
Wake up, the U.S. election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly called Putin, and Biden was happy in vain

author:Fun facts about science


After the United States completed the election for a long time, the Democratic candidate Biden successfully entered the White House, which directly led to silence in the United States, why is this happening?

And when Trump woke up, he found that he had lost the last chance of winning the election, so he chose to call Putin, what was it for?

Why is there a situation where the vote is "slow to break".

Due to the ravages of the new coronavirus, the U.S. election still staged a spectacular spectacle that "swept the world".

However, unlike other countries, the election results in the United States have become a hot topic of discussion because the vote is "inconclusive".

Especially in the final vote count, many people thought that Trump had a chance to win.

However, "when I woke up, the US election was a foregone conclusion." ”

It has quietly changed.

Because of the large number of "mail-in ballots" in this election, many votes have been increasing.

Even in the days following the election, there was a huge disparity between the two men.

This situation has also made many people curious about why there was such a "small mistake", and media platforms even frequently expressed concern after these ballots appeared.

On the Internet, many people questioned the legitimacy of this practice, feeling that these ballots were nothing more than "invalid votes" to fill in the "water".

But frankly, the phenomenon of "flooding" is not limited to mail-in ballots.

In the history of U.S. elections, in order to bring victory to their own candidates, various "invalid votes" have been passed to "achieve this common goal."

Originally, because of the stuck invalid votes, a wave of votes poured towards the Democratic candidate, but as the votes have been increasing, the more they go to the back, the more they pour towards Trump's side.

And Trump also finds this unacceptable.

Although he also said before the election that he wanted to snipe the illegality of the act of "mail-in ballot".

But when a large number of invalid votes have been in his direction, and these votes are miraculously "unbreakable", he feels that his integrity has been "suppressed", so he even has to "urgently" these votes.

The delay in the U.S. election is due to President Trump's lawsuit against five states.

But this lawsuit has directly led to a significant slowdown in the "counting speed" of these states, just like the current Maryland, which used to be a normal "fast count".

But with Trump's attitude, after he indicted Wetty Smith, the "vote count" became a long and slow process.

This phenomenon also makes people very curious, why will the "fast counting" states be affected by the speed of vote counting because they are claimed?

In fact, this is also a unique "spectacle" in the US election.

Because Wetty Smith is the youngest member of the election committee in the history of the general election.

During the election campaign, he has always had some special initiatives.

Wake up, the U.S. election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly called Putin, and Biden was happy in vain

So when the governor saw why there was a difference in the timing of the vote counts compared to before, he was also very surprised.

So this is directly pushed to Wetty Smith.

And Wetty Smith's prosecution also directly led to the inability of the votes to be counted quickly, so this also made it impossible to announce the results of the election in the first place.

Trump shouted Putin.

Just as everyone was looking forward to it, last Saturday night, someone finally took a big step forward and began to publish some evidence of voting cheating in local time.

When Trump woke up, he found that his odds had risen to 80 percent.

But the next morning, he made a disgruntled speech, hoping to use "power" to deal with the election.

In his words, people can feel that the "power" he hinted at is Putin the Great.

Trump also called the words between the two of them "normal."

And Biden said live that his team will publish a plan manual for the epidemic.

And his words also aroused everyone's curiosity with a question, Biden has already lost the election, why should he prepare such a manual?

It turned out that during the US election, this "epidemic manual" was the "weapon" used by Biden.

He also said that if the outcome of the election is not what he expected, then he will "decisively" file a lawsuit.

It is also because Biden has such a sharp weapon that he can get the "vote" in the US election.

Wake up, the U.S. election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly called Putin, and Biden was happy in vain

This also successfully changed the results of the election to what he wanted, but in fact, Biden's approach, if it were in China, would have caused a lot of scolding.

After all, it was wrong for him to do this, and they should have been a "fair and just" election.

However, in order to win the election, they did not hesitate to use various methods, and this behavior also led to serious doubts about the election in the United States.

It can only be said that in this year full of history, all the "miracles" and "coincidences" are on the road to making Biden elected.

In addition to conducting various "unfair means" during the general election period.

They even used the "unbelievable" way to "swipe" 20 million invalid tickets from the "ghost tickets".

These invalid ballots were "stamped", and almost every vote was for Biden, but in fact he did not get these votes at all.

So this led to Biden's "one-to-one" card being swallowed in an instant.

But he was also very lucky, because Trump's odds have always had the upper hand, but at the moment when the votes were "filled", he was successfully elected president of the United States.

This also made Trump see this fact, and immediately carried out the evil deeds of the "epidemic manual", knowing that during the Trump administration, the United States already had three vaccines.

If only he had done what he imagined four years ago, the vaccine would have been available a long time ago.

In other words, this "epidemic manual" is not just to "check and balance" the epidemic.

He is more to engrave his name in this "history" to prove that he has brought "changes" in a special period.

It is precisely because of the "indelible stigma" that Trump "imprinted" on it that allowed Biden to sit on the "throne" of the United States.

Wake up, the U.S. election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly called Putin, and Biden was happy in vain

And when Trump woke up, he found that what was planned had become what it is now.

That's why he quickly shouted to Putin the Great, the current China has also been greatly affected, and we are also in a very sensitive period, but if a war really breaks out, it will have an impact on China's economy again.

But most crucially, the American people will not choose war.


So Trump chose to call Putin the Great, also for the sake of opportunity, and he will not "risk" a war.

Wake up, the U.S. election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly called Putin, and Biden was happy in vain

In fact, our country has always been on the side of "advocating peace", and even in the US election, it will not take sides, let alone "intervene" in the "war" between them.

And no matter what the reason, any war in the United States will not be "launched" by China, but we will not be "launched" by other countries.

We can only say that if the United States really wants to go to war with us, then what if they don't say "raise the bar"?

After all, "a mountain is higher than a mountain".

And if they want to go to war with us, it will be a senseless sacrifice for their people.

They are also a little "self-defeating" and "falling into the abyss".

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