
A 19-year-old Chinese-American soldier who forgot to turn off the faucet in a shower was raped by an officer and shot himself

author:Turn on picture-in-picture

In September 2011, another incident of racial discrimination occurred in the US military barracks, but this time the target of discrimination was Chen Yuhui, a Chinese soldier.

A 19-year-old Chinese-American soldier who forgot to turn off the faucet in a shower was raped by an officer and shot himself

Nineteen-year-old Chen Yuhui, originally from Guangdong, China, immigrated to the United States at the age of 5 and lives in New York.

However, his yellow skin and black hair made him unpopular in the local area, and since then, he has been ostracized by the local American population.

In an environment where he had no friends, Chen Yuhui had no choice but to devote all his attention to his studies, and chose the goal of being a soldier to continue his studies.

After being admitted to university, Chen Yuhui couldn't wait to join the U.S. military in his sophomore year, hoping to change the views of those around him through his military status and gain real equality.

thought that the Americans in the barracks would not bully themselves like hooligans in society, but the reality slapped Chen Yuhui in the face.

Life in the army is more undignified than in society, and as soon as Chen Yuhui arrived in the army, he saw the strange eyes of his comrades-in-arms, and the reason was his Asian face.

A 19-year-old Chinese-American soldier who forgot to turn off the faucet in a shower was raped by an officer and shot himself

From the moment you step into the barracks, bullying also follows.

Punching and kicking are common, even in terms of training tasks, Chen Yuhui is much heavier than ordinary American soldiers.

Others carry 10 pounds or 20 pounds to run, and Chen Yuhui's weight is often more than twice that of others, if he can't do it, then he won't be given food.

In addition to training, Chen Yuhui has also been subject to various restrictions in life.

In August 2011, Chen Yuhui arrived in Afghanistan with a large army and was stationed.

At the end of a day's training, ordinary soldiers have the right to take a bath, and Chen Yuhui is no exception.

A 19-year-old Chinese-American soldier who forgot to turn off the faucet in a shower was raped by an officer and shot himself

However, the officer stipulated that Chen Yuhui was only allowed to take a bath six times a month, and the time for each bath must be controlled within 30 seconds, otherwise he would be punished.

This is not over, the dirty work in the barracks dormitory is also borne by Chen Yuhui, once the army is unclean, then, the responsibility must be on Chen Yuhui, and he will also be subjected to endless corporal punishment and abuse by the officers.

Chen Yuhui, who has been bullied since he was a child, has no sense of resistance, especially in the hierarchical American military camp, Chen Yuhui can only accept all this silently and obey all the arrangements of the officers.

He always believes that as long as he survives this hard time, he will come to the bitter end and usher in real transformation and recognition.

Therefore, the spirit of perseverance is also vividly reflected in Chen Yuhui's body at this time.

Whenever his parents asked him about his life in the army, Chen Yuhui's answer was always the same, that is, his life was free, his comrades-in-arms were harmonious, and his military training was not heavy.

A 19-year-old Chinese-American soldier who forgot to turn off the faucet in a shower was raped by an officer and shot himself

I didn't encounter discrimination in society here.

Reporting good news and not bad news has become Chen Yuhui's norm.

But in fact, the beauty that Chen Yuhui said was just his wish, and in real life, the torture and exclusion he suffered was indescribable.

It wasn't until September 2011 that Chen Yuhui finally chose the point of no return after being abused again.

On this day, after Chen Yuhui's normal training, he obtained the right to take a bath, and in a very short time, Chen Yuhui finished washing, but when he left the bathroom, he forgot to turn off the faucet.

When the inspecting officer saw this situation, he rushed into the dormitory without saying anything, and threw Chen Yuhui, who had already laid down to sleep, directly from the bed.

A 19-year-old Chinese-American soldier who forgot to turn off the faucet in a shower was raped by an officer and shot himself

Without saying anything, he grabbed his collar and began to drag him outside the dormitory, and the route of the tow was on the gravel road.

Chen Yuhui didn't know what to do, but his back was quickly rubbed out of blood, and his clothes and roads were full of his blood, even so, the officer did not stop the torture, but became even more proud.

The American soldiers, who rushed to hear the news, also participated in the violence.

In the face of Chen Yuhui's plea and confession, the American officers and soldiers did not accept it, but happily tortured Chen Yuhui.

The ridicule and abuse never stopped, and similarly, there were more and more stones smashed on Chen Yuhui's body.

When the officers and soldiers felt tired, they asked Chen Yuhui to crawl on his own, and only after everyone felt bored that they let Chen Yuhui go.

A 19-year-old Chinese-American soldier who forgot to turn off the faucet in a shower was raped by an officer and shot himself

In this terrible environment, even if Chen Yuhui is used to being submissive, he can't bear such torture, and his psychological defense line is completely broken through at this moment.

There is no way to resist, he can only choose to accept his bad life.

In the end, on October 3, Chen Yuhui chose to commit suicide by shooting himself through the head with a gun at the sentry post.

From Chen Yuhui stepping into the barracks to finally committing suicide, only 9 months have passed.

The eight soldiers who abused Chen Yuhui and caused him to commit suicide only received a light sentence and were expelled from the army.

No matter how much his parents and the Chinese marched, it would not help.

The hierarchy in the United States exists not only in the barracks, but also in every level and every corner of American society.

A 19-year-old Chinese-American soldier who forgot to turn off the faucet in a shower was raped by an officer and shot himself

I wonder if this kind of frequent occurrence can wake up those who have the American dream.

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