
Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

author:Sauce sauce readings
Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives
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Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

On an ordinary Thursday morning, Aunt Huang in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, got up as usual. However, this day was destined to be unusual. She dressed up, packed her bags, and embarked on an unusual journey.

The destination is distant Changchun, and the only purpose of her trip is to meet the prince charming in her mind - "Jin Dong".

Aunt Huang is 61 years old and an ordinary rural woman. However, not long ago, her life was completely changed by an accident. On the short video platform, she met an account claiming to be the famous actor Jin Dong.

That "Jin Dong" greeted her with warmth, called her "sister", and even promised to give her one million yuan and a mansion. This made Aunt Huang's heart bloom, as if she had found the second spring of her life.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

For this "relationship", Aunt Huang paid a huge price. She cut off her long hair, separated from her husband, and even left her children behind. The people around her persuaded her that it was a scam, but she firmly believed it.

In her opinion, "Jin Dong" is the hope and sustenance of her later life.

However, when Aunt Huang comes to Changchun full of expectations, what awaits her is not the lover of her dreams, but a heartbreaking truth. This "Jin Dong" simply does not exist, and everything she has experienced is just an elaborate scam.

Aunt Huang's experience quickly spread across the country and aroused widespread attention.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

This seemingly absurd story actually reflects the survival plight of middle-aged and elderly women, a group that cannot be ignored in contemporary Chinese society. Their loneliness, their desires, their neglected needs, are all laid bare in this scam.

Let's follow in the footsteps of Aunt Huang to unveil this scam and explore the truth behind those disliked lives.

Aunt Huang is one of the many victims who fell for this scam. She told reporters with deep conviction: "Jin Dong has announced to the people of the whole country that he loves me!" In her imagination, "Jin Dong" not only promised to give her one million yuan, but also gave her a luxury residence.

These promises gave Aunt Huang hope for a life-change, and she began to immerse herself in this illusory relationship.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

In order to maintain this "relationship", Aunt Huang made a distressing move. She cut off her long hair, separated from her husband, and even left her children behind.

Relatives and friends around her tried to dissuade her, but Aunt Huang stubbornly insisted on her choice. Although her behavior seems absurd, it reflects the loneliness and longing in the hearts of many middle-aged and elderly women.

However, the truth of these "Jin Dong" accounts is ridiculous. They use low-quality video effects, and the dubbing is either a stilted AI voice or a thick local accent.

In some videos, the voice doesn't even match the lip shape. For people with a modicum of cyber knowledge, these vulnerabilities are obvious. But for middle-aged and elderly women like Aunt Huang, it is difficult for them to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

When the matter was finally revealed and Jin Dong's studio had to issue a statement to clarify, Aunt Huang still didn't want to believe that it was a hoax.

Behind this "Jin Dong scam", there is a huge industrial chain. Scammers use these accounts to attract followers, conduct live streams, and even sell high-priced health supplements.

When the number of followers reaches a certain level, they will sell the account for profit. This kind of behavior not only damages the rights and interests of celebrities, but also takes advantage of the feelings and trust of middle-aged and elderly women.

Aunt Huang's story, and the middle-aged and elderly women who were scammed, what happened to them was more than just a simple online scam. It sheds light on the dilemmas faced by a neglected group in our society.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

These women crave attention, love and change their lives. And these needs have become a breakthrough for criminals to take advantage of.

The revelation of this hoax has allowed us to see the social problems hidden behind these seemingly absurd behaviors. It reminds us of the need to pay more attention to middle-aged and older women, understand their needs, and provide them with more social support and care.

Only in this way can we really help them get rid of loneliness and stay away from scams.

Auntie Huang's story is not unique, and her story reflects the survival plight of many middle-aged and elderly women in China. This group is generally faced with problems such as unbalanced family status and spiritual emptiness, their needs have been neglected for a long time, and their inner loneliness is deepening day by day.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

Many women like Aunt Huang have spent their lives selflessly dedicating themselves to their families, but they rarely receive the respect and love they deserve. Aunt Huang's married life is a typical example.

Her husband chose to be rich because of money, and her two sons were not motivated and cared little about their parents. There was almost no communication between husband and wife, and in their later years, they were forced to accept the arrangement of "three generations returning to their ancestors".

This kind of encounter is not uncommon among middle-aged and older women in China, and many of them are silently suffering from the imbalance of family status.

