tiger" does not only refer to cats, it also has grasslands, forests and mountains, so it is not easy to call them together, the Chinese tiger is more named, some people call it the golden tiger, some people call it the North China tiger, and some people directly call it the Siberian tiger.

In fact, in the ancient period of the mainland, there was a kind of tiger, called the Bengal tiger, they mainly infested the southeast coastal areas of the mainland, because this is the most suitable place for them to survive, but this kind of tiger has disappeared on the land of China, of course, this is also related to the species itself.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

There are three kinds of tigers in China, the Northeast tiger, the Southwest tiger and the South China tiger, but in the past 2,000 years, let the tiger into China, it is we Chinese ourselves, according to the ancients, the tiger is a very terrifying animal.

They can not only eat people, but also take away people's souls, so I believe that many people will feel sorry for the tigers for humans, you must know that in this honest era, tigers can live freely.

Until 1916, there were about 300 Siberian tigers competing to hunt in Harbin, and the price of their meat was 3 yuan a catty, and the price of carcass was 5 yuan a catty, so hunters could earn a year's salary a day, and the life of ordinary people was even more difficult.

At that time, when it came to the Siberian tiger, it was a rare animal, and no one was willing to hunt it, but the reality was extremely cruel, because the hunting of tigers must have capital at hand, so when the people who saw the tiger were only generals and officials.

Therefore, whoever hunts tigers is still qualified, who is a ruffian hooligan in some places, because it is the season of warlord melee, these ruffians will naturally run to the battlefield, even if the war retreats, they may not go, and many times they will harass the people and peasants.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

And this tribe is full of people who do all kinds of evil and intrigues, and many of them also sell some goods, and there are also polarized people like this, some people say they are famous local figures, and some people ridicule them as hooligans.

At that time, the leader of this group of hooligans told everyone that if they wanted to be friends with these people, they had to pay protection money, and if they refused, they would pry some people away, and these people did not dare to stop or let go, they just couldn't complain.

So these ruffians have become the darlings of this warlord period, no one dares to stop, only they dare to move, as long as they appear, the villagers will flee for their lives, it is not easy to live, and they have to face the threat of death all day long, this kind of life is cruel.

The Siberian tiger is not only facing the hunt of local officials, but also these ruffians, it is one thing to have a hard time, the key is that these people are indiscriminate, the open gun allows you to block, the hidden arrow makes you fly, and it makes it difficult for the tigers to sleep.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

Just when the tigers were in a desperate situation, a young man named Liao Junbo appeared, he was not only the protection of the Siberian tigers, but also targeted a few words for this matter - encirclement and suppression, and these words quickly spread throughout the Northeast.

Some people supported him and some people opposed him, so for a long time, he did not become popular, but as the cheap and rich experience of tiger hunting came to the tiger, more and more people learned about him, and his name spread farther and farther.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

In the process of protecting animals, Liao Junbo, who worked hard, finally succeeded in establishing a tiger forest in the northeast, during which he also experienced a lot of hardships, and in the process of the second Kuomintang-Communist cooperation war, he unfortunately died in the tiger's mouth.

"Damn generation".

Today, the Siberian tiger has disappeared from China's land, not to mention the South China tiger, which is also "welcome to hunt" by local residents, whose meat can be sold for more than 20 catties of rice and a piece of skin for more than a dozen yuan.

It is estimated that everyone can imagine that the number of South China tigers has decreased by several hundred, and the southwest tigers have not been hunted, and their living environment has also been seriously damaged.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

After all, it is the "damned generation" that has deprived the tigers of the opportunity to survive on Chinese soil, and it is no wonder that the price of a South China tiger can reach more than 6 million in foreign auctions today.

China's current natural environment is not suitable for tigers, and it is now known as a "supercontinent", and the number of tigers in this environment will pose a threat to the native animal environment.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

Many experts believe that in addition to the threat of China's wildlife, the ecological environment of other countries will also be destroyed, due to the intensification of human activities, which will lead to frequent crustal movements and climate changes, and more and more native animals and plants will go to the end of the road.

So the international community is outraged by the Chinese and Indian acts of sabotage, and many experts are still thrilled by the fact that Bengal tigers are breeding in China's Medog region, not far from Lake Karakul.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

The area of Karakul Lake can reach more than 1,200 square kilometers, and there are 8 lakes around it, not counting the wetlands around the lake, with such a wide territory, tigers have a place to live and breed.

The environment is also very unique, with more than 2,000 species of plants and animals, so there are many highland birds, Tibetan mastiffs, lizards, swans and geese, including the Bengal tiger today.

Indian tigers invaded Tibetan areas, and the wild Bengal tiger was photographed in Motuo, coming from the mountains of India

There are signs of Bengal tigers living here, and more and more tiger lovers are flocking to this place, but there are also many highland birds in this place, which are more precious than tigers, so many people want to see what it is.

But now that this place has become an eco-tourism destination, it has become a "forbidden place", no one wants to hunt here, and people can enjoy the beauty of nature here.

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