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author:Yan Keer 9O0Y

Entertainment Storm: The Secrets Behind Famous Paintings and Love and Hate Blend

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Ever heard of it? A famous painting that has been silent for 400 years has reappeared at auction, and it is also related to an old case! What kind of love and hatred are hidden behind this? What kind of revenge drama is about to be staged? Don't worry, and listen to me slowly.

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1. Famous paintings are surprising, and the entertainment storm is sweeping

In the star-studded entertainment industry, there are always some unexpected things happening. This time, the famous painting in the hand of Bae Tae-jin, the president of South Korea's largest gallery, was like a bombshell, which blew up the entire art circle. This painting not only has high artistic value, but also carries a dusty history.

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Bae Tae-jin, a legend in the gallery world, single-handedly founded Korea's largest gallery, and with his keen market insight and eye-catching, he has always found the forgotten treasures. And this famous painting is the treasure he has been looking for for many years.

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The story behind a famous painting is even more fascinating than the artistic charm it shows. It is said that this painting was made by a talented painter and was the most proud work of his life. However, with the death of the painter, the painting also disappeared into the long river of history. It wasn't until Bae Tae-jin's appearance that it saw the light of day.

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2. The flame of revenge, igniting the night of the gallery

However, the appearance of this famous painting caused another storm.

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Wu Qinghao, a former criminal policeman, has now turned into a detective novelist. His works are known for their suspense and reasoning, and each one is addictive. And his new work is inextricably linked to this famous painting.

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Many years ago, Wu Qinghao's daughter was brutally murdered, but the murderer escaped the law on the grounds of mental problems.

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This case dealt a huge blow to Wu Qinghao and made him deeply doubt justice. He began to explore the dark side of human nature in his work, trying to find a justification for revenge.

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And this time, when Wu Qinghao's well-known paintings were related to the case of that year, he decided to investigate it himself. He went deep into the gallery and started a battle of wits with Bae Tae-jin. In the course of the investigation, he found that the murders were only a prelude, and the real target was actually the murderer who had escaped justice.

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3. The love and hatred behind famous paintings

As the investigation deepened, Wu Qinghao gradually uncovered the secrets behind the famous paintings.

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It turned out that the painting once belonged to an ancient family and was a symbol of their family's glory. However, in a family feud, the famous painting was taken away and lost for hundreds of years. And Zheng Shunzhen is one of the descendants of this family.

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Zheng Shunzhen, a woman who seems to be weak but has a strong heart.

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She will do whatever it takes to get back the famous painting and the glory of the family. She used her wisdom and resources to engage in a thrilling battle with the gallery's president, Bae Tae-jin. In this contest, she not only succeeded in regaining the famous painting, but also sought justice for her daughter's death.

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However, the cost of revenge is heavy. Jung Soon-jung also paid a huge price in her actions, including her own freedom and happiness. But she firmly believes that she is doing the right thing because she has brought justice to her daughter and justice to society.

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Fourth, netizens are hotly discussed, the dark side of the entertainment industry

The incident sparked widespread discussion and heated discussions on social media. Netizens have expressed their opinions and opinions. Some people believe that Zheng Shunzhen's approach is a symbol of bravery and justice, while others believe that she should solve the problem through legal means.

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Others believe that the incident reflects the dark side of the entertainment industry and the art auction market, as well as the complexity of human nature.

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In this discussion, people began to reflect on the relationship between law and morality and the nature of human nature. Some people believe that the law should punish criminals more severely to maintain fairness and justice in society; There are also those who believe that we should pay more attention to the causes behind crime and social problems to solve the problem at its root.

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A famous painting, a revenge, a deep reflection on human nature, law and morality. In this world of temptation and desire, how do we hold fast to our beliefs and values? Perhaps that's what we need to think about. The story of Wu Qinghao and Zheng Shunzhen not only allows us to see the complexity and contradictions of human nature, but also allows us to see the power of courage, justice and love. Let us keep a clear head in the storm of entertainment, and use wisdom and courage to pursue our own justice and happiness.

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