
The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

author:Pixiu Kanyu
The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

At the press conference after the Magnolia Awards ceremony, the atmosphere was originally relaxed and warm.

However, a reporter's question suddenly made the atmosphere of the scene more subtle.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

When the wording and tone of the reporter's question, we can clearly feel the implicit questioning of Hu Ge.

The reporter's question: "Mr. Hu Ge, as a Shanghainese actor, do you feel that this award has something to do with your regional background?" On the surface, this sentence seems to be discussing whether Hu Ge's regional background has influenced his award, but in fact, the wording implies a question about the reason for Hu Ge's award.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

First of all, the reporter deliberately emphasized the identity characteristic of "Shanghai actor", which to some extent implies that Hu Ge may have gained some kind of advantage because of his regional background.

This wording is reminiscent of the fact that regional factors may have played an improper role in the selection of the award, thus calling into question Hu Ge's award.

And the reporter's tone also reveals an attitude of inquiry and questioning.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

He did not ask in an affirmative or congratulatory tone, but in a slightly challenging and questioning tone, which further deepened people's doubts about why Hu Ge won the award.

In the face of reporters' questions, Hu Ge behaved very calmly.

He smiled and said, "I was born in Shanghai, that's a fact.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

But the Magnolia Award is a world-oriented award, and it doesn't give you special treatment just because you're from.

I was able to win the award because my performance in this work was recognized, which is a recognition of my professional ability.

Hu Ge's demeanor was confident and calm, and his response not only responded to the reporter's questions, but also expressed his trust in the fairness of the Magnolia Award.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

The deep meaning of Hu Ge's words "I was born in Shanghai, and the Magnolia Award is facing the world" is to emphasize that regional background should not be the criterion for evaluating whether an actor is excellent.

The Magnolia Awards are selected based on the quality of the work and performance itself, not on any other external factors.

Such a response not only reflects Hu Ge's self-confidence, but also shows his adherence to professionalism.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

Since its establishment, the Magnolia Award has been known for its fair and professional selection criteria.

Historically, many of the award-winning cases that have been recognized have stood out for their outstanding production and performance quality.

For example, the actor who won the best actor for "Langya Bang" in a certain year, his superb acting skills and deep-rooted character creation are the most direct reasons for his award.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

Compared with other similar awards, the Magnolia Award pays more attention to the overall quality of the work and the actual performance of the actors in the selection mechanism.

It is not biased by the actor's popularity, geographical background, or other non-professional factors.

This point has also been fully recognized in the evaluation of industry authorities and experts.

They believe that the reason why the Magnolia Award has been able to maintain its impartiality and authority is precisely because it has always adhered to the principle that the quality of the work and performance is the only selection criterion.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

In other industry awards, geographical factors may indeed have a certain impact, such as local protectionism.

However, in the film and television industry, especially in national and even international awards such as the Magnolia Awards, the influence of geographical factors has been greatly weakened.

The allocation of resources and the acquisition of opportunities are more based on the quality of the work and the strength of the actors, rather than the geographical background.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

In the film and television industry, excellent works and excellent actors are often able to cross geographical boundaries and gain wide recognition and praise.

In recent years, some actors who are not from first-tier cities have successfully won important awards such as the Magnolia Award for their outstanding performance in their works.

Their success proves that in the film and television industry, geographical factors are not the key factor in determining whether an actor can win an award.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

On the contrary, the quality of the work, the acting skills of the actors, and the success of the character creation are the core factors that determine whether the award is won or not.

Actors usually need to consider many factors when winning awards, among which acting skills, quality of work, and difficulty of the role are the most important.

Hu Ge's performance in the award-winning works is undoubtedly outstanding, and the highlight of his acting skills lies in his delicate grasp of the character's emotions and layered performance.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

He is able to accurately capture the inner world of the characters, conveying them to the audience through subtle expressions and movements.

This kind of deep-rooted performance allows the audience to not only see the external image of the character, but also feel the emotions and thoughts of the character.

At the same time, Hu Ge's character creation in the work is also quite successful.

He is able to fully integrate himself into the character, bringing out the character's personality, emotions and experiences to the fullest.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

This successful characterization gives the audience a strong sense of empathy and identification with the character, and further enhances Hu Ge's expressiveness and attractiveness in his works.

Among the other competing actors in the same period, although there are also actors with outstanding performances, the reason why Hu Ge can stand out is not only his personal acting strength, but also inseparable from his unique performance and success in character creation in his works.

His performance not only allowed the audience to see the vivid image of the character, but also made them feel the emotion and inner world of the character.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

This kind of deep-rooted performance and successful character creation are undoubtedly the biggest advantages of Hu Ge's award.

On social media, the public's response to reporters' questions and Hu Ge's responses was enthusiastic and diverse.

Some supported the reporter's question, arguing that it would help reveal potential problems within the industry; There are also people who support Hu Ge, believing that his response fully demonstrates confidence and strength.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

The divergence of public opinion is mainly due to the different views on regional factors in the selection of awards, while the consensus is that everyone hopes that the Magnolia Award will maintain its impartiality and authority.

Some fans and viewers have argued strongly and well in defense of Hu Ge.

They pointed out that Hu Ge's performance in the award-winning works was impeccable, and his acting skills and character creation were widely recognized and praised.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

Therefore, his award is well deserved, regardless of geographical background.

These strong arguments further prove the legitimacy and fairness of Hu Ge's award.


The core point of this incident is the reporter's questioning of Hu Ge's award for Shanghai nationality and Hu Ge's confident response to this.

The controversy focused on the potential impact of geographical factors in the selection of the Magnolia Awards.

The reporter questioned that Magnolia was a game in the Shanghai circle, and Hu Ge spoke with high emotional intelligence in the background, implying that he was world-class

Through an in-depth analysis of the background of the incident, the reporter's questioning, Hu Ge's response, and the fairness of the Magnolia Award, we can conclude that regional factors are not the decisive factor in the selection of the Magnolia Award, and what really determines whether an actor can win the award is the quality of his works and his personal acting strength.

For the future selection of the Magnolia Award, we expect it to continue to maintain its impartiality and authority, and become an award that truly represents the highest level of the Chinese film and television industry.

At the same time, we also hope that the actors can maintain a confident and calm attitude like Hu Ge in the face of similar doubts, and respond to all doubts with strength and professionalism.

The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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