
Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

author:Montessori Media

Text: Montessori Media

When the bright starlight meets "The Story of the Rose", there seems to be some kind of indissoluble bond between Liu Yifei and her character Huang Yimei (Rose).

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

Behind the hit drama, there are not only fascinating stories, but also Liu Yifei's real perception and unique insights into life. Recently, Liu Yifei shared her heart in a live broadcast, allowing people to have a deeper understanding of this goddess.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

Rose and Liu Yifei: The collision in and out of the play

In "The Story of Rose", Liu Yifei endowed the heroine Huang Yimei (Rose) with her superb acting skills rich and profound vitality.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

She has experienced the baptism of the workplace, transforming from a young newcomer to an independent entrepreneurial partner; felt the sweetness and bitterness of love, from first love to marriage, always stick to true love; In the end, she Liu Yifei sincerely confided in the live broadcast that although she and Rose have their own life paths, they have both encountered those distressing "scumbag" experiences on the road of love.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

This similar emotional frustration resonates strongly in their hearts. This revelation instantly ignited the curiosity of netizens, and also made people look forward to Liu Yifei's sharing even more.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

A unique insight into the "scumbag".

When talking about the topic of scumbags, Liu Yifei did not grit her teeth and be indignant like many people. Liu Yifei calmly and firmly explained: "As far as I can see, what Rose has experienced is not a real 'scumbag' injury. The twists and turns and tribulations in life are just catalysts for growth, learning resilience and self-strength.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

This sentence surprised netizens and also triggered everyone's in-depth thinking about the definition of "scumbag". Liu Yifei believes that the real scumbags are those who use their feelings and deceive others, and what Rose encountered is just a small episode in her life, which is not worth dwelling too on.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

The cultivation and personality charm of the actors

In addition to her understanding of the role, Liu Yifei also talked about how to be a good actor. She believes that actors must first have humanity and good personality charm, so that they can better feel the emotions experienced by the characters. She criticized the current phenomenon of some actors ignoring artistic accumulation and acting skills due to their rapid popularity, and believes that such actors will not last long.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

Liu Yifei solemnly emphasized that as a public figure, she has always adhered to her awe of herself, the audience, and her works, and this responsibility and responsibility has undoubtedly won her the admiration and respect of more people.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

Positive attitude towards life

In the live broadcast, Liu Yifei not only deeply analyzed the character, but also shared her unique identity and perception of the character of Rose, she said that Rose's tenacity and courage are what she admires and pursues, and this resonance makes her have a deeper emotional connection to the character. Liu Yifei believes that Rose has shown admirable tenacity and optimism in the face of the tribulations of life and love.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

This indomitable and positive spirit is undoubtedly a valuable asset that everyone should learn from when they encounter challenges. Liu Yifei encouraged everyone to dare to love and hate like roses, and to move forward bravely, because only in this way can we continue to grow and progress on the road of life.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

Your "scumbag" experience

In order to increase the interactivity and interest of the live broadcast, Liu Yifei also set up an interactive link, inviting netizens to share their "scumbag" experience.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

This link sparked heated discussions and active participation among netizens, and many people left messages to share their stories. Through this link, Liu Yifei not only shortened the distance with netizens, but also made everyone feel her kindness and care.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

Grow up with Liu Yifei

Through this live broadcast, we not only learned about Liu Yifei's in-depth understanding and unique insights into "The Story of Rose", but also felt her cultivation and personality charm as an actor.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

More importantly, we have learned from her sharing a positive attitude towards life and courage to face difficulties. Let us join hands with Liu Yifei to embark on the road of growth together and bravely meet every challenge in life. Under her guidance, we will learn to persevere, move forward fearlessly, and write our own wonderful chapter of life together.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag?

Interactive Invitations:

Dear readers, have you had similar ups and downs in your life journey? At some point, you have also felt the twists and turns of life, but you still move forward firmly, constantly pursuing the light and hope in your heart? You are cordially invited to leave your footprints in the comment section and share your stories and insights. Let's listen together, inspire each other, draw wisdom from the ocean of communication, grow together, and create a better future together! Looking forward to your wonderful sharing! And don't forget to follow our account for more interesting and informative content!


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