
"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

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"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

The eighth issue of the wonderful "Singer 2024".

On the stage of the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", who can stand out, and who will accidentally overturn? In this episode of the show, all the singers showed their talents, which was eye-catching. Is the score behind it fair, and what is the audience's reaction? Let's unveil the mystery of this musical feast and explore the performance and fate of each singer.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

Wang Sulong: The prince of love songs reappears in charm

In this episode of the show, Wang Sulong chose a song "Hearing the Sound of Rain", this love song is undoubtedly his forte. From the beginning to the end, Wang Sulong's singing is full of affectionate and delicate emotional expressions, making the audience feel as if they are in the rain, feeling the coolness of every drop of rain and the tenderness of every lyric. His performance has undoubtedly proved his dominance in the field of love songs once again, and it is a sign that his ranking in this edition will be very solid.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

Huang Xuan: A stunning work of relaxation and nature

Huang Xuan, who appeared next, brought a song "Close to You". The song is not only melodic but also full of strong emotional atmosphere. Huang Xuan's performance on stage is relaxed, as if he is sharing his inner story with his friends on a lazy afternoon. His singing not only touched the audience, but also won unanimous praise from the judges. The performance was unexpectedly good and made people look forward to his future.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

Sun Nan: Steady and steady but unexpectedly broken

The veteran singer Sun Nan chose a difficult song this time, which was supposed to be a steady and steady performance, but there was a broken sound at a critical moment. This accident not only caused an uproar at the scene, but also quickly appeared on the hot search. Despite the small mistakes, Sun Nan's overall performance still lived up to expectations, and the enthusiastic response from the audience also showed that his popularity was still high, and the ranking was not expected to be affected too much.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

Lucia's challenge to the leaderboard

In the ranking link, Lucia chose Sun Nan as the target of the challenge, with his strong voice and rich stage experience, Lucia hopes to succeed in the list with this choice. The result was a surprise, and Lucia didn't do it in the end. This failure to make people sweat about Lucia's future, but also makes the audience look forward to the next challenges and changes.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappeared

Fanxia chose to sing Deng Ziqi's classic song "The Devil from Heaven" and completed the entire song in fluent Chinese. Her performance is amazing, as if Deng Ziqi himself reappeared on the stage. Netizens have said that such a performance is simply "eating a few Deng Ziqi". Not only did Fancia show her talent for language, but she also proved her strong competitiveness on this stage, and the number one ranking in this round was almost a certainty.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

Yuan Yawei: Inappropriate repertoire selection

Yuan Yawei sang a song "Twenty-Two" this time, but it failed to resonate as expected. Her transposition technique is a bit abrupt in this song, and the performance of the whole song is not natural as a result. The audience and judges generally agreed that the song was not suitable for her voice and style, which made her ranking in this issue likely to slip and face the risk of elimination.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

Shantimo: Steady play

Shantimo played steadily as always, and although there were not too many surprises in the songs she chose, her singing was still stable and moving. With this consistent performance, Shantimo is still expected to retain his top-three spot. Her solid performance has also proved once again her enduring competitiveness on this stage.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work

Na Ying, who ranked seventh in the last issue, tried her best to perform this time. She mentioned in the interview that she even doubted her ability and status at one point, and this mental pressure can be seen. This time, she impressed the audience and judges with her strength and sincerity, and it is expected that her ranking will rise. Na Ying's hard work and fighting spirit have also won her more respect and attention.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

Tan Weiwei: The charm of national musical instruments

Tan Weiwei once again brought the national musical instrument to the stage, and her performance was shocking, showcasing the unique charm of traditional Chinese music. She not only demonstrated her profound attainments in music, but also promoted national music culture with her own efforts. As a fill-in singer, her strength is undoubted, and every performance makes the audience addicted.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

The gods fight, each with its own advantages

This issue of "Singer 2024" can be described as a "fairy fight", and each singer has its own unique charm and excellence. Wang Sulong's love songs are affectionate and moving, Huang Xuan's ease-free, Sun Nan's accidental sound break, Lucia's failure to hit the charts, Fanxia's amazing performance, Yuan Yawei's inappropriate repertoire, Shantimo's stable performance, Na Ying's fighting spirit, Tan Weiwei's charm of national musical instruments, every singer has shown their truest side on this stage. The competition in this edition is very fierce, and it indicates that the next competition will be even more exciting. The audience is also looking forward to more surprises and touches in the next issue.

"Singer 2024" Fan Xiya: Deng Ziqi reappears, Na Ying: Self-doubt after hard work!

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