
13.06 seconds! Wu Yanni defeated Lin Yuwei in the championship rain battle, and there is no suspense about winning the gold in the final?

author:The carrots are mushy

In the rain competition of the track and field championships, Wu Yanni led Lin Yuwei with a time of 13.06 seconds and almost locked the gold medal. The preliminaries were held in Rizhao, Shandong Province, and the slippery field added to the difficulty of the competition, but the performance of the two players was still impressive. Can Wu Yanni maintain her advantage in the final? Let's wait and see.

13.06 seconds! Wu Yanni defeated Lin Yuwei in the championship rain battle, and there is no suspense about winning the gold in the final?

In the world of athletics, the 100m hurdles is a battle of wits and speed. The women's 100-meter hurdles preliminaries of the National Track and Field Championships and the National Track and Field Grand Prix have undoubtedly become a wonderful "battle in the rain". On the slippery track in Rizhao, Shandong, Wu Yanni easily won the first place in the preliminaries with a time of 13.06 seconds, which made people marvel at her strength. In contrast, Asian Games champion Lin Yuwei was second with a time of 13.26 seconds. The contest between the two is not only a contest of speed, but also an all-round contest of mentality and skills.

Speaking of Wu Yanni, her state this year is really unbeatable. He participated in the top World Indoor Championships and two Diamond League events, and won the championship twice in Japan. She has created a good result of first place in the Asian season of the 60m hurdles and second place in the Asian season of the 100m hurdles, which is simply an "open" mode. In this preliminaries, her performance was still outstanding, with a time of 13.06 seconds, which was not only a masterpiece on the wet track, but also a demonstration of her excellent strength.

13.06 seconds! Wu Yanni defeated Lin Yuwei in the championship rain battle, and there is no suspense about winning the gold in the final?

Looking at Lin Yuwei again, although she is the champion of the Asian Games, her state this year is obviously not as good as in the past. He has been competing in lower divisions in the United States, and has only once entered 13 seconds this year. Therefore, she ran 13.26 seconds in the preliminaries, although she won the first place in the group, but compared with Wu Yanni's results, the gap is obvious. It can be said that before this game, everyone had a bit of a score in their hearts, but the result still surprised many people.

The environment on the day of the competition was also quite a "test" of the endurance and skills of the players. The sunny weather in Shandong was not beautiful, there was a light rain, and the venue was slippery, which increased the difficulty of the game. However, under such conditions, the true strength of the players can be seen better. Wu Yanni can still run well in such an environment, which is enough to prove her comprehensive ability. Although Lin Yuwei's performance is not as good as Wu Yanni's, it also shows her ability to deal with complex conditions.

13.06 seconds! Wu Yanni defeated Lin Yuwei in the championship rain battle, and there is no suspense about winning the gold in the final?
13.06 seconds! Wu Yanni defeated Lin Yuwei in the championship rain battle, and there is no suspense about winning the gold in the final?

In the three groups of preliminaries, Wu Yanni won the first group with 13.06 seconds without any suspense, Lin Yuwei won the first place in the second group with 13.26 seconds, and Xia Sining advanced in the third group with 13.66 seconds. This competitive situation not only makes people look forward to the upcoming finals, but also gives us hope for the future of Chinese track and field.

13.06 seconds! Wu Yanni defeated Lin Yuwei in the championship rain battle, and there is no suspense about winning the gold in the final?

Wu Yanni and Lin Yuwei, although they are both top players, have different technical characteristics. Wu Yanni has won victory after victory on the field with her world-class hurdle technique and textbook movements. Lin Yuwei is good at starting fast, but she lacks stamina and fails to catch up with Wu Yanni's pace. This preliminaries is undoubtedly a comprehensive competition between the two of them in terms of technology and mentality.

For tonight's final, many predicted that Wu Yanni would win gold again. After all, judging by her performances this year, she already has what it takes to challenge for a higher level. However, Lin Yuwei is not without opportunities. On the sports field, who can have the last laugh depends on the on-the-spot performance. Perhaps, Lin Yuwei can adjust her state in the final and bring us a surprise.

13.06 seconds! Wu Yanni defeated Lin Yuwei in the championship rain battle, and there is no suspense about winning the gold in the final?

The venue for the competition is in Rizhao, Shandong, where the weather is changeable and the field conditions are not ideal. But it is this uncertainty that makes the game more suspenseful. The contest between Wu Yanni and Lin Yuwei is not only a display of personal ability, but also a competition of wisdom and mentality. We look forward to tonight's final and see which of them can have the last laugh in this "battle in the rain".

13.06 seconds! Wu Yanni defeated Lin Yuwei in the championship rain battle, and there is no suspense about winning the gold in the final?

Regardless of the outcome, this race will go down as a great story in track and field history. The competition between Wu Yanni and Lin Yuwei is not only their personal glory, but also the pride of Chinese track and field. Every step they take is paving the way for the future of Chinese athletics. We hope that in the future, there will be more outstanding players like them to win glory for China.

13.06 seconds! Wu Yanni defeated Lin Yuwei in the championship rain battle, and there is no suspense about winning the gold in the final?

So in the end, the editor would like to ask: Wu Yanni and Lin Yuwei, who will be the final winner? What do you think about this?