
Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

author:Dr. Huang talks about health

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Mr. Lee is a retired chef in his sixties, and as a young man, he won numerous accolades for his culinary skills.

After his retirement, he continued to cook every day and enjoy the joy of cooking. One day, Mr. Li saw an article on the Internet with the title "Elderly can't eat a mouthful of mung beans?" ”

The article mentions that the consumption of mung beans by some elderly people may have adverse effects on their health.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

Mr. Li couldn't help muttering in his heart: "There won't be any problems with the mung bean porridge I drink every morning, right?" With doubts in mind, he decided to go to the hospital for a full check-up.

Early Monday morning, Mr. Li arrived at the central hospital as scheduled. He hung up the number of internal medicine, and after a short wait, he walked into the consultation room, and the person who received the consultation was a middle-aged doctor, smiling and looking very kind.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

The doctor sat Mr. Li down and asked him about his basic condition. Mr. Li shared his recent articles on the Internet with his own concerns.

After hearing this, the doctor nodded and said, "Mr. Li, your concern is very reasonable. Mung beans are indeed a nutritious ingredient, but it's not for everyone.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

In order to understand your physical condition, we need to do some tests, especially for kidney function and gastrointestinal tract. ”

Mr. Lee then underwent a series of tests, including blood tests, urinalysis and gastroscopy, which showed that Mr. Lee's kidney function was slightly reduced and his stomach was slightly inflamed.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor gave Mr. Li a detailed explanation.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

Doctor: "Mr. Li, your kidney function is slightly reduced, which is normal at your age, but we need to pay attention to our diet so as not to increase the burden on our kidneys.

Although mung bean is rich in protein, dietary fiber and a variety of trace elements, it also contains high purines, which can easily cause kidney burden, especially for people with high uric acid levels. ”

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

Mr. Li was a little nervous after hearing this: "Then won't I be able to eat mung beans in the future?" ”

The doctor smiled and reassured, "It's not going to be like that." It's just that you need to control your intake and adjust it according to your physical condition.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

If you really like mung bean porridge, you can eat it once a week, but don't overdo it, in addition, we also need to pay attention to the maintenance of the stomach and avoid eating too spicy and stimulating foods. ”

On the advice of his doctor, Mr. Li adjusted his eating habits to reduce his intake of mung beans and add more low-purine foods such as milk, eggs and certain fruits and vegetables.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

He also took some medications under the guidance of a doctor to improve the inflammation in his stomach.

A few months later, Mr. Li came to the hospital again for a follow-up.

The results of this examination showed that his kidney function remained stable and his stomach condition improved, which Mr. Li was very satisfied with, and he also paid more attention to diet and health management.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

Through this experience, Mr. Li deeply realized that although there is a variety of information on the Internet, we must treat it rationally and not blindly follow the trend.

When facing health problems, it is best to seek medical attention from a professional doctor to judge and deal with them according to your specific situation.

In addition, Mr. Lee's experience reminds us that healthy eating needs to vary from person to person. Although mung beans are a nutritious ingredient, they are not suitable for everyone, especially for some elderly people and special populations.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

For example, patients with renal insufficiency, hyperuricemia, gout, and gastrointestinal diseases need to be cautious about eating mung beans and their products.

As a traditional ingredient, mung bean occupies an important place in Chinese food culture, and it can be used not only as a staple food, but also in making a variety of desserts and beverages.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

However, for some special populations, mung beans may have adverse effects. Therefore, when we eat mung beans, we should understand our own health status and arrange our diet reasonably to achieve the purpose of health care.

To sum up, the statement that the elderly can't eat a mouthful of mung beans is not entirely true, but for some special groups of people, it does need to be paid attention to.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Doctor: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

Mr. Li's story has brought us important lessons: when facing health problems, we should remain rational, seek medical attention in a timely manner, follow the advice of professional doctors, and at the same time, we should also pay attention to the adjustment of daily diet and lifestyle habits to maintain good health.

After all, health is the most valuable asset in life, and only by maintaining a healthy body can we better enjoy the beauty of life.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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