
Why did the fourth master of "Yongzheng Dynasty" burn the "Hundred Officials"? In fact, it is more threatening to stay in the hands

author:Dada chats

Netizens who have watched "Yongzheng Dynasty" know that the soil emperor of Jiangxia Town, Ren Bo'an, who patrols the salt road in the south of the Yangtze River, once made a set of so-called "Hundred Officials' Statements" when he was a waiter in the Ministry of Rites, which recorded in detail the black material of many ministers, for which all forces wanted to master this killer weapon, and Prince Yinren was also abolished for the second time because of this matter, but the Hundred Officials' Statements are so powerful, why did the fourth master choose to burn them in public after he got his hands? In fact, this is the great wisdom of the fourth master, this hot potato, if you keep it in your hands, it will be endless.

Why did the fourth master of "Yongzheng Dynasty" burn the "Hundred Officials"? In fact, it is more threatening to stay in the hands

1. Calm people's hearts and stabilize the situation

Why did the fourth master of "Yongzheng Dynasty" burn the "Hundred Officials"? In fact, it is more threatening to stay in the hands

Netizens who have watched the New Three Kingdoms may remember this clip, when Cao Cao broke through Yuan Shao's Jizhou City, in Yuan Shao's mansion, he found a large number of secret letters between Yuan Shao and his own courtiers, Cao Pi Cao Zhi and other sons strongly recommended Cao Cao to deal with them severely, but Cao Cao chose to burn these letters in public, in fact, Cao Cao and the fourth master here have the same intention. As the so-called people in the rivers and lakes, the body can't help themselves, the water is clear, there is no fish, many ministers are just leaving a way back for themselves, it is not a heinous thing, if you rashly investigate, it will definitely shake the government and the opposition, and Kangxi in his later years has a very lenient personality, and treats his subordinates almost indulgently, some things are not called two or two, but on the scale, a thousand catties can't be beaten, the fourth master from the overall situation, and must not let the statements of hundreds of officials be made public, so he can only choose to burn.

Why did the fourth master of "Yongzheng Dynasty" burn the "Hundred Officials"? In fact, it is more threatening to stay in the hands

2. Those who are clear are self-purifying and take a stand

Why did the fourth master of "Yongzheng Dynasty" burn the "Hundred Officials"? In fact, it is more threatening to stay in the hands

In addition to stabilizing the situation from the overall situation, the fourth master actually has his own small abacus, that is, to take the opportunity to set up a wave of characters, the image of the fourth master in the play has always been cold and ruthless, even in the face of the prince he supports, the fourth master has worked hard to finally get the description of the hundred officials, but he can't let the prince do stupid things. So he summoned all the princes, as well as the minister of Shang Shufang, Ma Qi, in front of everyone, to destroy the statements of hundreds of officials in public, just to make his position clear, he is not as mediocre as the prince, as the eighth master said, whoever wants to see the statements of hundreds of officials is to restrain hundreds of officials and plot against them. After Kangxi learned of the incident afterwards, he did not hold the fourth master accountable, and also showed in disguise that Kangxi actually recognized what the fourth master did.

3. Borrowed a knife to kill people and successfully ascended to the top

Why did the fourth master of "Yongzheng Dynasty" burn the "Hundred Officials"? In fact, it is more threatening to stay in the hands

The fourth master knew from the beginning that the prince wanted to use the deeds of hundreds of officials to win people's hearts, but this move was really a stupid move, on the one hand, the fourth master did not want to see the prince repeat the mistakes of the past, on the other hand, he also had the heart to win the heir, so fortunately, he used this opportunity to not only shatter the prince's plan, but also let Kangxi see the prince's incompetence clearly, it can be said that the prince's later dog jumped off the wall in a hurry and was abolished by Kangxi for the second time, the fourth master is the biggest winner, and it is a bloodless murder soldier with a knife.

Why did the fourth master of "Yongzheng Dynasty" burn the "Hundred Officials"? In fact, it is more threatening to stay in the hands