
The illegal profit was less than 1,000 yuan, and he was fined 18 million yuan

author:White Tower Shore
The illegal profit was less than 1,000 yuan, and he was fined 18 million yuan

Can you imagine a company being fined tens of millions of dollars for only a few hundred yuan in illegal gains? What is the surprising truth behind this? Next, let's find out.


Looking at the inconspicuous 591 yuan, why did it attract a huge fine? Speaking of which, this matter is really incomprehensible to the editor. Qingdao Xingxinchang This company, ah, is the new material technology company in Qingdao, they were actually targeted by the bigwigs of the national foreign exchange management because they got some foreign exchange in, and finally were fined an astronomical amount - 18.63 million yuan! This number is not small at first glance, but don't look at the illegal earning of such a small amount of money, why is the fine so ruthless?

The illegal profit was less than 1,000 yuan, and he was fined 18 million yuan

Let's talk about rules. Our country has a "Foreign Exchange Management Regulations", which clearly stipulates that foreign exchange is a major matter, and if you are not careful, you will touch the red line of the law. Qingdao Xingxinchang is not simply doing a little business, they are boldly violating the rules to get foreign exchange into the country, this operation is terrible, touching the bottom line of the law. Therefore, even if the profit they get from it seems to be only a few hundred yuan, because of the huge amount of money involved and the violation of the iron rules of foreign exchange management, they have to deal with it heavily.

The illegal profit was less than 1,000 yuan, and he was fined 18 million yuan

In the final analysis, what makes people shine in this whole thing is not how big this number is, but how strict our laws are, and we will not be soft on violations. While the company may feel like it has won the "jackpot" by "making a small move", behind this is a strict legal system and powerful means of supervision. Indeed, this punishment is severe, but it also gives a loud alarm to all those who play such crooked ideas: the rules must still be followed, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!

Tell you what a shell company is, take Qingdao Xingxinchang as an example, this company is simply a "photo souvenir" existence, there are no actual activities, the number of employees? That's a single digit number. This company looks like the real thing on the surface, but in fact it is nothing, just an ornament. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? But that's how amazing it is.

The illegal profit was less than 1,000 yuan, and he was fined 18 million yuan

What's even more outrageous is the game of "left hand to right hand" that this company is engaged in. To put it bluntly, it is to remit foreign capital in the name of capital first, and then quietly get it out through underground banks, with the purpose of laundering money. This operation is quite absolute, it looks like a normal flow of money, but it is actually engaging in illegal and undisciplined activities. In this way, the already fragile local economic and financial order is directly the victim.

The illegal profit was less than 1,000 yuan, and he was fined 18 million yuan

It has also caused a lot of heated discussions on the Internet, and some people say: "This fine is too ruthless, can a small company bear it?" Others think, "Yes!" Who let them come out of the rules. "Speaking of which, what everyone is most concerned about is nothing more than whether this should be done or not, and whether the punishment is severe.

For Qingdao Xingxinchang's "shell game", we have to come up with more practical tricks to prevent other friends from learning badly. First of all, it has to be said that strengthening law enforcement is the last word. Only by acting hard can those entrepreneurs who are lucky know that the law is not vegetarian.

The illegal profit was less than 1,000 yuan, and he was fined 18 million yuan

As the saying goes, "fire and anti-theft air raid shells", the problem of shell companies and illegal capital flows, is a big fire, and if you are not careful, it may ignite the big forest of market stability. Through strong regulation and supervision, we can not only discourage those who have bad intentions, but also protect the general public from losses and maintain our economic environment. With this responsibility on our shoulders, our market can become healthier and purer.

Personal Summary:

In general, the turmoil of shell companies and illegal capital flows caused by Qingdao Xingxinchang Company has actually given us a wake-up call: this "invisible hand" in the market may turn the economic order upside down at any time. This is not only a problem of Qingdao Xingxinchang Company, but also a problem that the whole society needs to face.

At the end of the day, each of us is a part of this market, and it is our duty to maintain its healthy development and protect it from such negative impacts. Just like protecting our homes, we need to work together to make our economic environment more attractive and reliable.

I hope that through this incident, more people can realize the importance of maintaining market order, and I also hope that from now on, we can have less "Qingdao Xingxinchang" and more integrity and brightness.