The arrival of menopause is even worse. Society is often prejudiced against menopausal women, labeling them as emotionally unstable and difficult "menopausal aunts".

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

This stereotype not only ignores their physical and mental changes, but also adds to their psychological burden. is like the leopard lady in the TV series "Please Answer 1988", who faces menopause calmly on the surface, but cries alone in the middle of the night, and her heart is full of fear of the loss of youth and anxiety about the future.

However, menopause is not the only challenge they face. These women also have onerous family responsibilities. When they are young, they give their whole attention to their children, and when they are old, they have to take on the responsibility of taking care of their grandchildren.

As Yu Xiuhua said, the meaning of rural women's lives seems to be selfless dedication to the next generation, busy all day long, exhausting their efforts. It seems as if they can never get rid of their role as "caregivers", but they rarely receive the same kind of care.

This dilemma is even more pronounced in later years. According to UN Women, older men are mainly cared for by their wives, while older women are mainly dependent on other female relatives for care.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

This means that even at an age when they need to be cared for, these women still struggle to escape the responsibility of caring for others.

Long-term dedication and neglect, coupled with the imbalance of family status, have created lonely souls. They want to be understood, to be loved, to be heard.

It is this deep sense of loneliness and neglected need that provides an opportunity for scams such as the "Jin Dong Scam".

What happened to Aunt Huang, along with countless other middle-aged and elderly women in similar situations, tells a cruel reality: in our society, the survival plight of this group needs urgent attention and improvement.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

They need more understanding, respect and social support, and a channel where they can listen and meet their emotional needs. Only by facing up to these problems can we truly help this group get out of the predicament and find their own happiness.

In today's youth-dominated society, middle-aged and older women are often marginalized, and their needs and predicaments are often overlooked. This lack of social attention is not only reflected in daily life, but also in the lack of discourse power in various fields.

Middle-aged and elderly women gradually lose their voice in aesthetic concepts, fall behind in fashion trends, and gradually disappear in front of the camera. Their images are often simplified and labeled, labeled as "auntie" and "menopause", while the rich inner world behind these labels is rarely noticed and understood.

Dissatisfaction with married life is a common problem faced by many middle-aged and older women. However, even if they are dissatisfied with the status quo, most of them do not dare to choose divorce easily.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

Factors such as social pressure, economic dependence, and consideration for their children make them have to choose to "make do with life". This kind of helplessness and pain is often ignored by society and even taken for granted.

The shackles of conventional wisdom are another important factor. As the poet Yu Xiuhua described, many rural women are deeply imprinted with the idea of passing on their ancestors, and the meaning of their lives seems to be to pay for the next generation.

This concept restricts their awareness and pursuit of self-worth, making it difficult for them to jump out of the established role positioning.

The imperfection of the social support system has exacerbated the plight of this group. When they face family conflicts, emotional needs, physical and mental health problems, they often lack professional guidance and help.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

Their spiritual needs are not met, and their inner sense of emptiness is getting stronger and stronger, which is also an important reason why they are prone to all kinds of scams.

The stereotypical portrayal of this group in the media is also worth reflecting on. The TV series "When Adolescence Meets Menopause" portrays menopause as a hysterical problem, and this stereotype not only does not help the public understand the situation of middle-aged and older women, but only deepens the misunderstanding of them.

What happened to Aunt Huang is a typical case. Before meeting "Jin Dong", her life was full of helplessness and disappointment. Her husband's indifference, her children's incomprehension, and the solidification of social roles all made her feel deeply lonely.

When "Jin Dong" appeared, she saw the hope of being noticed and loved, even if it was just an illusory illusion.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

This phenomenon reminds us that society needs to pay more attention to middle-aged and elderly women, understand their needs, and provide them with more support and care. We need to re-examine stereotypes about this group and give them the respect and understanding they deserve.

At the same time, it is also necessary to establish a better social support system to provide them with psychological counseling, interest cultivation and other services to help them find a new direction in life.

Only by working together can we truly improve the living conditions of middle-aged and elderly women, so that their old age is no longer lonely and helpless. This is not only a care for this group, but also an important promotion for the healthy development of the whole society.

