
I'm really happy to be lucky to work with a young man with a high "speech" value

author:Rose Rose

At 10:30 p.m., I forced myself to sleep. Tomorrow, I have to get up early to go to school to take the invigilation of the secondary vocational examination (that is, the vocational education college entrance examination for vocational school students), and what awaits me is 12 hours of high-intensity work.

My brain cells are untamable horses without a dragon's head, casual and casual, running wild in the field of thinking if I am not paying attention.

Sure enough, I listened to the white noise for 1 hour, and I still didn't feel sleepy, the sound of the waves in my brain was undulating, and the noise of cicadas and frogs was constant. After listening to soft music for another half an hour, I still couldn't control my cranky thoughts.

I had to get up obediently, open the refrigerator and pour a bowl of rice wine, heat it up and pour it into my stomach.

At 11:30, the excited mustang finally got tired. Unfortunately, at 5 a.m., the brain suddenly woke up, meaning it added 1 hour to my workload on its own.

Today's work can only be survived by coffee. On the way to school, the sky was overcast and frustrating.

I'm really happy to be lucky to work with a young man with a high "speech" value

The morning sky was overcast

At 7:20, the small conference room of the school was packed, and more than 100 people were clamoring and shouting. Two or three air conditioners didn't work, and after a while, I was so hot that I was sweating profusely and my head was starting to get dizzy.

Today, thanks to meeting my partner, Mr. Qin, I was able to complete my arduous invigilation work happily and smoothly.

Teacher Qin is a young good-looking male teacher from another school, tall and tall, with a pair of black-framed glasses on the high bridge of his nose. Wearing a white T-shirt, the whole person looks refreshing.

It is not only his good looks that left a good impression on me, but also his high "speech" value, which makes me feel his high emotional intelligence.

First of all, Mr. Qin likes to say words of praise, which makes people's hearts feel good.

When Teacher Qin saw me, he greeted me with a smile, "Teacher M, it's morning!" "This is really a likable post-90s generation. Not only is he good-looking and smiling, but he also pays attention to the names of others and takes the initiative to say hello.

I also hurriedly smiled and said, "Morning! Do you feel hot? Or your school is in good condition, spacious and bright conference room, which is as crowded as ours. ”

Teacher Qin asked me, "Have you ever been to our school?" I said, "Of course." In the past few years, he has been sent to invigilate many times. "Every year in the secondary vocational school examination, several schools in our neighborhood always have to send invigilators to each other.

Teacher Qin said: "Although our school is new, there is little greenery. Or your school has a beautiful environment, full of flowers and green trees, which is very eye-catching. ”

I said, "There are a lot of mosquitoes, too." ”

Teacher Qin said, "I really felt their enthusiasm for the guests just now. After saying that, we couldn't help but laugh.

I'm really happy to be lucky to work with a young man with a high "speech" value

Secondly, Mr. Qin is sincere and very good at thinking about others.

At 7:40, we left the conference room. Teacher Qin took the initiative to help me get a bottle of mineral water. Walk into the exam room and start working separately.

I write on the board, he checks the tables and chairs, turns on the air conditioner, and the fan. Once the series is complete, there are still a few minutes of small talk before waiting for the students to enter the room.

Teacher Qin said, "Your school's electronic screen is set in the center of the blackboard, which should be better than ours. ”

I said, "Maybe it's a new one, and the old one is also next to it." Students struggle to look at screens. ”

"The classrooms are also very refreshing," he said. ”

I said, "I heard that I learned from your school!" ”

"You are an old school, and there are many aspects that we can learn from," he said. We all praise your school management for being very humane! ”

The bell rang, interrupting our conversation. For the next 4 hours of proctoring, he always asked me to sit in the back of the classroom more, and he took the initiative to stand next to the podium.

By about 3 p.m., my brain was in a state of confusion and listlessness. I couldn't help but feel sleepy when I was standing, and my back hurt. Teacher Qin motioned for me to sit at the back of the classroom and rest for a while.

When he communicates with students, his language is also kind and gentle, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

I remembered the scene when I partnered with several young male teachers in my school to invigilate the exam: some never took the initiative to say a digression to anyone, and the atmosphere was cold, as if they were strangers who had no contact with each other; Some are extremely selfish, not considering the feelings of others at all, and wishing to stick to their seats from beginning to end, regardless of whether you are older and more tired; There is also a fierce treatment of candidates......

I'm really happy to be lucky to work with a young man with a high "speech" value

Third, Mr. Qin is a humble person and speaks very low-key.

At 12 a.m., the first invigilation ended. Teacher Qin said, "The students in your school are so well-behaved! I was so serious when I answered the questions, and I saw that they had finished it early, but no one slept, and I was engrossed in the whole exam from beginning to end. I'm really worried that the students in my own class will sleep on the exam today. ”

Teacher Qin's school is the leading secondary vocational school in our city. Whether it is the school's good management system or the school's high admission rate, it has a good reputation.

Their students' entrance scores (i.e., high school entrance examination scores) will be several tens of points higher than the average of our school. He said that the students in his class were just modest.

When sorting out the test papers, he said, "Teacher M, you have rich experience in invigilating, it is very easy to do things with you, and we are very happy to work together. ”

It was close to 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and we finished submitting the test papers, relaxed and finally finished the day's work. He waved goodbye to me at the door of the conference room: "Mr. M, today's work has been successfully completed, and we will have a meeting later!" ”

Today I am very lucky and happy to be able to work with such a young man who can speak and have a high "speech" value.

I'm really happy to be lucky to work with a young man with a high "speech" value

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