
No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

author:Household craftsmen

In today's home design, the entryway shoe cabinet is not just a place to put shoes, it is also a key area that reflects the style and practicality of the home.

In the past, the old-fashioned shoe cabinet was either not fully utilized, or the function was too simple, and the aesthetics could not keep up. Nowadays, everyone's needs are diverse, so there must be a variety of innovative shoe cabinet designs.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

In this issue, let's talk about how to innovate the design of the entrance shoe cabinet, its various possible forms, and how to integrate these new concepts into our home design.

1. What principles should be followed in the design of the entrance shoe cabinet?

1. Functionality first

When designing a shoe cabinet, the most important thing is to fit all kinds of shoes. For example, heel-high heels, bulky boots, lightweight sneakers...... Plan the right area for each type of shoe.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

For example, high heels are placed on an oblique board and are not easy to fall; The boots should have a high space, fit the long boots, and the compartment must be adjustable; As for sneakers, they can be designed to be placed in a row, so that many pairs can be placed.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

Of course, it is not enough for the shoe cabinet to have boards and shelves, but also to add some small items to make the shoe cabinet more convenient and practical.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

For example, with a transparent shoebox, the shoes are placed inside, which is clear and easy to find; Shoe racks must also be available, with good air permeability to prevent shoes from smelling; You can also hang some hooks, umbrellas, hats, etc., and make more thorough use of the space.

2. Maximize space utilization

The current house type, the entrance is generally not big, but the top is quite high. If you can use it, this height is a big advantage.

For example, make a shoe cabinet that stands tall from floor to ceiling, leaving no gaps.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

The shelves inside are multi-layered, which can be adjusted according to the size of the shoes, so that tall and short can find the right place.

In this way, you can store a lot of shoes in the same size space.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

Sometimes there is a corner here, there is a crack there, it doesn't look good, and its practical method is right, these are treasures.

For example, you can make a corner shoe cabinet in the corner, and the space in the corner is not wasted at all, and you can put a lot of shoes.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

If the gap is narrow, it is good to install a side-pull thin shoe cabinet, which does not take up space, and the commonly used shoes are just right.

3. Aesthetics and overall home style coordination

Choose the right material, and the shape and grade of the shoe cabinet can be greatly improved.

The wooden shoe cabinet looks warm and natural, especially with Nordic style, Japanese style and other home styles.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

If you change to metal, it will be modern and a little industrial, which perfectly matches the simple and fashionable style of your home.

As for the plastic ones, they are cheap and lightweight, suitable for those who are on a budget or renting for a short period of time.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

Of course, the color matching is also very important.

If your home decoration is mainly based on light colors, it is good to choose a refreshing color such as white and beige for the shoe cabinet, which can make the shoe cabinet and the home environment harmonious and unified.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

If the style of your home decoration is more bold, using dark colors or obvious color contrasts, then the shoe cabinet can become a highlight of the home, especially eye-catching.

2. What are the forms of shoe cabinets in the entrance?

1. Built-in shoe cabinet

The built-in shoe cabinet is the kind of shoe cabinet that is as flat as the wall, which can save a lot of space and will not block the aisle.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

Moreover, the built-in shoe cabinet is in harmony with the color and shape of the wall, which can make the shoe cabinet look more simple and smooth, without being obtrusive.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

It is not wrong for friends with small apartments to choose built-in shoe cabinets, so that they can not only put down their shoes, but also do not get in the way, and the space is used just right.

2. Corner shoe cabinet

The corner shoe cabinet is usually placed in the corner of the entrance, so that such an easily forgotten place is fully utilized.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

This kind of shoe cabinet can be customized according to the angle of the corner, so that the shoe cabinet can fit the corner tightly, not only the storage space becomes larger, but also makes the entrance look more organized.

If the entrance is tortuous or irregularly shaped, then the corner shoe cabinet is even more like a fish in water.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

It fits nicely around the corners and corners and makes the most of every inch of space that might otherwise be wasted.

3. Multi-functional combination shoe cabinet

The multi-functional shoe cabinet integrates the shoe changing stool, clothes hanging area and mirror to form an all-in-one design.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

It's so practical to change shoes, hang clothes, and look in the mirror in one place!

The modular shoe cabinet can meet the individual needs of several people at the same time, and it can be done in this small corner.

4. Removable shoe cabinet

The movable shoe cabinet can flexibly adjust the position and placement of the shoe cabinet according to different seasons, living habits or changes in home layout.

Because there are no fixed wall restrictions, it is also easier to move the shoe cabinet.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

It is no problem to place it in any corner or adjust it to which position in the room. This will keep your home tidy and organized, and it will be easier and faster to find shoes.

5. Smart shoe cabinet

Nowadays, more and more young people choose to install smart shoe cabinets, which integrate modern technology and have functions such as sterilization and disinfection, dehumidification and drying, and automatic induction lighting.

No matter how small the house is, you have to have a decent entrance shoe cabinet, these 5 designs are praised

In areas with humid climates, the dehumidification function of smart shoe cabinets is particularly important, and it can also effectively kill bacteria and fungi in shoes, keep shoes clean and hygienic, and prevent foot diseases.

Write at the end:

The innovative entryway shoe cabinet is not only practical, but also brings a different sense of fashion to the home. When designing, you have to think about how functional it must be, how much space it has to use, how good it looks, and how personal it is.

In a word, according to your own decoration style and your own needs, choose the most suitable design style.

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