
33-year-old Deng Ziqi's desperate fitness has aroused heated discussions! After the song of the iron lung, she sang while exercising, and her strength was really strong

author:Qingyun Sect willows are like smoke

33-year-old Deng Ziqi is fitness and singing

June 29th.

The 33-year-old music superstar Deng Ziqi has once again become the focus of public attention because of his crazy fitness.

This singer, known as the "iron lung", not only showed amazing strength on the music stage, but also showed perseverance and determination in the field of fitness.

While sweating and exercising, she can also sing a song, and her persistence and hard work are admirable.

33-year-old Deng Ziqi's desperate fitness has aroused heated discussions! After the song of the iron lung, she sang while exercising, and her strength was really strong

In Deng Ziqi's fitness photos and videos, she is dressed in tight-fitting sportswear, with a vigorous posture, and every movement is full of strength and beauty.

She not only challenges difficult fitness movements, but also insists on a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises to achieve the best workout results.

This courage and determination to challenge herself is the embodiment of her continuous self-transcendence on the road of music.

33-year-old Deng Ziqi's desperate fitness has aroused heated discussions! After the song of the iron lung, she sang while exercising, and her strength was really strong

What's even more amazing is that Deng Ziqi can maintain a beautiful singing voice while exercising.

You must know that most of us have to hold our breath to have strength when we are exercising, and once we open our mouths, we basically have exhausted our strength, and we don't have much energy left to complete the action.

Therefore, it is really not easy to sing while exercising, and it is also challenging the high notes, not only does it require excellent physical fitness.

It is even more necessary to have a very adequate lung capacity to be able to do this.

33-year-old Deng Ziqi's desperate fitness has aroused heated discussions! After the song of the iron lung, she sang while exercising, and her strength was really strong

I really didn't expect that Deng Ziqi deserved the title of the queen of the song with iron lungs, and he was able to do difficult movements while singing.

It's really an eye-opener.

It is worth mentioning.

Deng Ziqi is working out in the gym, doing difficult movements, and singing in a high pitch while the video is widely circulated on the Internet, in the video she sings while doing sports, her breath is stable, and her timbre is moving.

This skill of "fitness and singing" not only makes people admire her professionalism, but also shows her outstanding performance in fitness.

33-year-old Deng Ziqi's desperate fitness has aroused heated discussions! After the song of the iron lung, she sang while exercising, and her strength was really strong

Deng Ziqi's fitness craze not only aroused widespread attention from netizens, but also inspired more people to devote themselves to fitness.

Her fitness experience has taught us that a healthy body is an important cornerstone of career success.

Only by having a strong body can you better cope with various challenges in work and life.

33-year-old Deng Ziqi's desperate fitness has aroused heated discussions! After the song of the iron lung, she sang while exercising, and her strength was really strong

In addition, Deng Ziqi's fitness method is also worth learning.

She pays attention to scientific exercise, reasonably arranges exercise time and intensity, and avoids physical injuries caused by excessive exercise.

At the same time, she also pays attention to the combination of diet to ensure the intake of nutrients required by the body.

This scientific and healthy way of fitness can not only help us shape a better body, but also improve our physical fitness and immunity.

33-year-old Deng Ziqi's desperate fitness has aroused heated discussions! After the song of the iron lung, she sang while exercising, and her strength was really strong

As a powerful singer, Deng Ziqi has not only achieved great success in music, but also showed his style in the field of fitness.

Her persistence and hard work let us see that if a person wants to achieve success in his career, he must put in enough hard work and sweat.

At the same time, she also told us with her own actions: a healthy body is an important support for realizing dreams.

33-year-old Deng Ziqi's desperate fitness has aroused heated discussions! After the song of the iron lung, she sang while exercising, and her strength was really strong

In this era of competition, we need to have a strong physique and firm belief like Deng Ziqi.

Only in this way can we continue to move forward on the road of life, constantly surpass ourselves, and realize our dreams.

Let's learn from Deng Ziqi together, and create our own brilliant life with sweat and hard work!

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