
When building a new house, the difference between the load-bearing walls in the south and the north is that the south is thin and the north is thick

author:When will my spring breeze come?

When I went back to my hometown to build a new house, I posted my daily diary of building a house and shared my joy with friends from all over the country.

When building a new house, the difference between the load-bearing walls in the south and the north is that the south is thin and the north is thick

When my friends saw it, they talked about the house I was building, and everyone expressed their opinions and opinions.

Some people think that the steel bar on the floor of my house is less, and it is not a two-way double-layer steel bar;

When building a new house, the difference between the load-bearing walls in the south and the north is that the south is thin and the north is thick

Some people think that there is no horse tooth rubbing between the reinforcing column and the wall of my house, so the wall and the column are not reliably connected together, which will affect the overall structure of the house;

When building a new house, the difference between the load-bearing walls in the south and the north is that the south is thin and the north is thick

The structural columns of my house were not reserved in advance

Some people think that the walls of my house are too thin, and the thickness of the wall should be at least 24 walls to bear the load, so that the overall structure of the house is firm;

Everyone actively spoke and offered suggestions, and I humbly accepted it after seeing it, thank you for your comments and suggestions.

The reinforcement of my floor slab proposed to you is not a two-way double-layer arrangement. That's true, but I'm in the hall, and all the rooms around are covered with dense stiffeners, which is a common practice on our side, Baotou said, "It's okay for 70 years." "The contractor swore and played the ticket, which also strengthened my confidence, so you don't have to worry too much, the quality of the floor slab should be leveraged.

It is also a fact that there is no horse tooth rubbing between the reinforcing columns and walls of my house, which has caused this situation, mainly because I didn't understand it at first, but the contractor didn't take the initiative to tell me, they think how simple and fast, just how to construct? In the end, there was no horse tooth rub.

I must admit that without horse tooth rubbing, the structural column can not achieve a perfect connection with the wall, which will indeed affect the overall quality of the house in the later stage, thank you for the reminder!

For the things that you have raised, the walls of my house are too thin and the thickness is far from enough, what I want to say is: you don't have to worry about it at all, because the mainstream thickness of the wall here is all this size, the thickness of the wall is 18 cm, and the term is called 18 walls.

When building a new house, the difference between the load-bearing walls in the south and the north is that the south is thin and the north is thick

The 18 walls are the mainstream walls used to build houses in Guilin

In the words of the foreman: "This is an 18-wall wall, built five or six floors, and there is no problem with the pressure at all." ”

The foreman swore an oath and gave me a ticket, and I had to believe him.

I am here in Guilin, which is a typical southern region, and I build houses in the countryside, and generally use 18 walls as the load-bearing walls of the house.

The people who say that the walls of my house are thin may be mostly from the north, right?

A few years ago, I went to Jinan in the north, which is a typical northern region in terms of climate distribution.

I went to the countryside of Zhonggong Town, Licheng District, Jinan City, and most of the houses built there used 24 walls (thickness 24 cm) or 36 walls (thickness 36 cm) to serve as the load-bearing walls of the house, because such walls have great capacity and great responsibility, and they must have the strong ability to carry cold, frost, and snow pressure.

There are climatic differences between the north and the south, so there are also differences between the north and the south in the construction of houses, and these differences are mainly built in a way that overcomes the local climate.

For example, in Guilin in the south, the climate is not particularly cold, but! During the rainy season, the rain is flooded, the rain is pouring down, the air is humid, and the smell of mold fills the air.

Therefore, the houses we built here are mainly rainproof and moisture-proof, and cold and freeze-proof have become dispensable.

In view of this situation, the houses we build here mainly do a good job in the construction of the roof of the house, and strive to make the rainwater fall on the roof of the house can be drained smoothly, and the drainage ditch at the foundation must also be kept unobstructed at all times.

Therefore, the thickness of the walls of our houses here in Guilin is only 18 centimeters thick, which is completely competent. It does not need to be cold and frost resistant, snow pressure resistant, and the thickness requirements for the walls of the house are not as strict as in the north.

The thickness of the walls of the northern houses should reach at least 24 centimeters or more, and the term is called 24 walls.

The climate in the north is known to be unusually cold, and when the weather arrives in winter, it is common for snowflakes to flutter and snow to fall.

To build a house in the northern countryside, the following requirements are usually met: first, it must be able to withstand the cold; the second is to be able to carry the cold; Third, it is necessary to be able to carry snow pressure.

In order to meet the above three conditions at the same time, the walls must be thick, at least 24 cm thick, or even 36 cm thick, because the wall has to withstand too much pressure and has a lot of responsibility.

When building a new house, the difference between the load-bearing walls in the south and the north is that the south is thin and the north is thick

To resist cold and frost and snow pressure, 36 walls are used as load-bearing walls

Therefore, when my friends in the north saw that there were only 18 walls in my house, they all thought that my walls were too thin, which was understandable.

As everyone knows, there is no snowy weather in Guilin, there is no extreme cold of minus 10 degrees, and the houses built by 18 walls are more than enough to be used as load-bearing walls, but if you are not short of money and want to build 24 walls as load-bearing houses, it is also your right.

The continent is vast and vast, and the climate between the north and the south is very different, and there are differences between the houses built in the north and the south.

Houses built in the northern countryside must be responsible for cold and frost resistance, snow pressure resistance, and the walls must be thick.

Houses built in the southern countryside should be responsible for leakage and moisture-proof, the walls can be thinner, and 18 walls are allowed to be used, and there will be no problems.

When building a new house, the difference between the load-bearing walls in the south and the north is that the south is thin and the north is thick.

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