
The Chinese women's basketball team failed again: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter and suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood! Buff!


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Recently, I paid attention to the Chinese women's basketball game, and my mood was called a ups and downs, and I really felt that my heart attack was going to be tossed out! This game is really worrying to watch.

Let's just say that the whole team only scored 7 points in a single quarter, and suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the players were so depressed that they couldn't do it, which was really distressing and helpless. The Chinese women's basketball team used to be the pride of the game, but now it is such a tragic situation, how can it not make people feel emotional?

The Chinese women's basketball team failed again: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter and suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood! Buff!

Recalling that year, the Chinese women's basketball team won the runner-up in the World Cup, what a spectacular scene and how glorious! The fans were so excited that they burst into tears, and cheers rang through the sky. At that time, every member of the women's basketball team was a hero in our hearts, and they won honor for the country with hard work and sweat, allowing the world to see the strength and style of the Chinese women's basketball team.

But looking at the present, this series of fiascos makes people really can't help but ask: Where did the women's basketball team that once made us proud go? Is it because of the lack of an inside pillar like Li Yueru, which has led to a great reduction in the team's strength? Or has the aura of the past faded, and the team has lost the fighting spirit and confidence of the past?

The Chinese women's basketball team failed again: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter and suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood! Buff!

The U18 youngsters were strong at the Asian Championships on their home turf, winning three straight victories to secure the top spot in their group and advance to the semi-finals. Among them, the performance of rising star Zhang Ziyu is particularly eye-catching, and her outstanding performance has added a lot of weight to the team's promotion path. Just tonight, she will face South Korea in a crucial match, going all out to get a ticket to the final. However, in stark contrast, the women's basketball team of the national team that traveled to Europe fell into a deep trough, losing to Spain and Belgium in succession. In the match against Belgium, the second quarter score was even more staggeringly low, with only 7 points on the score. This successive defeats cast a thick shadow over the upcoming trip to the Paris Olympics.

With the retirement of a number of meritorious stars such as Zheng Haixia and Miao Lijie, the Chinese women's basketball team seems to be in a difficult situation in cultivating a new generation of leaders. Although rookies such as Li Yueru and Han Xu have gradually emerged, there is still a big gap between them and their predecessors in terms of technical level and competition experience. Moreover, the imperfection of the league system is also a problem that cannot be ignored. The WCBA league has a limited level of talent, which makes it difficult to produce top players and provide a steady stream of excellent talent for the national team.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed again: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter and suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood! Buff!

Now, the pace of the Paris Olympics is getting closer and closer, and the current state of the Chinese women's basketball team is really worrying. If you can't adjust as soon as possible, I'm afraid that it will not only be as simple as losing, but also lose face in the international arena.

It can be said that the decline of the Chinese women's basketball team is not caused by a single factor, but a systemic problem. To achieve the goal of returning to the top, in-depth reforms and breakthroughs are needed at multiple levels.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed again: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter and suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood! Buff!

First of all, it is important to invest more in youth training. Only by cultivating outstanding basketball seedlings from the youth stage and establishing a perfect talent selection and training mechanism can we reserve sufficient reserve force for the national team. More resources should be invested, including coaches, training facilities and competition opportunities, so that young players with potential can be fully trained and grown.

Secondly, there is an urgent need to improve the level of the league. By strengthening the management and operation of the league, it will attract more high-level players and coaches to participate, and improve the competitive level and spectacle of the game. At the same time, it will increase exchanges and confrontations with international teams, so that domestic players can accumulate experience and improve their abilities in high-level competitions.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed again: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter and suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood! Buff!

Strengthening the coaching team is undoubtedly a crucial part. You know, a good coach is like a beacon in the navigation for a team, guiding the way forward. They are able to draw on their experience and wisdom to carefully develop reasonable and targeted tactics for the team. These tactics can not only bring out the team's strengths in the game, but also effectively deal with various complex and changing situations.

Good coaches are also good at tapping into the potential of their players. They are able to keenly discover the unique shining points of players, and help players transform their potential into actual abilities through scientific training methods and personalized guidance, so as to achieve self-breakthrough and improvement. At the same time, coaches also play a pivotal role in cultivating the team's chemistry and morale. They are able to build a deep trust and understanding between the players by organising a variety of training sessions and activities, so that the whole team can work together as a whole on the field.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed again: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter and suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood! Buff!

In order to achieve this goal, we should actively attract excellent coaches from home and abroad. Keep an eye out for not only the big-name coaches who are already making a name for themselves, but also the up-and-coming coaches with innovative thinking and unique training methods. By bringing them in, they bring different ideas and methods, constantly update the team's training philosophy and methods, and inject new vitality and creativity into the team. In this way, the overall quality of the team can be gradually improved, so that the team can be comprehensively improved in terms of technology, tactics and psychology.

Rebuilding the spirit of the team is an absolutely indispensable task. Cultivate the fighting spirit of the players, so that no matter how strong the opponent they face on the field, no matter how difficult the predicament they encounter, they can grit their teeth, never give up, and go all out to fight for every ball and every point of victory. At the same time, we should also pay attention to cultivating a sense of cooperation in the team, so that the players can understand that basketball is a team sport, and only by cooperating with each other and supporting each other can we give full play to the maximum strength of the team.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed again: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter and suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood! Buff!

More importantly, it is necessary to enhance the players' sense of national pride. Let them know that they represent not only individuals, but also the honor and image of the country. On the field, we must fight for the dignity and honor of the country, and we must fight for the dignity and honor of the country with high morale and firm faith, not afraid of strong enemies, and strive to be the first, showing the style and spirit of the Chinese women's basketball team.

I believe that as long as the Chinese women's basketball team can reflect deeply, learn from the pain, calmly and accurately identify its own problems, and take practical and effective measures to prescribe the right medicine. Then, they will definitely be able to get rid of the current trough predicament, embark on the journey of rising again, and find the glory and glory that once belonged to them. Let the world once again marvel at the strong rise of the Chinese women's basketball team, and make the Chinese women's basketball team an eternal pride and pride in the hearts of the Chinese people.

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