When discussing the plight faced by middle-aged and older women, the cold data reveals a harsh reality. Behind these numbers is a true portrayal of countless middle-aged and elderly women like Aunt Huang, whose pain and struggle are quietly affecting the entire society.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

Let's start with the results of a 2009 survey of older rural women in Shaanxi Province. According to the survey, nearly 80 percent of elderly women in rural areas feel empty and lonely.

Behind this staggering ratio is the mental distress that tens of thousands of older women experience in their later lives. They may have children and grandchildren around their knees, but they still feel deeply lonely; They may have no worries about food and clothing, but their hearts are filled with a sense of emptiness.

This kind of pervasive psychological condition is precisely the soil in which the "Jin Dong scam" and other incidents have occurred.

The findings of the World Health Organization are equally alarming. The data showed that the self-report rate of depressive symptoms among older Chinese women was significantly higher than that of men. This means that women are more likely than men to suffer from mental health problems as they age.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

This may be related to factors such as family responsibilities, changes in social roles, and declining physical functions. However, these issues are often overlooked or even simply boiled down to "menopausal syndrome".

Even more alarming was a survey conducted by Tencent in 2016. The results show that more than 7 in 10 respondents said they regret their married life, and 76 percent of them are women. 6%, far more than nearly 2% of men.

This data reveals a troubling truth: the majority of Chinese women are not satisfied with their married life. They may choose to maintain their marriage for various reasons, but their hearts are full of regret and unwillingness.

The data paints a heart-wrenching picture: the majority of middle-aged and older women are going through an inner torment. They may be calm on the surface, but inside they are full of loneliness, emptiness, and dissatisfaction.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

This situation not only affects their quality of life, but also provides an opportunity for various scams.

What happened to Aunt Huang is a concrete embodiment of these data. Her loneliness, dissatisfaction with her marriage, and desire for love all fit well with these findings.

Her story, and each individual behind the data, speaks to the common dilemma faced by this group.

These data should give us food for thought. They not only reflect the living conditions of middle-aged and elderly women, but also reflect the problems existing in our society.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

Only by facing up to these problems and understanding the needs of middle-aged and elderly women can we truly help them get out of the predicament and find their own happiness. This is not only about the well-being of millions of individuals, but also about the harmony and progress of the whole society.

First, society needs to re-examine its perception of middle-aged and older women. We should abandon those stereotypes and prejudices and recognize their rich inner world and unique values.

Every middle-aged and elderly woman like Aunt Huang has her own story and pursuits. We should give them the respect and understanding they deserve, rather than simply categorizing them as "big moms" or "menopausal women".

Family members should be given more love and support. Children need to be aware that parents, especially mothers, also need emotional care. We should spend more time with them, listen to their voices and understand their needs.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

This is not only filial piety, but also respect and understanding of human nature.

At the same time, we need to build a better social support system. Psychological counseling services for middle-aged and older women can be considered to help them cope with various challenges in life.

Interest-building courses are offered to encourage them to develop new hobbies and enrich their later life. Establish community centers to provide them with a platform for socialization and self-realization.

The media should also be held accountable in portraying middle-aged and older women. We need more real, three-dimensional images of middle-aged and elderly women to show their wisdom, strength and value.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

This will not only raise awareness of this group in society, but also provide a positive role model for middle-aged and older women themselves.

The education system should also include relevant content to cultivate respect and understanding among young people towards the elderly, especially older women, from an early age. This will help eliminate intergenerational bias and create a more inclusive social environment.

Government departments can consider formulating policies to provide more employment opportunities and social participation channels for middle-aged and elderly women. This not only increases their economic independence, but also strengthens their sense of social worth.

Finally, each of us should reflect on our attitudes and behaviors. When we meet middle-aged and elderly women like Aunt Huang, don't judge or ridicule them easily.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

Instead, we should try to understand their situation and offer compassion and support.

Only with the joint efforts of the whole society can we truly improve the living conditions of middle-aged and elderly women, so that their old age is no longer lonely and helpless. Let's take action together to speak up for this neglected group, so that their lives are no longer disliked, but they are treated with the respect and care they deserve.

This is not only a care for the individual, but also an important promotion for the healthy development of the whole society.

By confronting and addressing these issues, we can not only help middle-aged and elderly women like Auntie Huang, but also contribute to building a fairer and more harmonious society.

Behind the "Jin Dong scam", how many women have been disgusted all their lives

Let's work together to create a better society where everyone, regardless of age or gender, can be respected and cared for.

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